Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School - Sakai

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hatsushiba Ritsumeikan Junior and Senior High School

住所 :

194-1 Nishino, Higashi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8125, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 599-8125
Webサイト : http://www.hatsushiba.ed.jp/ritsumeikan/

194-1 Nishino, Higashi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8125, Japan
Clouz West on Google

It is the former site of the former Momoyama Gakuin University. It seems that it has been renovated, but there are still some quaint buildings. Western style because it is a Christian university.
ムクロ on Google

Students here should teach from bicycle etiquette, ignore traffic lights, double drive on the road, reverse at high speed Most students do not even know the rules
さかいかずき on Google

元々この学校の生徒やったんやけど、 英語の時間に先生に教科書ぐちゃぐちゃにされて意味わからんやろ理不尽やなってゆったら退学になったものです。何も理由も無し高いお金で買った教科書をぐちゃぐちゃにされるんですよ??? それに君には勉強の意思が見られませんとか見てもない副校長に言われました。 来年再来年とここの学校に入学される方、決してやめておいた方がいいとは言いませんがもっとここよりいい学校へ言った方が息子さんの為だと思います。
Originally I was a student at this school, but When my teacher messed up my textbook during English time, I didn't understand what it meant, and when I became unreasonable, I dropped out. You're messing up a textbook you bought for a high price for no reason, right? ?? ?? Besides, I was told by the vice-principal that I didn't see any intention to study. Those who will be enrolled in this school next year and next year, I do not say that it is better to stop, but I think that it is for my son to say to a better school than here.
佐竹博文 on Google

ちょっと古いけど、元大学の建物やからかなり立派で施設も充実してる、でもプールはない。 校則は私立の中ではかなりゆるい方で携帯やお菓子OK、月に一回頭髪検査があるくらい。 コースの中にも立命館コースというのがあり、ここ入って余程のヘマをしなければ推薦で立命館大学に行ける。アドバンスド英数やグローバルコースも本人の努力次第では同志社とか明治大とか難関国公立まで狙える。 ここの制服は好きな人と嫌いな人で分かれるけど自分は普通に良いと思う。 部活は運動部はそれなりに頑張ってる、文化部は種類が少ないかも。 ただ、駅から遠く坂がエグイため夏と冬は道中キツイからスクールバス使った方がいいと思う。
It's a little old, but it's quite nice and well-equipped from the former university building, but there is no pool. The school rules are fairly loose in private schools, and mobile phones and sweets are OK, and there is a hair inspection once a month. There is also a Ritsumeikan course in the course, and you can go to Ritsumeikan University by recommendation if you do not enter here and make a lot of mistakes. Depending on the efforts of the person himself, advanced alphanumeric and global courses can be aimed at Doshisha University, Meiji University, and public universities in difficult countries. The uniforms here are divided into those who like it and those who don't, but I think I'm usually good. As for club activities, the athletic club is doing its best as it is, and the culture club may have few types. However, I think it's better to use the school bus from the road in summer and winter because the slope is far from the station.
山田鉄五郎 on Google

中学の生徒は至って普通であるが、教師に難あり。 数人の長年勤務している教師が若い教師や生徒にパワハラの嵐。特に体育と数学の... また駅から遠く長階段があってアクセスも悪い。 嫌われる(嫌われる本人も悪いが)と濡れ衣を着せられることも多々。 中学は普通の生徒とホウレンソウという名をもとにに少数の生徒は教師にチクリまくる。 ほんとにここの中学に行く意味は皆無むしろ害。 高校は基本は自由でのびのびとしているが 立命館コースでなければ基本は立命館大学には上がれないのでグローバルコースには行く意味がない。 小さい敷地に多数の生徒を詰め込んでいる学校のためわざわざ第一志望で行く学校ではない。 良いところをひとつあげるとするならば高校の校舎が綺麗なことでしょうか。 同レベルの私立高校や公立高校に行かれた方が幸せになれるでしょう。(元同中学退学者より)
Students in junior high school are very ordinary, but teachers have difficulties. A staff of several years working teachers is a power stall of young teachers and students. Especially for physical education and mathematics ... There is a long staircase far from the station and access is bad. It is often that people are disliked (they are also bad hated) and can be dressed in wet clothing. Junior high school students regularly sprinkle with teachers based on the name spinach and spinach a few students. The meaning of going to junior high school here is truly harmless. High school basically is free and freaky Unless it is a Ritsumeikan course, basics can not go up to Ritsumeikan University so it makes no sense to go to the global course. It is not a school to go for the school packing a large number of students on a small estate with a primary aspiration. Would it be nice if the high school building is beautiful if it is said to give one good point. You will be happier if you go to the same level of private high school or public high school. (From former same junior college dropout)
Roy Roy on Google

