Hie Shrine - Ōsaki

3.8/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Hie Shrine

住所 :

Sannoyama-11 Tajirionuki, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-4302, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Postal code : 989-4302
Webサイト : https://miyagi-jinjacho.or.jp/jinja-search/detail.php%3Fcode%3D310020507

Sannoyama-11 Tajirionuki, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-4302, Japan
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It is a historical shrine. The shrine and Miyaji's residence is right next to the shrine.
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本社は、天武天皇の御宇(680年頃)加護坊山が比叡山に似ている事から東比叡と称し、加護坊山頂に国家安楽寺を創建し、その(鎮守)の守護神として山王大権現を勧請した。 当社の御祭神であります大山咋命は、須佐之男神の御孫神にあたり、又の名を山末之大主神と申し、近淡海国の日枝の山に坐す神とされ、即ち、近江国の比叡山に鎮る山の神で、「くい」とは、山の樹木や田畑の五穀をグイグイと押して育てて下さる御神徳と指したものである。 爾栄、治山治水、営農の守護神、武神、或は産神として、地方民衆の信仰篤く生活活動に限り無く崇敬を集めた。 文禄3年(1594年)、涌谷初代館主、亘理元安斎元宗公歿するや遺骸を当社の麓に葬り5本の杉を植え廟宇とした。 大正初期の暴風雨落雷等により風倒したので、現在は代木を植えてある。 3代館主(1652年)定宗公は、大貫に池舘を構えて隠栖されたが、その子、宗重公(伊達安芸)は定宗公の御機嫌奉仕にこの険路な山王道路を通われた際に、祖元宗公の廟宇路傍にありては、その威霊を汚さん事を虞れ、当社に合祀し社殿を造営し甲冑、太刀、田畑を寄進して篤く之を祀らしめた。 天保年間、13代義基公、文武両道に秀で且つ敬神の念厚く甲冑、太刀、弓矢等を献じ別当寿宝院をして祭祀を一層減修せしめた。 明治5年、村社に列せられた日枝神社と改構。 明治41年12月16代亘理胤正氏より、山林2町歩を営繕料として寄進されるなど、城主の信仰、誠に深かりしものあり。 現在の社殿は、皇紀2600年の記念事業として昭和16年に再建したものである。 御祭神:主祭神 大山咋大神 合祀神:大歳神事代主神社大國主神、亘理元安斎元宗大人命 境内社:三峯山神社、黄金山神社御分霊、水神社、山王稲荷社、雷神社 忠霊殿:全国戦没者御英霊を祀る(4月25日例祭) 祭典日:例大祭10月10日、月次祭 毎月10日、歳旦祭1月元旦、建国祭2月11日、新年祭2月17日、新嘗祭11月23日他
The headquarters called Higashi Hiei because Emperor Tenmu's Gou (circa 680) is similar to Mount Hiei, and built the National Anrakuji Temple on the summit of Kagobo and solicited Sanno Daimongen as its guardian god. Oyama Yasumi, our god of festival, is the grandson of Susa no Otomi, and is called the main god of Yamasue, and is said to be a god who sits on the mountain of Hieda in the Kinzan region. The god of the mountain that surrounds Mt. Hiei, "Kui" refers to the sacred virtue that grows the trees of the mountain and the five grains of the field with a squirrel. As a god of honor, Osamu Osamu Osamu, a guardian god of farming, a god of war, or a god of birth, he was worshiped by the local people as much as possible. In 3594 (1594), the founder of the first hall of Sugaya, the former priest of Watanabe Anzai, the corpse was buried in our cage and five cedars were planted. Because it was overwhelmed by lightning storms in the early Taisho era, it is now planted. The third-generation master (1652), Joshoku, was set aside as a pond at Onuki, but his son, Muneshige Shige (Date Aki), was passed through this steep Sanno road for his good service. On the other hand, at the side of Syuyu Road of Somoto Muneko, he was afraid of the filthy spirit, and joined the company to build a shrine and donated armor, swords, and Tabata, and revered him. During the Tenpo year, he was excelled at the 13th generation Yoshiki and Bunmu, and the gods were devoted to armor, swords and bows and arrows, and the ritual was further reduced. Reorganized as Hieda Shrine, lined with a village company, in 1895. Meiji 41 December 16th, Masahiro Watari donated the 2 forest walks of the forest as a repair fee. The current shrine was rebuilt in 1964 as a commemorative project for the 2600th century. Festival God: Main Festival God God of God: Otoshi Shrine Daisha Shrine Precincts: Mizumayama Shrine, Koganeyama Shrine Spirit, Mizu Shrine, Sanno Inari Shrine, Raijin Shrine Churei-den: Revering the spirits of the war dead (April 25th annual festival) Celebration day: Regular festival October 10th, Monthly festival Every month 10th, New Year's Day January 1st, National Festival February 11th, New Year Festival February 17th, Xinjiang Festival November 23rd, etc.

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