Hello Work Kariya - Kariya

2.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hello Work Kariya

住所 :

ハローワーク刈谷 1 Chome-46-3 Wakamatsucho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0858, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 448-0858
Webサイト : https://jsite.mhlw.go.jp/aichi-hellowork/

ハローワーク刈谷 1 Chome-46-3 Wakamatsucho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0858, Japan
AYA on Google

マザーズコーナーの職員さんはとても親身になってくれました。 受付の方も優しいと思います。 給付課のおじさんがとにかく無愛想。 説明も不十分。 感染対策で声が聞きづらく、おまけに早口で何言ってるのか分からない。 聞きたいことも聞けない雰囲気。 あのおじさんだけなら星1つ。 失業給付を受けるために避けては通れないおじさんがちょっと私にはストレスです。 担当他の人に変わらないかな… 相談窓口? 認定のためだけではなく、就職相談をしたかったのに、失業認定の為だけのものと思われたのか、窓口来なくても良かったのにーじゃあこれで終わりね。って言われてびっくりしました。
The staff at the Mothers Corner became very friendly. I think the receptionist is also kind. The uncle of the benefit section is just unfriendly. Insufficient explanation. It's hard to hear the voice because of infection control, and I don't know what I'm saying quickly. Atmosphere that you can't even hear what you want to hear. Only that uncle has one star. The uncle who cannot avoid getting unemployment benefits is a little stressful to me. I wonder if it will change to other people in charge ... Consultation counter? I wanted to get a job consultation, not just for certification, but I thought it was just for unemployment certification, or I didn't have to come to the counter, so that's it. I was surprised to hear that.
Emy Miti on Google

Quando vim dar entrada no seguro desemprego fui bem atendida. Só demorou pra pegar o caderno que eles fornecem pra quem solicitou o seguro desemprego, lá no guichê 4, fiquei quase 2 horas aguardando ?.
When I came to enter unemployment insurance I was well attended. It only took me a long time to get the notebook they provide for those who applied for unemployment insurance, there at counter 4, I spent almost 2 hours waiting ?.
M I on Google

給付課の髪のない男性が上から目線な感じで無愛想だし不親切で何言ってるのか正直分からなくて不愉快でした。 早口で一方的に喋り、確認や質問できるような雰囲気も無く、面倒だけどまた別の日に来て違う職員さんに聞くしかないか…と諦めました。 受付や女性職員さん達は皆さん丁寧で親切な方が多いのに、残念です。 忙しい日ならまだしも、ガラガラで人もまばらなのに理解出来ませんね。
It was unpleasant because the hairless man in the benefit section was unfriendly and unfriendly from the top, and I couldn't honestly understand what he was saying. I talked quickly and unilaterally, and there was no atmosphere where I could confirm or ask questions, so it was troublesome, but I had to come to another day and ask a different staff member ... I gave up. It is a pity that many of the receptionists and female staff are polite and kind. Even if it's a busy day, I can't understand it even though it's rattling and sparsely populated.
ヒラノユウカ on Google

受付の方々は丁寧に対応してくれるし2Fの職員方は親身になって話を聞いてくれたイメージですが、1Fの職員は全体的に態度が悪く高圧的でフロアの空気さえ淀んでいるように感じとても居心地が悪かったです。 実際相談する際に担当だった男性職員も終始面倒臭そうにタメ口混じりで対応されてかなり不快でした。(不快な思いをした際は担当者の名前を控えておくと次からその者以外でと指名できたり何かと役に立つのでおすすめです...) また電話窓口で相談をした際も、折り返し電話するからと電話番号を聞かれたのに結局営業時間終了まで電話がかかってくることはありませんでした。ひとことくらい欲しかった...こんなの個人情報教えただけじゃん...
The receptionists responded politely, and the staff on the 2nd floor listened to the story in a friendly manner, but the staff on the 1st floor had a bad attitude overall and were high pressure and even the air on the floor was stagnant. I felt like it was very uncomfortable. The male staff member who was in charge of the actual consultation was also very uncomfortable because he was treated with a tame mouth that seemed to be troublesome from beginning to end. (If you feel uncomfortable, it is recommended that you write down the name of the person in charge so that you can nominate someone other than that person or something useful ...) Also, when I consulted at the telephone counter, I was asked for the phone number because I would call back, but in the end I did not receive a call until the end of business hours. I wanted a word ... I just gave you this kind of personal information ...
こむぎゆ on Google

職業訓練の窓口でかなり年配の男性職員は絶対チェンジしてもらった方がいいです。 上からで人に説明できない人間のようです。 人のことをアナタ呼ばわりしてきます。
At the vocational training counter, you should definitely have a fairly old male employee change. It's like a human who can't explain to others from above. I will call people you.
レイジングハート on Google

良くも悪くも古臭い。他の方々も言っていますが給付課のおじいちゃんが高圧的でめんどくさいですね。ジョブキャリアカード作成で名古屋中に行く機会がありましたが、こちらの方が綺麗で纏まっている感じがしました。 あと、失業給付受けながらギグワーク(ウーバーイーツ、出前館など)考えている方、職員理解してないので認定書作る際気をつけてください。
Good or bad, old-fashioned. As other people have said, the grandfather in the benefits section is overwhelming and annoying. I had the opportunity to go all over Nagoya to create a job career card, but I felt that this one was more beautiful and organized. Also, those who are thinking about gig work (Uber Eats, delivery hall, etc.) while receiving unemployment benefits, staff do not understand, so please be careful when making a certificate.
Watanabe Maria Leonora Espiritu on Google

Quiet hard with kids around.
Waheed Noor ul on Google

nice ples

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