Higashimaebashiseikeigeka Clinic - Maebashi

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Higashimaebashiseikeigeka Clinic

住所 :

1302-2 Nishiomuromachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2104, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878777
Postal code : 379-2104
Webサイト : http://www.hm-seikei.com/

1302-2 Nishiomuromachi, Maebashi, Gunma 379-2104, Japan
栁澤万里子 on Google

両側第2リスフラン関節症の手術を受け1ヶ月の入院をしました。 6年近く前から痛みのあった足に初めて納得のいく診断でした。「手術をすれば痛みはなくなります」との日尾先生の言葉と笑顔にどんなに救われたことでしょう! コロナ禍の中、家族の面会の無い入院生活でしたが、日尾先生、看護師さん、助手さん、担当の神田先生はじめリハビリの先生方、みなさんの支えと励ましと笑顔が心強く、不安もなく前向きに過ごすことができ本当に感謝しています。たくさん話を聞いて下さった看護師長の新嶋さんは憧れてしまうほど素敵な方でした。 リハビリは毎日2回、1時間ずつじっくり関わりながら、ほめて励まして下さいました。退院時も退院後のリハビリについて丁寧にご指導下さり、今も続けています。 シャワーは2日に1度、洗髪は昼間いつでもすることができました。食事も美味しく、お掃除も頻繁にして下さって気持ち良く過ごすことができました。 退院の時間を家族の都合に合わせていただけたことも有り難かったです。 みなさんのお仕事ぶりから、保育士として学ぶことの多い1ヶ月となりましたことも心より感謝しております。
I had surgery for bilateral second Lisfranc arthropathy and was hospitalized for one month. It was the first convincing diagnosis for a painful leg for almost 6 years. How much I was saved by Dr. Hio's words and smile, "If you have surgery, the pain will disappear!" Although I was hospitalized without a family visit during the corona, I was reassured by the support, encouragement and smiles of Dr. Hio, the nurse, the assistant, Dr. Kanda in charge, and the rehabilitation teachers, without any anxiety. I am really grateful to be able to spend my time positively. Mr. Niijima, the chief nurse who listened to a lot of stories, was such a wonderful person that I longed for him. The rehabilitation was praised and encouraged while being involved twice a day for one hour. Even at the time of discharge, he gave me careful guidance on rehabilitation after discharge, and I continue to do so. I was able to shower once every two days and wash my hair anytime during the day. The food was delicious and the cleaning was frequent, so I was able to spend a pleasant time. I am grateful that I was able to adjust the discharge time to the convenience of my family. I am deeply grateful that it has been a month since I learned a lot as a childcare worker because of everyone's work.
Chisato .O on Google

A herniated disc that seems to have been suffering for many years. I attended other orthopedic surgeons in the prefecture, but since it deteriorated rapidly, I consulted with an acquaintance and was recommended by Dr. Manabe of this hospital. I had to do various tests and have surgery. At the time of the pre-surgery examination, the explanations before and after the surgery were easy to understand, and I was able to undergo the surgery with peace of mind. Regarding rehabilitation, Dr. Suehiro, a physiotherapist, was in charge. I was able to rehabilitate without anxiety by responding kindly and politely and answering questions accurately. Thank you very much for teaching me how to stretch. Regarding the facilities, the hospital was clean and tidy. I think the staff are cheerful and reliable.
齊藤玲子 on Google

Rehabilitation in the convalescent ward was difficult because it was three times a day, but I was able to get stronger day by day and was able to leave the hospital with the confidence to walk. The rehabilitation staff and everyone were very enthusiastic, and I am glad that I visited this hospital as well as the surgery.
木村光明 on Google

The teacher in charge was as young as 42 years old, but he was very kind, explained well, and the surgery was perfect. The rehabilitation staff and the nurse staff also responded comfortably. Unfortunately, there were some things that I couldn't eat at times, so I asked for improvement.
Yuuki Ito on Google

