Hechikan - Akita

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hechikan

住所 :

4 Chome-13-12 Nakadori, Akita, 010-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88877
Postal code : 010-0001
Opening hours :
Saturday 6PM–12AM
Sunday 5–11PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 6PM–12AM
Wednesday 6PM–12AM
Thursday 6PM–12AM
Friday 6PM–12AM

4 Chome-13-12 Nakadori, Akita, 010-0001, Japan
高山博之 on Google

飲み放題6000円でお願いしました。元々料理が美味しいと聞いていましたが、噂通りの味でした(#^.^#) ツブ貝から始まり、サラダ、刺身、鍋、天ぷら、焼き魚、カレイの煮付けと、和食の全てが味わえるメニュー構成。 それぞれの量もオッちゃんには程よく、食べ終わった後は満腹感よりは満足感でいっぱい(o^^o) なんか変な表現ですが、うまく言い表せず…すみません( ̄▽ ̄;) 特に鍋はなんと「鯨鍋」です!最近はなかなか食べられない貴重な食材。 飲み放題のお酒の日本酒が一種類なのだけが残念でしたが、それ以外ケチの付けようが有りません(笑)
I asked for an all-you-can-drink 6,000 yen. Originally I heard that the food was delicious, but it was just like the rumor (# ^. ^ #) Starting with tubercle shellfish, the menu consists of salad, sashimi, pan, tempura, grilled fish, simmered flounder and all the Japanese food. Each quantity is also moderately good for Ochan, and after eating it is more full of satisfaction than a feeling of fullness (o ^ ^ o) It is a strange expression but something is wrong ... I'm sorry (▽ ̄;;) Especially the hot pot is so hot pot! Valuable food which can not be eaten easily recently. It was disappointing that only one kind of sake with all-you-can-drink sake is a kind, but there is no way to put it on it (lol)
Shinosan Osaka on Google

お酒も料理もメッチャ美味しかったてす。 ただ、岩牡蠣が無かったのが残念でした。
Both the sake and the food were delicious. However, it was a pity that there were no rock oysters.
takayuki mori on Google

A shop with a calm and old-fashioned Japanese atmosphere. "Heshiko" is the best. Alcohol goes too far. (ToT)
Hiroshi K on Google

いつも一次会では無く、かといって二次会という訳でもなく、近くで食事をして、カワバタのおねーちゃんのお店に行こうかと思うんだけれど、その前にもう一杯だけ日本酒を呑もうかなって時によく使います・・。 秋田駅前ってたくさん吞み屋があるんだけれど・・こーいう感じ(1.5次会的?)で使えるお店って意外と少ないんですよね・・。 巷ではお目にかかることが無い希少な地酒や酒肴の品揃えも、相変わらずセンスを感じます・・。 地元の方にも、秋田に来られる出張者の方にも、どちらにも使い勝手の良い店だと思います・・。
It's not always the first party, but it's not the second party, so I'm thinking of eating nearby and going to Kawabata's sister's shop, but before that, I'd like to drink another cup of sake. I often use it ... There are a lot of barking shops in front of Akita station, but there are surprisingly few shops that can be used like this (1.5 next party?). The assortment of rare local sake and appetizers that you don't see in the streets still feels good. I think it's a convenient store for both locals and business travelers coming to Akita.
日下稔規 on Google

刺身、揚げ物が充実している感じですが、居酒屋としての総合力は高いと思います。 古い掛け時計の時報がノスタルジック。 秋田の地酒が目当てだったのですが、少ない感じです。
It feels like there are plenty of sashimi and fried food, but I think the overall strength of the izakaya is high. The time signal of the old wall clock is nostalgic. I was aiming for local sake in Akita, but it seems to be few.
B777 JA705A on Google

所用で秋田に行った際に夫婦で一緒に寄らせて頂きました。予約なしで行きましたが、席数も限られるので、予約して伺うのが吉です。 新鮮な刺身、私たちは生蛸で先制パンチ。味わい深く、この味は他ではなかなか出会えません。 メヒカリの唐揚げ、鶏の唐揚げが揚げあがりや、使っている油種が良く、絶妙な味わいでした。 ノドグロの刺身などレアな魚もあり、魅力いっぱいの居酒屋さんでした。 星一つマイナスは、ホールのサービスは良いのですが、常連さんと一見さんにより板前さんからの声かけは少し違うように私は感じました(人により受け取り方は違うと思います) 全体としては、大満足。また伺います。
When I went to Akita for business, the couple stopped by together. I went without a reservation, but the number of seats is limited, so it's a good idea to make a reservation. Fresh sashimi, we punch first with raw octopus. It's delicious and you can't find this taste anywhere else. The fried Mexicali and fried chicken were fried, and the oil type used was good, and the taste was exquisite. There were rare fish such as sashimi of blackthroat seaperch, and it was a charming izakaya. One star minus, the service in the hall is good, but I felt that the voice from Mr. Itamae was a little different depending on the regulars and the reservation (I think that the way of receiving it differs depending on the person). Overall, I am very satisfied. I will visit you again.
小塚真吾 on Google

大好きへしこがあるお店… つまり最高ということ~⤴️ お米が美味しいとこは水が美味しい=日本酒が最高です。 お刺身も現地のお魚名教えてもらいながら楽しい時間を過ごしました。 後、一番驚きはコスパの良さに感動しかなかったです。 ヘビロテ確定です。 また伺います!✨
A shop with a favorite heshiko ... In other words, it ’s the best ~ ⤴️ Where rice is delicious, water is delicious = sake is the best. I had a good time with sashimi while being taught the name of the local fish. After that, the most surprising thing was that I was impressed by the goodness of cospa. Hebirote is confirmed. I will visit you again! ✨
Goki Inoue on Google

丿貫(へちかん)と読みます。 昔の偉大な茶人の名を冠する秋田のローカルフードを楽しめる居酒屋酸でした。 ローカル食だけでなく、定番の居酒屋メニューも丁寧で美味しかったです。 食事だけでなく、お酒のラインアップも豊富。特に日本酒は秋田の物以外も数多く取り揃えてあって最高でしたー。 店員さんの雰囲気も良かったし、また伺いたいお店。 おすすめは鮮度抜群の刺身と、薄衣なのにカリカリでジューシーな唐揚げ! この二つは是非食べて欲しいなー。
It is read as Hechikan. It was an izakaya acid where you can enjoy the local food of Akita, which bears the name of the great tea master of the past. Not only the local food but also the standard izakaya menu was polite and delicious. Not only meals, but also a rich lineup of alcoholic beverages. In particular, there were many sakes other than those from Akita, which was great. The atmosphere of the clerk was good, and I would like to visit again. We recommend sashimi with outstanding freshness and fried chicken that is crispy and juicy even though it is lightly dressed! I really want you to eat these two.

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