healthy bakery 小麦のワルツ

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact healthy bakery 小麦のワルツ

住所 :

Ohigashi, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0006 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Ohigashi, Hatsukaichi, 〒738-0006 Hiroshima,Japan
chan pipi on Google

Natural yeast bread made by fermenting for 3 days using whole grain ground with a stone mill is delicious and at a reasonable price. The shop owner has good personality and is a pleasant shop.
ゆか on Google

全粒粉100プレーン、塩バター、よもぎくるみを購入しました。 もちもちで香りも良く、とっても美味しかったです。 店主の方もとても柔らかい雰囲気でした。 ポイントカードがあり、 雨の日・嵐の日・雪の日に来店、エコバッグ持参、2日以上前の予約 以上のどれか1つでも該当すればポイントが2倍になるそうです。
We purchased whole grain flour 100 plain, salt butter and wormwood walnuts. It's sticky and has a good aroma, and it was very delicious. The shopkeeper also had a very soft atmosphere. There is a point card, Come to the store on rainy day, stormy day, snowy day, bring eco bag, and make a reservation more than 2 days ago It seems that points will be doubled if any one of the above applies.
dutch mieko on Google

The quality of the bread here is very high! I think it's bread that you like and dislike, but I'm a bakery that I love because it's made with safe ingredients and seriously thinking about the body.
A O on Google

美味しさ、安全、健康面の提供をモットーに、素材にこだわり手間隙を惜しまずにパン作りをされているのがわかります。 食事パンのもちもち100プレーン(もちもち感を楽しむために厚めに2センチスライス)と一番売れ筋の全粒100シンプルを1.5センチにスライスしていただきました? 帰宅してすぐに一緒に購入したザクロのブレッドをたっぷりと載せて? あ~美味しい??? どちらも美味しかったですが、もちもち100プレーンは本当にモチモチしていて私の好みでした?
With the motto of providing deliciousness, safety, and health, you can see that bread is made without paying close attention to the ingredients. We had 100 plain meals of rice bread (2 centimeter slices thick to enjoy the glutinous feeling) and 100 selling whole grains 100 simple slices to 1.5 centimeters. ? Plenty of pomegranate bread purchased together immediately after returning home Ah ~ delicious rice cake Both were delicious, but the mochimochi 100 plain was really motivated and was my favorite ?
あるれる on Google

病院帰りに初めて訪問。 人気ナンバーワンのパン(名前失念)のハーフとスコーン等購入。もちろんパンも全粒粉でゴマの香ばしさもあり大変美味しかったですが、スコーンがお家でオーブンで少し温めて食べたら、めちゃめちゃ美味しかったです! また行きたいです!
First visit on the way home from the hospital. Purchased the most popular bread (forgot the name) half and scones. Of course, the bread was whole grain and had a sesame flavor, so it was very delicious, but when the scones were warmed up in the oven at home and eaten, it was really delicious! I want to go again!
o t on Google

普段ほとんどパンを食べませんが妻が行きたいと言うので買って車内で食べたら激ウマすぎてすぐ全部なくなりました! そのままUターンして閉店間際に滑りこんで買い増しできました お値段は少々高いですがここのパンならまた食べたい 職人気質の雰囲気溢れる店主も魅力的です☆ 近くはないですがまた買いに行きたいと思います
I seldom eat bread, but my wife wants to go, so I bought it and ate it in the car. I made a U-turn as it was and slipped in just before the store closed and was able to buy more The price is a little high, but I want to eat the bread here again The shop owner with a craftsmanship atmosphere is also attractive ☆ It's not near, but I'd like to go buy it again
くろりえ on Google

ずっと気になっていたパン屋さん。 初めて行きましたが、こちらのクチコミ以外でも評価が高かったので沢山購入しました。 販売しているパンのほとんどがハード系のようです。パンで机を叩くとゴンゴン大きな音がするくらい硬いのですが、中は程よく水分を保ち、しっとりもっちり、香りも良く、とっても美味しかったです。 スコーンなんて、モサモサして口の中の水分を持っていかれる食べ物だと思っていましたが、こちらのスコーンはカリッと軽い食感で、中は程よくしっとり、飲み物がなくても食べる事ができました。 パンは小さめですが噛みごたえがあるので、人より大食いの私でも2個でお腹いっぱい。パン好きの万年ダイエッターとしては嬉しい。 ホームページやFacebookを覗くと、オーナーのこだわりが伝わってきます。 好みは分かれると思いますが、気になる方、是非一度行ってみてください(*´︶`*)
A bakery that I've always been interested in. I went there for the first time, but I bought a lot because it was highly evaluated other than this review. Most of the bread sold seems to be hard. When I hit the desk with bread, it was hard enough to make a loud noise, but the inside kept water moderately, it was moist and moist, and the aroma was good, and it was very delicious. I thought that scones are foods that can be moisturized and bring water in the mouth, but these scones have a crispy and light texture, the inside is moderately moist, and you can eat without drinks. rice field. The bread is small but chewy, so even I, who eats more than people, is full with two. I'm happy as a bread-loving perennial dieter. If you look at the homepage or Facebook, you can see the owner's commitment. I think you have different tastes, but if you are interested, please go there once (* ´︶` *)
福井由子 on Google

とっても美味しいパンです。 しっかりした風味が有り好きです。 いつもは通る事が無い道、 踏切でとまったら パン屋さんの看板。 戻ってみて良かったです。 今度はバケットいただいてみたいです。
Very delicious bread. I like it because it has a solid flavor. A road that you don't usually go through, If you stop at the railroad crossing, you will see a bakery sign. I'm glad I went back. I would like to have a bucket this time.

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