2021.12月中旬から2022.1月末まで約1か月半入院。最高の病院でした。 以下長文失礼。 ■医師 各部位に特化した名医が在籍しています。私は救急搬送された総合病院から希望しての転院でしたが、前の病院では2か所の骨折診断だったのが転院後に同じ資料(追加検査無し)で更に2か所の骨折が追加判明しました。セカンドオピニオンは大事です。私の担当は日尾先生でしたが、他の病院から教えを請われる程の技術をお持ちです。手術も正確で、粉々だった骨が綺麗に整形されていました。術後傷周りの治りも良くリハビリに専念出来ました。ギプスや患部への処置にも迷いがありません。手術前後の回診は週2~3回朝方にあり不安があればその時に相談出来ます。今後も外来でお世話になります。 ■看護師 女性の看護師のみです。(入院時は1名男性も居たのですが、退院時は見掛けなくなりました)とても手慣れており、数々の患者を看て来た為か術前後の注意点や痛みの緩和など都度アドバイスがもらえます。ナースコールの反応も早く何時でも同じ質の看護をしてくれます。人当たりも良く終始仲良くさせてもらいました。 ■リハビリ 人生で初めてのリハビリでしたがとても贅沢に感じました。リハビリ室は一室7~10床のベッドがあり平行棒や超音波治療器など設備も整っています。形態は一対一のマンツーマンで主な担当者に加えて4~6名で施術します。時間は8:40~17:00の間に一回40分or60分を一日2時間or3時間行います。(症状によって時間は異なるそうです)術前は筋力低下防止に患部周りの筋トレを行い、術後は幹部の可動域を中心に一日も早い回復を目指しました。ほとんどの方が手術とリハビリを必要とする怪我などで多くの不安がありますが、リハビリの先生方は一番相談しやすく話しやすい相手でした。術後まったく動かない患部に不安を覚えても的確な説明とおおよその見通しを教えてくれました。人体の仕組みにも精通しており、部位名が専門的でありながらも仕組みが解りやすかったです。勤務後に先生方皆さんで遅くまで勉強会をしている為でしょう。遅くまでお疲れ様です。H先生×2、N先生、T先生、K先生、O先生、その他多くの先生方お世話になりました。 ■雰囲気 総合病院と異なり、全員が整形外科の患者です。退院時は自分の力で歩いて帰るので皆さん笑顔で退院されます。病室でも痛みに苦しんでいる方は少なくとても明るいです。症状も似通った方が多いので仲間意識が芽生えます。 ■病室 使用料一日個室11,000円、二人室3,300円です。新規や転院で入院する際はPCR検査が必須となっており、結果が出るまでの3日前後は個室となります。術後はナースステーションに近い二人室に移され、症状が安定すると基本は大部屋になります。大部屋は4名or6名で、男女混合になることはありません。設備はTV・冷蔵庫・小机・椅子・衣装ケース(大小引き出し各2個)です。TVと冷蔵庫は使用に一日300円必須なので、大部屋も使用料一日300円です。ですが、300円で見放題使いたい放題なのでカード式よりも安いし合理的です。ベッドは全室フランスベッドで姿勢や高さはリモコン一つで変えられます。ゴミ回収は毎日、シーツ交換は週に一回です。共用部や病室も定期的に清掃されておりとても清潔です。 ■食事 08:00朝食、12:00昼食、18:00夕食です。血糖値が高かったりしない限りは共通のメニューとなります。もちろん栄養バランスの整った食事です。1,700~1,800kcalで調理されていました。人によっては量が物足りなく味が薄く感じるかもしれませんが、私は美味しく頂きました。基本ご飯で、土曜日の朝食のみパンが出ます。麺類が出るのは稀です。 ■日常生活系 Wi-Fiは完備されていますが9:00~18:00の時間制限付きです。談話室での使用となります。モバイルWi-Fiは他電子機器との干渉から推奨されていません。TVなどは音漏れ防止の為にイヤホンが必要になり、こちらは1Fの売店(平日09:00~17:00営業/土日祝休み)に売っています。シャワーは週に3回決まった曜日に使用できますが、時間はその日のリハビリやその他に考慮して調整され、1回30分です。洗髪だけであれば、EVホール前の洗面台で9:00~16:30の間にセルフで出来ます。症状によってシャワーに入れない時は体を拭く温かい使い捨てシートが支給されます。入院中面会は出来ません。差し入れで食べ物は禁止になっており、発覚すれば退院まで没収か差し入れ者に返却されます。消灯21:00~点灯06:00で健康的です。 ■あると便利だったもの ・耳栓…夜のコンサート(いびき)に備えて。質の良い物がオススメです。 ・Bluetooth イヤホン…TVと同様に使う際は音漏れに気を付けましょう。 ・泡で出てくるボディウォッシュ…患部を洗う際に擦らず汚れが落とせます。 ・ある程度の現金…自販機や売店でのお菓子の購入、洗濯(1回100円)・乾燥(30分100円)、他にもギプスを付けながらの入浴セットや装具のバンドの購入などでも使います。平均して週1,500~2,000円ぐらい使ったと思います。小銭への両替は1Fの売店で出来ます。 ■その他 夜の睡眠さえしっかりと取れれば充実した入院生活が送れます。ちょっと夜更かしをしたり寝つきが悪かったりすると翌日に響くので、場合によっては睡眠導入剤などを処方してもらうと良いです。こちらは夜勤の看護師に相談すると頂けます。受付や事務対応の方々にも親切且つ丁寧に対応していただき、自身のみならず家族も納得して入退院出来ました。 お悩みの方は是非この病院に相談してみてください。おススメです!
From mid-December 2021.1 to the end of 2022.1, he was hospitalized for about one and a half months. It was the best hospital. Excuse me for the long sentence below. ■ Doctor A well-known doctor specializing in each part is enrolled. I was transferred from a general hospital that was transported by emergency, but at the previous hospital, two fractures were diagnosed, but after the transfer, the same material (without additional tests) added two more fractures. It turned out. The second opinion is important. I was in charge of Dr. Hio, but I have the skills to be taught by other hospitals. The surgery was accurate and the shattered bones were neatly shaped. The area around the wound was healed well after the operation, and I was able to concentrate on rehabilitation. There is no hesitation in treating the cast or the affected area. Rounds before and after surgery are held 2-3 times a week in the morning, and if you have any concerns, you can consult at that time. I will continue to take care of you in the outpatient department. ■ Nurse Only female nurses. (There was one man at the time of admission, but I didn't see him at the time of discharge.) You can get it. The response of the nurse call is quick and the same quality of nursing is always provided. I was able to get along well with people from beginning to end. ■ Rehabilitation It was my first rehabilitation in my life, but I felt very luxurious. The rehabilitation room has 7 to 10 beds in each room and is equipped with facilities such as parallel bars and ultrasonic therapy equipment. The form is one-on-one, and the treatment is performed by 4 to 6 people in addition to the main person in charge. The time is between 8:40 and 17:00, 40 minutes or 60 minutes once a day for 2 hours or 3 hours. (It seems that the time varies depending on the symptoms.) Before the operation, we performed muscle training around the affected area to prevent muscle weakness, and after the operation, we aimed for a quick recovery centered on the range of motion of the trunk. Most people have a lot of anxiety due to injuries that require surgery and rehabilitation, but the rehabilitation