Hello Work - Koga

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hello Work

住所 :

3 Chome-7-23 Higashi, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 306-0011
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5:15PM
Friday 8:30AM–5:15PM

3 Chome-7-23 Higashi, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0011, Japan
中澤滋男 on Google

It's very general.
カカオット蘇萌鵺 on Google

対応が事務的です。 相談員の求職者へのものの聞き方も、ことなかれな聞き方で素っ気なさがあります。 例えば、求職者に以前の仕事の話を聞く際も ・どんな内容だったか ・職業分類 ・離職した理由 この程度の話をさらっと聞いて、適当と思われる求人を出すだけ。 提示した求人に対して、求職者へ、質問や相談があるか?などの聞き出しはせず事務的にことを進めるだけ。 求職者の中には 「いい仕事なんて無い」と諦めてる人もいるし 前の職場でもめて離職してきた人には「職場」と言う存在や「仕事仲間」という存在に対して心底信用を持てなくなってる人もいる。 だからもう少し事務的な対応を改善させて 求職者の求人に対して「知りたい」「不安」そんな内側に隠されやすいものも払拭させるような対応をしてほしい。
The response is clerical. The consultant's way of asking the job seeker is also simple and unobtrusive. For example, when asking job seekers about a previous job ・ What was the content ・ Occupation classification ・ Reason for leaving Just listen to the story of this degree and submit a job that seems appropriate. Do you have any questions or consultations to job seekers for the offered job offer? I do not ask for anything, just proceed with the clerical work. Some job seekers Some people give up saying "No good job" Some of those who have left the job in the previous workplace have no confidence in the existence of "workplace" or "work colleagues". So I'm going to improve my clerical response We want you to deal with job seekers who want to know or worry about things that are easily hidden inside.
NRHR TYM on Google

