ノジマ 鎌ケ谷店

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ノジマ 鎌ケ谷店

住所 :

Higashimichinobe, Kamagaya, 〒273-0115 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://www.nojima.co.jp/shop/chiba/kamagaya/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Higashimichinobe, Kamagaya, 〒273-0115 Chiba,Japan
川口登 on Google

やっとSwitchが 転売ヤー対策のおかげで無事購入出来ました。確かに今回の対策は、有効でしたが本当に欲しい新規顧客には、条件が厳しいですね。 まあそのおかげで購入出来たのですが、この手は鼠の追いかけっこですが、これからもより良い市場環境をお願いします。
Finally Switch Thanks to the reseller measures, I was able to purchase safely. Certainly, this measure was effective, but the conditions are strict for new customers who really want it. Well, thanks to that, I was able to purchase it, but this hand is a chase of mice, but please continue to have a better market environment.
伸敏笠井 on Google

スマホの買い替えでお邪魔しましたが驚きました。 iPhoneがこんなに安くて助かりました。 安いというかマイナスなので余ったポイントで高機能の洗濯機が負担無しで購入出来たのでさらに良かったです。 データ入れ替えも嫌な顔せず付き合って貰えました。 最後の方はグッタリしてしまい未だ月々の使用料よくわかりませんが
I was surprised that I was bothered by the replacement of my smartphone. iPhone was so cheap and saved. It was even better because I could buy a high-performance washing machine without any burden because it was cheap or negative. I was able to get along with them without a disgusting face when exchanging data. The last one is so tight that I still don't know the monthly usage fee.
板橋洋子 on Google

I visited Nojima Electric for the first time. I checked the word-of-mouth in advance, but I would like to thank the very kind clerk as the word-of-mouth. Mr. Ueno showed me many ways to make it cheaper, and I was able to purchase a mobile phone at a very low price. We are grateful to everyone for their polite response. Thank you very much. Thank you in the future.
LUKUKEルクケ on Google

ご対応者:ジブ様 冷蔵庫と洗濯機を購入しました。 ・事前に某大手家電量販店で商品説明や特徴等を聞いていたので良かったのですが、商品知識が乏しく説明や提案が全く無かった。知識が無いまま寄ってたら分からないままだったと思います。冷蔵庫の下に敷くシートについてもアドバイス頂きたかったです。設置当日に業者より購入しました。 ・購入意思決定後、冷蔵庫の在庫が無くなったとのこと。最新版を代替してくれたことは非常に嬉しいのですが、急に対応が悪くなったと感じました。(速く帰ってほしい、接客終わらしたい様子。顔の表情も悪くなったと思います。八つ当たりは勘弁して欲しいです。) ・待ち時間が長い(バックヤードに戻る回数が多い) ・大きな買い物だったので無金利分割払いを活用したかったのですが「洗濯機の在庫が無くなるかも」と脅され利用できませんでした。 また、Dカード(クレカ)で支払いを行いたかったのですが、忘れたDカードを家に取りに行くことも上記同様の理由で出来ませんでした。購入意思があるのだから、少しの時間くらい待って在庫を確保しておいて頂けないのでしょうか。 ・家電は以前より貴店舗にてお世話になっているので今後も利用させて頂きたいと思いますが、次回は違う担当の方から購入させて頂きたいです。
Correspondent: Jib I bought a refrigerator and a washing machine. ・ I was glad that I had heard the product description and features at a major electronics retail store in advance, but I lacked product knowledge and did not have any explanations or suggestions. I think I wouldn't know if I stopped by without any knowledge. I also wanted advice on the sheet to be laid under the refrigerator. Purchased from a vendor on the day of installation. ・ After making a purchase decision, the refrigerator was out of stock. I am very happy to have replaced the latest version, but I suddenly felt that the response had deteriorated. (I want you to go home quickly, I want to finish the customer service. I think that the facial expression has also deteriorated. I want you to forgive me for the eight hits.) ・ Long waiting time (many returns to the backyard) ・ Since it was a big purchase, I wanted to use the interest-free installment payment, but I couldn't use it because I was threatened that the washing machine might run out of stock. Also, I wanted to pay with a D card (Kureka), but I couldn't go home to pick up my forgotten D card for the same reason as above. Since I am willing to buy it, could you please wait for a while to secure the stock? ・ Since home appliances have been taken care of at your store for a long time, I would like to continue using them, but next time I would like to purchase from a different person in charge.
Journey 7 on Google

冷蔵庫を購入したくて、一ヶ月前からメーカー、仕様等調べたのだが、いざ購入段階になると時間が掛かるもの コロナ禍なので、一括で支払うと何があるかわからなく不安が残る為、長期の分割で無金利が絶対条件で話を進めていく。数店訪問したが、意図を汲みかつ、的確な助言をノジマ鎌ケ谷店の女性店員さんは瞬時に理解してくれました。大物の家電購入は体力と精神力が維持できないと妥協してしまい、後で後悔してしまうのだが、自分の構想通りに会話が進み希望通の家電が購入出来たので気持ちよく時間が、過ぎていきとても満足です。 ありがとうございました。
I wanted to buy a refrigerator, so I checked the manufacturer, specifications, etc. from a month ago, but it takes time when it comes to the purchase stage. Since it is a corona disaster, I am uncertain about what will happen if I pay in a lump sum, so I will proceed with the discussion on the absolute condition that no interest rate is in the long-term split. I visited several stores, but the female clerk at Nojima Kamagaya store instantly understood the intentional and accurate advice. When I buy a big home appliance, I compromise if I can't maintain my physical strength and mental strength, and I regret it later. I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
Arnold Guevarra on Google

Any want you like,for house aplliances nojima is the best ,for affordable price
anam iqbal on Google

suraj jarus on Google

Nice staff and lots of support for buying electronic goods

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