ケーズデンキ 船橋夏見台店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ケーズデンキ 船橋夏見台店

住所 :

Natsumidai, Funabashi, 〒273-0866 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.ksdenki.com/shop/s/s0111256
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Natsumidai, Funabashi, 〒273-0866 Chiba,Japan
矢野俊一 on Google

You can consult with us and propose good ones.
MYpenRAI IwaO on Google

取り立てて言うことありません。 家電量販店の一つ。それ以上でも、それ以下でもなし。ここは家電製品の消耗品を買うのに便利。 この近辺には公衆トイレがないので、いつもここを利用させていただいてます。
I have nothing to say. One of the home electronics mass retailers. No more, no less. This is a convenient place to buy consumables for home appliances. There are no public toilets around here, so I always use it.
やす on Google

I was considering purchasing an air purifier, so I compared it with other stores, but the store clerk had a wealth of product knowledge and the price was discounted to the point where I was satisfied, so I bought it at this store. Decided.
S O (Roots_of_magic) on Google

地域密着型の店舗として営業しています。店員さんは丁寧だしあまり、ガツガツして良ないのが良いと思います。 価格は、付近の他店と比べると高めですが、駐車場もしっかりとあり近所にあるのは助かります。
We operate as a community-based store. The clerk is polite and I think it's good not to be too rugged. The price is higher than other stores in the vicinity, but it is helpful to have a parking lot in the neighborhood.
hirotaka takahashi on Google

何店か、競合他社がいる電機屋さんのなかでも、割合、店員さんの接客のモチベーションが高いかなぁと感じます。 他社より高ければ、当然割り引きし、オプションを付けたいと言えば在庫を調べて。 当たり前のことが、当たり前にできるお店です。お客さんのワガママも、吸収してくれるので、ポイントガードとかが無いぶん、気軽に買い物ができます。
Among the electronics stores that have competitors at several stores, I feel that the sales staff are highly motivated. If it is higher than other companies, of course, discount it, and if you want to add options, check inventory. It's a shop where you can take for granted. The customer's selfishness is also absorbed, so there is no point guard, so shopping is easy.
E.A on Google

最寄りの家電量販店 「ケーズデンキ船橋夏見台店」‼️ スーパーマーケット跡地居抜きの店舗で大型店⁉️とは言えない程の 敷地ですが駐車場?️もそこそこ広く停めやすいです。 店舗内、週末でしたが人影はまばらでスタッフもまばらです。 しかし購入目的の商品を見ていると呼んでもいないのにスタッフが すぅ~と現れ親切丁寧に商品説明をしてもらえます。 私も「まる子ちゃん」と同意見で ポイントより現金割引の方が良く自社CMで唄っているので ?「新製品が安いケーズデンキ」? 安心してスタッフに値引き交渉を試みるのですがなかなか同意に至りません。 時を改め先程と違うスタッフに 交渉してみるとこちらの価格提示無しでスッと❕希望の価格へ❗ スタッフに寄っても値引き価格が違うので諦めないで交渉した方が良いですよ。 昨今インターネットでの購入が増えるなか感情のあるやり取りは店舗内購入ならではだと思います。 値引きしていただきありがとうございます。またその節は宜しくお願いします。
The nearest home electronics store “K's Denki Funabashi Natsumidai Store”‼ ️ It is a store without a supermarket ruins and it can not be said that it is a large store ⁉️ Although it is the site, the parking lot ?️ is also easy to park. It was a weekend in the store, but the people were sparse and the staff was sparse. However, the staff did not call that they were looking at the product for purchase Suu ~ will appear and kindly and carefully explain the product. I agree with Maruko-chan Cash discount is better than points ? “Kesdenki where new products are cheap” ? I try to negotiate with the staff with a peace of mind, but I do not readily agree. Change the time to a different staff If you negotiate, you can quickly get to the desired price without presenting the price here. It is better to negotiate without giving up because the discount price is different even if you stop by the staff. With the recent increase in internet purchases, I think that emotional exchange is unique to in-store purchases. Thank you for the discount. And thank you for that section.
Peter Gilmour on Google

I went to see it because I wanted to buy a microwave oven, but he was kind and polite and explained in various ways ??
アインズウールゴーン。 on Google

食洗機を買おうとして見ていたのですが 店員が近くにいるにも関わらずお探しですかもなく、説明もする気が無さそうなので他所の店で買わせて頂きました。
I was looking to buy a dishwasher, but I wasn't looking for it even though the clerk was nearby, and I didn't seem to want to explain it, so I bought it at another store.

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