事業主に対し雇用保険を利用して賃金の支払いを免れてばかりいないで雇い入れもする様に等 行政指導も行ってはいる 。 求人数に対して 労働者の応募が少ない為に 事業主は 内定していても 労働者から他所に行かれてしまい 労働者にとって魅力がないのだと 分かってくるため 事業主の側に深刻化した問題が出てしまう。求人広告を出してもハローワーク求人検索で労働者の目に止まらず 見過ごされ求人ファイルに埋もれてしまう そんな事業所は慢性の人手不足の問題を抱え 事業は停滞 採用よりも労働者を解雇したがる状態では求職者は 雇ってもらうにもどうしようもない。 求人票の記載内容次第では 求職者が 面接を受ける気を無くしてしまうのも当然かと( ̄^ ̄) 企業は望む人材が欲しければ ハローワーク以外にもお金をかけて求人広告を出すことができる 求人情報は溢れ帰り 労働条件はしっかり記載しないと求職者の目にとまらず 見過ごされる。仕事の内容は面接に行ってみて話が違えば面接が進まない。 事業主は求人する以上しっかり記載すべきである。 滅多にはないのだろうが 面接の交通費も支給しない会社まであったのには驚いた。 人の待遇の仕方など分かっているのかしら。だけど その会社はそれはそれでどうしようもないでしょうから 面接は受けたが 選考を辞退させていただき 賃金も折り合いがつかなかったので 他社を当たることにした。事業主は面接の交通費位 負担できる余裕で事業をなさっていると伺っております。 求人検索で毎日? 新着求人?が検索できるため 面接に行ってみて求人票の仕事の内容がかけ離れる会社は相手にしようがない。インターネットでも求人広告は沢山有るし 企業がハローワークに求人広告を出さずに求人サイトで募集しているため 履歴書 職務経歴書も電子文書で提出できる。簡単❗沢山求人広告が送られてくる。AI(人工知能)求人提案が受けられる。ハローワークで求職するより簡単 企業もインターネット求人サイトをもっと活用した方がいい。応募資格も仕事内容もしっかり記載されている。年収600万~1000万も沢山ある。できない会社も無いだろうけど。ハローワークの求人票は僅に記載されているだけ、仕事内容の記載は曖昧 書類選考は郵送だなんて今時何事かしら。 @TYPE リクナビを通じて複数の上場企業様と書類選考後の面接日程を調整中です。 ハローワークのパソコンからは履歴書・職務経歴書のアップロード程度が対応できない。?結局 履歴書・職務経歴書をメール本文 顔写真(スマホ撮影)紹介状添付で求人票に記載のメールアドレスに送信したが 職安の職員にメールアドレスについて求人担当者に確認してもらってからでないと誰も使ってないメールアドレスか求人票に記載されている場合がある。こんな会社の採用意欲は? ??✨ 電子ファイルにて作成された履歴書 ・職務経歴書の提出を求める会社にメール送信することになった。便利 電子メールで応募した方が選考がスムーズに思える ところで古河ハローワークの前で勧誘か何かしている人たち あれはなんだ? 就業規則については 労働基準法 (作成及び届出の義務) 第89条  常時十人以上の労働者を使用する使用者は、次に掲げる事項について就業規則を作成し、行政官庁に届け出なければならない。次に掲げる事項を変更した場合においても、同様とする。1. 始業及び終業の時刻、休憩時間、休日、休暇並びに労働者を二組以上に分けて交替に就業させる場合においては就業時転換に関する事項2.賃金(臨時の賃金等を除く。以下この号において同じ。)の決定、計算及び支払の方法、賃金の締切り及び支払の時期並びに昇給に関する事項 詳しいことは 古河労基署に聞いて下さい。 現実に低所得世帯と言うのは存在するのかしら。会ったことがない。一年間の手取賃金を365日で除算 10,000円は高所得とは言えない。事業主は賃金は楽に払える。
We also provide administrative guidance to business owners so that they can hire them without being exempted from paying wages by using employment insurance. Since the number of applicants for workers is small compared to the number of job offers, even if the employer is unofficially decided, the worker will go to another place and it will be understood that it is not attractive to the worker, so it becomes serious on the employer's side. I have a problem. Even if you place a job advertisement, it will be overlooked and buried in the job file without being noticed by the workers in the Hello Work job search. Such establishments have a chronic labor shortage problem, and the business is stagnant. Job seekers can't help getting hired if they want to dismiss workers rather than hiring them. It is natural that job seekers will not be interviewed depending on the contents of the job vacancies ( ̄ ^  ̄) Companies can spend money on job advertisements in addition to Hello Work if they want the talent they want. Job information overflows and if you do not describe the working conditions properly, it will be overlooked without being noticed by job seekers. As for the content of the work, if you go to the interview and the story is different, the interview will not proceed. Employers should be well-stated as long as they are hiring. I was surprised that even the company did not pay the transportation expenses for the interview, though it was rare. Do you know how to treat people? However, the company had no choice but to accept the interview, but declined the selection and couldn't agree on the wages, so I decided to win another company. I hear that the business owner is doing business with a margin that can cover the transportation expenses for the interview. Since you can search for new jobs ? every day with the job search, you can't deal with a company whose job content on the job vacancies is far from what you're doing when you go to an interview. There are many job advertisements on the Internet, and companies are recruiting on the job site without posting job advertisements on Hello Work, so you can also submit your resume and work history in electronic form. Easy ❗ Many job advertisements are sent. Receive AI (artificial intelligence) job offers. Easier than finding a job with Hello Work Companies should also make more use of the Internet recruitment site. The qualifications for application and the content of the work are clearly described. There are many annual incomes of 6 to 10 million. There may be no company that can't do it. The job vacancies of Hello Work are only slightly described, and the description of the work content is ambiguous. I wonder what it is now that the document screening is mailed. We are coordinating the interview schedule after document screening with multiple listed companies through @TYPE Rikunabi. It is not possible to upload resumes and resumes from Hello Work computers. ? After all, I sent my resume / CV to the e-mail address listed on the job vacancies with a photo of my face (photographed by smartphone) and a letter of introduction, but I have to ask the staff of the job security staff to confirm the e-mail address. It may be listed on an email address or job vacancies that no one is using. What is your willingness to hire such a company? ??✨ Resume created as an electronic file ・ It was decided to send an e-mail to the company requesting the submission of a resume of work. Convenient selection seems to be smoother if you apply by e-mail By the way, those who are soliciting or doing something in front of Furukawa Hello Work What is that? Labor Standards Law for work regulations (Obligation to prepare and report) Article 89 An employer who always uses 10 or more workers must prepare work rules for the following matters and notify the administrative agency. The same shall apply when the following matters are changed. 1. Matters concerning change of work time when starting and ending work, break time, holidays, vacation, and when workers are divided into two or more groups to work in shifts 2. Wages (excluding temporary wages, etc. Hereinafter referred to as this item) Matters concerning determination, calculation and payment method, wage deadline and payment timing, and salary increase Please ask the Furukawa Labor Bureau for details. I wonder if there are actually low-income households. I have not met. Dividing the annual wage by 365 days, 10,000 yen is not a high income. Employers can easily pay wages.
いとりの on Google

I asked a question persistently, but thank you very much for your kindness. I had a lot of anxieties about changing jobs, but I think it was better for me to take the plunge than to think alone.
神楽 on Google

Those who are in charge of occupation consultation, those who are informed, people in charge of insurance Everyone We have helped hiring by just having a good time. However occasionally occasionally parking lot, adjacent parking lot of labor group is full and there are times when it can not be stopped. At that time, it is the star minus 1 that you can not go and find it by searching for a nearby toll parking lot yourself
非表示 on Google

古河に限ったことではないですが、相談員の当たりハズレはあります。事務的対応をされる方が多いので可もなく不可もない対応されることが多いです。 一方、都内の相談員の方は割と積極的に相談に乗ってくれます。相談員の方から話を振ってくれたり、熱心な方が多い印象があります。
It is not limited to Furukawa, but there is a mistake in the counselor's hit. Since there are many people who deal with clerical work, it is often the case that they are neither good nor bad. On the other hand, the counselors in Tokyo are willing to consult with us. I have the impression that there are many enthusiastic people who talk to us from the counselors.
Ayaka Harigae on Google

I went to this place with Koyama, but Furukawa was by far the best feeling of the staff. Of course, there are some people who do not respond well. Personally, I thought that all the relatively young people were polite. I was quite worried that the receptionist was chatting with each other.
angel night on Google

Some of the staff are posted, but it is a good feeling because there are new staff at this time ☺

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