Hidaka Golf Range - Hidaka

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hidaka Golf Range

住所 :

9-1 Oyazawa, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1222, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89898
Postal code : 350-1222
Webサイト : http://xn--eck5an8ireh4cv143ecfcq13s.com/

9-1 Oyazawa, Hidaka, Saitama 350-1222, Japan
Eiji Ui on Google

一時間打ち放題千円、最長部で170ヤード強 グリーンと、アプローチ&バンカー練習あり それぞれ別料金 一階は芝に向かって打てるので、ランニングアプローチの距離感がつかめて良い
All-you-can-hit 1000 yen, 170 yards in the longest part Green and approach & bunker practice Separate charge The first floor can be hit against the grass, so you can get a sense of the distance of the running approach
Ryuta Nakabori on Google

畑岡奈紗プロはじめ小竹莉乃プロ、鬼頭桜プロ、加賀其真美プロ、金澤志奈プロなど多くの有名女子プロ、アマ選手も来場しています。 レッスン生用等で2階席も若干はありますが、基本1階がメインのオーソドックスな練習場。 オートティーアップなどもありません。 ただボールはレンジボールでなくコースボールを使用。 コースにあるものほどメンテされてはいませんがアプローチバンカーの練習場が別途あります。 フロント建物前の屋外パッティンググリーンは天然芝でエアレーション等も定期的にされているので、スピードはさほどありませんが、まずまず練習になると思います。
Many famous female professionals such as Nata Hataoka Pro, Rino Kotake Pro, Sakura Kito, Mami Kaga, Shina Kanazawa, and Ama are also visiting. There are some second-floor seats for lessons, but the first floor is the main orthodox practice area. There is no auto tee-up. However, the ball is not a range ball but a course ball. Although not as well maintained as the ones on the course, there are separate practice areas for approach bunker. The outdoor putting green in front of the front building is made of natural grass and aeration is regularly performed, so it is not very fast, but I think it will be a good practice.
tomosuya on Google

It is a favorite golf driving range. All-you-can-eat is 1,000 yen for 1 hour and 1,500 yen for 2 hours. Although it is a post-payment, if you accept it in 1 hour and do it for 2 hours, 1,500 yen will not be applied and it will be treated as an extension and it will be expensive. On the contrary, if you accept in 2 hours and do only 1 hour, the fee is 1,000 yen. The time around 10 o'clock is crowded and there are times when regular elderly people are noisy, so if you want to concentrate on practicing, I think it's better from around 12 o'clock. Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays start at 7:30. Basically open all year round.
R. on Google

In the case of all-you-can-eat, it is a fully manual type, but you can hit it for 1 hour for 1100 yen. Isn't the price quite cheap?
森田泰彦 on Google

距離は170~190ヤードくらいですが、横に広く打ちやすい。照明も明るく見やすい。打席が広くマットも上質で打ちやすい。ボールはすべてコースボールでディンプルも十分に残っていて素晴らしいです。 いつも2時間の打ち放題1650円で黙々と打ってます。
The distance is about 170 to 190 yards, but it is easy to hit wide horizontally. The lighting is bright and easy to see. The bat is wide and the mat is good and easy to hit. All the balls are course balls and there are enough dimples left, which is wonderful. I always hit silently at 1650 yen for 2 hours unlimited hits.
les pick on Google

After extending the 1-hour all-you-can-eat for 1 hour, the 1-hour all-you-can-eat fee was added instead of the 2-hour all-you-can-eat fee. I want you to tell me when you extend it! I thought it was 1650 yen at the time of accounting, but I got 2200 yen (// ∇ //)
廣瀬賢人 on Google

I hit 150 balls for 1 hour all-you-can-eat for ¥ 1100. I may have taken more than the original, but I'm busy. It feels better to do it while taking a break and thinking slowly. Is the maximum distance about 200 yards? I think it's good to have a wide range of at-bats
Ryo Stephen on Google

日曜日の朝に訪問しました。 料金は時間の打ち放題で1500円です。打席料も含んでいるので値段としては安いと思います。 ボールの供給に関しては自動で提供してくれるところとそうでないところが入り混じっているような感じです。 奥行きは170ヤードほどあり初心者にとっては十分なサイズでした。 狭山日高インターからの近くアクセスが良いのが特徴です。 駐車場も 余裕があるため車での訪問も可能です。 平日はさらに料金が安くなるので仕事終わりなどで、間に合う方は より良いと思います。
I visited on Sunday morning. The fee is 1500 yen for unlimited hours. I think the price is cheap because it includes the turn at bat fee. Regarding the supply of balls, it seems that there is a mixture of those that provide automatically and those that do not. The depth was about 170 yards, which was large enough for beginners. The feature is that it is easily accessible from the Sayama Hidaka Interchange. There is plenty of parking space so you can visit by car. Weekdays are even cheaper, so I think it's better to be in time after work.

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