Hidatakayama Camping Ground - Takayama

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hidatakayama Camping Ground

住所 :

914 Iwaimachi, Takayama, Gifu 506-0815, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 506-0815
Webサイト : http://kankou.city.takayama.lg.jp/2000002/2000029/2000319.html

914 Iwaimachi, Takayama, Gifu 506-0815, Japan
内田佳佑 on Google

安いし良いキャンプ場。 星観察したかった… また来ます。
Cheap and good campground. I wanted to observe the stars... I will come again.

It's good to have a campground using a ski resort, a cool and spacious place! It was inconvenient that there was no hot spring nearby.
大澤和貴 on Google

普段は人がいなくて最高!! 安くて最高!!JAFの会員だと1380円とバカ安!! 管理棟の電源も使っていいよー!薪も使っていいよー!業務用冷蔵庫も使っていいよー! とゆるゆるな感じで最高です!!
It's great because there are usually no people! ! Cheap and the best! ! A JAF member costs 1380 yen and is ridiculous! ! You can also use the power supply in the administration building! You can use firewood too! You can also use a commercial refrigerator! It is the best with a loose feeling! !
雅人 on Google

安い、空いてる、虫居ない、管理人さん達の人柄サイコー 控えめに言っても最強のキャンプ場でした 惜しむらくは利用可能期間が7月〜9月と短いところ サイトはスキー場利用の為、傾斜のある場所が多いです 近隣にお店は全く無く、補給は険しい山道を延々と下ることになります 道中は見通しの悪いコーナーが多く、動物の飛び出しもあるので要注意です
Cheap, vacant, free from insects, personality of caretakers It was the strongest campground to say the least Unfortunately, the available period is short from July to September. Since the site is used for skiing, there are many places with slopes. There are no shops in the neighborhood, and the supply will go down the steep mountain road endlessly. Be careful because there are many corners with poor visibility along the way and animals may jump out.
山本力 on Google

これまでに20ヶ所程でファミリーキャンプをしましたが、ここが我が家にとって総合評価No.ワンです それぞれどこに価値を見出すかによるので、あくまでも個人的な評価です ポイント1 穴場…人が少なめなのでそれなりに静か。お隣さんは1週間ファミリーでキャンプしてますっていう強者でした。 ポイント2 管理者が、地元のおじいちゃんって感じでフランクかつアバウト。業務用冷蔵庫も無料で使わせてくれました。 ポイント3 兎に角安い…コスパサイコー。そりゃ一週間連泊も痛くないっスねっていう安さ ポイント4 まずまずなロケーション…標高1000mオーバーなので星がサイコー。流星ヤバい。そして涼しい。夜は天然のクーラーです。避暑地。 テントサイトは断然小川サイド‼️一部車を横付け出来ないサイトもあるが、それは逆に大自然に囲まれた感じでGOOD‼️ ゲレンデサイトは広々とやれる。サイト面積はほぼ自由でしたよ。でも日中は遮る木々がなく さすがにあっちい〜です、夏だから ポイント5 アクティブもいろいろあったと思う。テニスコートも安価で借りれて結構やりました。また足を少し伸ばせばいろいろありそうです。乗鞍岳も近いのでハイキング並みの登山や、ラフティングなどなど。温泉も周辺に有りますよ ポイント6 虫、少な目…以前福井の九頭龍あたりでキャンプした時、友人夫婦、我が夫婦4人ともブヨの餌食でエライことになりました。 ここはブヨのはゼロ、虻も蚊も少しだけなので女、子供の虫嫌いがキャンプデビューを、果たすにはうってつけかと(^o^)/ ザックリとはこんな感じです。迷ってる人、騙されたと思って一度行ってみなはれ。
I have done family camps at about 20 places so far, but this is the No. 1 overall evaluation for my family. It depends on where you find value, so it's just a personal evaluation. Point 1 A little-known spot ... There are few people, so it's quiet as it is. My neighbor was a strong man who was camping with his family for a week. Point 2 The manager is frank and about like a local grandpa. He also let me use the commercial refrigerator for free. Point 3 Rabbits are cheap ... Cospa Saiko. That's cheap, it doesn't hurt even if you stay for a week Point 4 A decent location ... The stars are awesome because the altitude is over 1000m. Meteor is dangerous. And cool. It is a natural cooler at night. Summer resort. The tent site is by far the stream side! ️There are some sites where you can't put a car next to you, but on the contrary, it feels like you're surrounded by nature GOOD! ️ The slope site is spacious. The site area was almost free. But in the daytime, there are no trees blocking it, so it's really nice because it's summer. Point 5 I think there were various active activities. I rented a tennis court at a low price and did quite a bit. Also, if you stretch your legs a little, there are likely to be various things. Since Mt. Norikura is near, you can climb like a hike or rafting. There are also hot springs in the area Point 6 Insects, a few ... When I used to camp around Kuzuryu in Fukui, my friend and my husband and wife were all preyed on by gnats. There are no gnats here, and there are only a few gnats and mosquitoes, so it's perfect for women and children who hate insects to make their camp debut (^ o ^) / Zackli is like this. If you're wondering, think you've been fooled and go once.
西川隆 on Google

比較的安価で晴ていれば、星がかなり綺麗に 見えます。シーズンは9月末で終了しましたが 夏でも涼しいキャンプ場です。ここの水は直接 飲むことは出来ませんが煮沸をすればOKです
If it's relatively cheap and clear, the stars will be pretty can see. The season ended at the end of September It is a cool campsite even in summer. The water here is direct You can't drink it, but you can boil it.
The Sunshine of The Night on Google

夏の星の観測にはうってつけで、周りが木々で囲まれていて人工的な明かりは管理棟と炊事場だけの為、天気の良い夜には満天の星空に包まれながら安らぎの一時を過ごすことができます。 又、スキー場の為周りの人から離れたいときには上部にテントを張れば炊事場は遠くなりますが人が多い日でも静かに暮らすこともできるので好みに合わせてフリーサイトのロケーションを選ぶことができます。 ただ、お風呂がない為、コインシャワーを利用するか高山市内の温泉に行くことになります。
Perfect for summer star observation, surrounded by trees and artificial lights only in the administration building and the kitchen, so on a nice night you can spend a peaceful time wrapped in a starry sky can do. Also, if you want to stay away from people around you because of the ski area, you can set up a tent at the top to make the cooking area far, but you can live quietly even on a day with many people, so you can choose the location of the free site according to your preference. I can do it. However, since there is no bath, you will have to use a coin shower or go to a hot spring in Takayama city.
青井髭面 on Google

At an altitude of 1300m, it is cool in summer. If the weather is nice, you can see the stars well. If a meteor shower is coming, you can see many shooting stars. Bungalows are cheap and you can enjoy nature anyway.

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