teachers were the easiest to talk to and talk to. Even if I felt anxious about the affected area that did not move at all after the operation, he gave me an accurate explanation and a rough outlook. I am familiar with the mechanism of the human body, and it was easy to understand the mechanism even though the part name was specialized. This is probably because the teachers are holding study sessions until late after work. Thank you for your hard work until late. Thank you to Mr. H x 2, Mr. N, Mr. T, Mr. K, Mr. O, and many other teachers. ■ Atmosphere Unlike general hospitals, all are orthopedic patients. When you leave the hospital, you will walk home on your own, so everyone will be discharged with a smile. Even in the hospital room, few people are suffering from pain and it is very bright. Many people have similar symptoms, so a sense of companionship grows. ■ Hospital room The usage fee is 11,000 yen for a private room for one day and 3,300 yen for a double room. When you are hospitalized for a new or transfer, a PCR test is required, and it will be a private room for about 3 days until the result is obtained. After the operation, the room will be moved to a double room near the nurse station, and when the symptoms stabilize, it will basically become a large room. The large room is for 4 or 6 people and will not be mixed. Equipment is TV, refrigerator, small desk, chair, costume case (2 large and small drawers each). A TV and a refrigerator are required to be used for 300 yen a day, so a large room is also charged 300 yen a day. However, it is cheaper and more rational than the card type because it costs 300 yen and you can use it as much as you want. All rooms are French beds, and the posture and height can be changed with a single remote control. Garbage collection is daily and sheets are changed once a week. Common areas and hospital rooms are also cleaned regularly and are very clean. ■ Meals 08:00 breakfast, 12:00 lunch, 18:00 dinner. Unless the blood sugar level is high, it will be a common menu. Of course, it is a nutritionally balanced diet. It was cooked at 1,700 ~ 1,800 kcal. Depending on the person, the amount may be unsatisfactory and the taste may be light, but I enjoyed it. Basic rice, bread is served only on Saturday breakfast. Noodles are rare. ■ Daily life system Wi-Fi is available, but there is a time limit from 9:00 to 18:00. It will be used in the common room. Mobile Wi-Fi is not recommended due to interference with other electronic devices. Earphones are required for TVs to prevent sound leakage, and they are sold at the shop on the 1st floor (open from 09:00 to 17:00 on weekdays / closed on weekends and holidays). The shower can be used three times a week on a fixed day of the week, but the time is adjusted for rehab and other things of the day, 30 minutes each time. If you just want to wash your hair, you can do it yourself on the washbasin in front of the EV hall between 9:00 and 16:30. If you cannot take a shower due to symptoms, you will be provided with a warm disposable sheet to wipe your body. Visits are not possible during hospitalization. Food is prohibited by the insertion, and if it is discovered, it will be confiscated or returned to the sender until discharge. It is healthy from 21:00 when it is off to 06:00 when it is on. ■ Things that were convenient to have ・ Earplugs ... In preparation for a night concert (snoring). Good quality products are recommended. ・ Bluetooth earphones… Be careful of sound leakage when using it in the same way as a TV. ・ Body wash that comes out with foam ... You can remove dirt without rubbing when washing the affected area. ・ Some cash ... Used for purchasing sweets at vending machines and shops, washing (100 yen each time), drying (100 yen for 30 minutes), and purchasing bathing sets and orthotic bands with a cast. increase. I think I spent about 1,500 to 2,000 yen a week on average. You can exchange coins at the shop on the 1st floor. ■ Others If you can get a good night's sleep, you can live a fulfilling hospitalized life. If you stay up late or have trouble falling asleep, it will sound the next day, so in some cases it is advisable to prescribe a sleeping pill. You can consult with a night shift nurse. The receptionists and clerical staff responded kindly and politely, and I was able to enter and leave the hospital with the satisfaction of not only myself but also my family. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact this hospital. I recommend it!
きよき on Google

