クレープリーカフェ シュクレ 北花田

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

クレープリーカフェ シュクレ 北花田|レストランサーチ|クリエイト・レストランツ・ホールディングス - Create-restaurants.co.jp

【クレープリーカフェ シュクレ 北花田イオンモール堺北花田】甘い香りに心おどるカフェスタイルのクレープ専門店!

Contact クレープリーカフェ シュクレ 北花田

住所 :

堺市北区Higashiasakayamacho, Sakai, 〒591-8008 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.create-restaurants.co.jp/sp/tenpo/index.php%3Fid%3D1463%26mode%3Dshop_show%26lang%3Dja
街 : Osaka

堺市北区Higashiasakayamacho, Sakai, 〒591-8008 Osaka,Japan
ラッコさん on Google

The young girl of the clerk is full of unmotivated feelings. It's a pity that Brulee Crepe isn't too roasted and crunchy.
島根広 on Google

今の世は食に関してはいろいろありますねえ❗️ 2020年で食に関してどうのこうのと批判する価値は投稿者にはないですねぇ❗️ イオン北花田の3階の店は永く営業されている店もありますが、阿倍野から南に延びている道路沿いにあり場所はいいと思うのですが⁉️❗️☺️
In today's world, there are many kinds of food. The author isn't worth criticizing food in 2020. Some shops on the 3rd floor of Aeon Kita Hanada have been open for a long time, but I think the location is good along the road extending south from Abeno.
nopapa hira on Google

まぁ喫茶店☕?に入り、コ-ヒを食べる位なぁもので、良い投稿をと期待していただくと残念です。 余り甘い物を食べると支障があるので気をつけています‼️☺️☺️ 確かイオン北花田の3階にあった覚えています‼️☺️☺️☺️
I'm sorry if you enter a coffee shop and eat coffee and expect a good post. Be careful because eating too sweet foods can cause problems. ️☺️☺️ I remember it was on the third floor of Aeon Kita Hanada. ️☺️☺️☺️
a on Google

Even though I'm not good at sweetness, I could eat it deliciously, so I'd like to eat it again, but the wrapped paper sticks to the crepe so it was very difficult to peel off until the end.
Ri- on Google

クリームブリュレ系のクレープはお値段高め クリームオンリーのクレープは390円だったかな?たっぷり入ってるけどくどくなくって良かったです。生地は甘さ控えめなのでバランスが良かった しかし底の方にクリームが無くもう少しクリームの付け方に工夫が欲しいです。
Cream brulee crepes are more expensive Was cream-only crepe 390 yen? It's nice to have a lot but it's not crappy. The dough was moderately sweet so the balance was good However, there is no cream at the bottom, and I want to devise a little more cream.
るかたん(るかたん) on Google

The clerk's attitude is crap. And does it only contain fresh cream? There isn't much fruit. Something completely different from the exhibits will come out. I couldn't get even one strawberry inside. Did you have 5 bananas in it? I feel like.
どさんこにゃんこ on Google

食品サンプルを見てテンションが上がったので、上機嫌で注文しました。 私の前に三人の方が注文していて出来上がりを待っていました。 焼く作業を見ているのが大好きなので自分を含めて四人分の作業が見れると思いきや、何故か焼いたのは三枚だけ。焼いた順に並んでいた方に渡してました。そして、私のクレープ生地だけ注文前に既に後ろにあったクシャクシャのクレープ生地で作られました。 先の三人も同じクリーム系のクレープで、私だけ生地を冷まさなきゃいけない訳でもなく、注文をする前からクシャクシャと置かれたいつ焼かれたのか、どれだけ放置されたのかわからない生地を使われて相当ショックでした。 しかも受け渡しの時は下を向き、他の作業をしながら片手で、声も小さくて聞こえない。 正直、受け取りたくなかったけど、クレープに罪はないし、モヤモヤしながら受け取りました。 クレープが大好きで、いつもはニコニコしながら食べるのに、こんなにテンションが下がったのは初めてです。 いつの生地か考えながら食べたので、味もいまいちわからず残念でした。
Looking at the food sample, the tension went up, so I ordered with good mood. Three people had ordered before me and waited for completion. I love watching the baking work, so I thought I could see the work of four people including myself, and for some reason, only three pieces were baked. We handed it to those who were in the order of baking. And only my crepe dough was made of crumpled crepe dough that was already behind before ordering. The former three people also used the same cream-based crepe, and I didn't just have to cool the dough, but I used to put it crunchy before ordering and didn't know when it was baked or how much was left It was a considerable shock. Moreover, at the time of delivery, they face down, do one hand while doing other work, and their voice is too low to hear. To be honest, I didn't want to receive it, but I wasn't guilty of the crepe, and I received it with a fuzz. I love crepes, and it's the first time that my tension has dropped so much while eating while smiling. I ate while thinking about the dough, so I was sorry that I couldn't understand the taste.
M on Google

Since the clerk was turning it by himself, I wonder if it would be impossible to taste it, including preparations. I want to think We visited about 10 minutes after the opening when the number of people waiting was small, the crepe had individuality in the whipped cream, and it was the flavor of the crepe lasting not on the day. The float wasn't delicious and I had heartburn. I think both creams are delicious if they are fresh, but I didn't recommend this to anyone.

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