朝の通学渋滞どうにかなりませんか? 自動車での送り迎えは中止するか、離れた場所で降ろす対策とか。 近隣にはとても迷惑です。
How much is the traffic jam in the morning? You can either stop picking up and dropping off by car, or take measures to drop you off at a remote location. It's very annoying to the neighborhood.
りんご on Google

現役生ですが、電車のマナーやスマホは頻繁に先生から注意されることは多いので放棄されずしっかり見てくれていると思います。 緊急用だけ使っていいスマホや髪型などの校則は不満ですが、iPadを使って分かりやすく教えてくれてると思います。緊急事態宣言に対する対処も早い方でした。人数がすくないんで比較的に仲良い学校でイジメとかはありませんが、うるさい事はあります。部活はスポーツの方が力を入れていると思います。 人工芝に変わったので普通にいいと思います
Although I am an active student, I think that train etiquette and smartphones are often watched by the teacher, so they are not abandoned and are watching closely. I'm not happy with the school rules such as smartphones and hairstyles that can be used only for emergencies, but I think they teach me in an easy-to-understand manner using the iPad. The response to the state of emergency was also quick. The number of people is small, so it's a relatively close school and there is no bullying, but it can be noisy. I think that sports are more focused on club activities. I think it's normal because it has changed to artificial turf
hayato on Google

中学サッカー部に入っていたので、言わせてもらいます。 授業→とても良い ただし宿題が多く、とてもき つい。しかし出来ない量ではないので、大 体の生徒が大体やってくる。 英語などに はとても力を入れており、宿題はやればや やればやるほど実力はついてくるので中学 卒業する頃には英検準2級位までは大体と ってる。 クラブ→全体的に力が入っている。僕はサッカー をしていたのでここからはサッカーにつ いて話していく。顧問はU-18日本代表 候補に選ばられた凄腕。もう一人の顧問 はアメフトをしていたらしく、キーパー のことを勉強していてとても知識をつけ ている。両者とても熱意があり、大体毎 日2時間程度の練習。人工芝・顧問・隣 に高校生がいて練習風景を見ることがで きる、など環境にはとても恵まれている と思います。 文武両道を貫くことができ、立命館大学に行くこともコースによっては可能など、僕はこの学校を選んでとてもよかったと感じてます。 贅沢言うならグランドがサッカーコート一面+小学校コートしかないので、人工芝グランドをもう少し増やしてほしいことぐらいです。 この情報は現段階なので、また変わってくると思いますが、学校はとても良いので悪くなることはないと思います。 長文失礼しました。 読んでいただき有難う御座いました。
I was in the junior high school soccer club, so let me tell you. Class → Very good However, I have a lot of homework and I am very happy unintentionally. However, it is not an amount that can not be done, so it is large Most of the students are coming. For English etc. Is very focused and if he does his homework The more you do, the better your ability will be, so junior high school By the time you graduate, you'll be up to Eiken Level 2 I'm Club → Overall, there is a lot of power. I'm soccer I was playing soccer, so I'm going to play soccer from here I will talk to you. Advisor is U-18 Japan National Team Great skill selected as a candidate. Another adviser Seems to be playing American football, the keeper I'm studying about things and I'm very knowledgeable ing. Both are very enthusiastic, about every Practice about 2 hours a day. Artificial turf / advisor / next door There is a high school student in Japan and you can see the practice scene I am very blessed with the environment I think. I am very glad that I chose this school because I can go through both Bunbu and Budo, and it is possible to go to Ritsumeikan University depending on the course. Speaking of luxury, there is only one soccer court + elementary school court, so I would like to see more artificial turf grounds. This information is at this stage, so I think it will change again, but the school is so good that it won't get worse. Excuse me for a long sentence. Thank you for reading.

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