先生看護職員皆さん大変家族的で病院も綺麗で30年間痛んでいた腰椎すべり症腰部脊柱管狭窄症の痛みが真鍋先生に手術をしてもらい2日後には末期の痛みが全て無くなろました。 「有り難うございました」
The pain of lumbar spinal stenosis, which had been painful for 30 years because it was very family-friendly and the hospital was clean, had Dr. Manabe perform an operation, and two days later, all the pain at the end of the period disappeared. "Thank you."
HP 残り1 on Google

おかげさまで手術前よりボロボロの 体になる事ができました。 手術前より状態が悪くなってるのに、 『頑張って治していきましょう』って言って 湿布出すだけ。リハビリも終わり。 痛み止め出したがるけど、飲み続けたら腎臓やられちゃうよ。 次回の予約まで4か月も空きがある。なぜ? 痛みは色々な要因がありますからーって言ってたけど、体にメス入れてるんだよ! 原因か分からないけど手術したの? やっぱり原因違いましたじゃすまないんだよ。 ただリハビリの先生と看護師さんには感謝しかないです。
Thanks to you, it's more tattered than before the surgery I was able to become a body. Even though my condition is worse than before the surgery Say "Let's do our best to cure" Just put out the compress. Rehabilitation is over. I want to stop the pain, but if I keep drinking, my kidneys will be damaged. There is a vacancy for 4 months until the next reservation. why? I said that pain has various factors, but I have a scalpel in my body! I don't know the cause, but did you have surgery? I'm sorry that the cause was wrong. I just thank the rehabilitation teachers and nurses.
Mai on Google

腰椎椎間板ヘルニアの手術をしました。先生には以前から他院でもお世話になっていたので厚い信頼を寄せておりましたが、こちらの病院に入院するのは初めてでした。術後のケアからリハビリまですべて親切丁寧という印象でした。 特に、他院との相違点は充実したリハビリです。時間も他院と比べて長く、正しい身体の動かし方から無理のない運動方法までしっかり教えていただきました。理学療法士のみなさんとは楽しくお話もさせて頂き、面会不可のこのご時世にはそういった時間はとても貴重なものでした。おかげさまで大きな不安もなく、日常生活に戻ることができます。 大変お世話になりました。
I had an operation for lumbar disc hernia. I had a lot of trust in my teacher because I had been indebted to him at other hospitals for a long time, but this was my first time to be admitted to this hospital. I had the impression that everything from postoperative care to rehabilitation was kind and polite. In particular, the difference from other hospitals is the fulfilling rehabilitation. The time was longer than that of other hospitals, and he taught me how to move the body correctly and how to exercise comfortably. I enjoyed talking with the physiotherapists, and such time was very valuable in this time when I couldn't visit. Thanks to you, you can return to your daily life without any major anxiety. Thank you for all the help you have given me.

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