Hatabisa-Jinja Shrine - Nantan

4.6/5 に基づく 7 レビュー

Contact Hatabisa-Jinja Shrine

住所 :

Nantan, Kyoto 629-0121, Japan

Postal code : 629-0121

Nantan, Kyoto 629-0121, Japan
中川悟 on Google

n s on Google

A shrine that entered the year of 1300 years. The trees are beautiful and beautiful, and there was such a wonderful place. I held a strong feeling
Le Grenier on Google

It seems to be a shrine named after the ice chamber that stores winter ice until summer. A shrine with the richest greenery in the back of the village. In the precincts, there is probably a small pond that seems to contain photoalgae, and it is a very beautiful shrine. The guardian dog has also changed and is cute.
まっちゃん on Google

集落の中の、離合ままならない細い道のどんつき、山際に鎮まる幡日佐神社さま。品陀和気命(誉田別→応神天皇)と氷室命を祀る。 台風の迫る曇り空の下で参拝させていただいた。山の深さが迫り、静まりかえった境内が非常に気持ちよかった。この神社のある南丹市八木氷所は、令和の大嘗祭の斎田に選ばれた。おめでとうございます。
Hatsukasa Shrine calms down on the edge of a narrow road that cannot be separated from the village. Says the life of Shingo (Hokkabetsu → Emperor Ojin) and Himuro Life. I worshiped under a cloudy sky approaching a typhoon. The precincts of the mountain where the depths of the mountains approached and were still calm were very pleasant. Nantan City Yagi Ice Place, where this shrine is located, was selected as the Saita of the Rehabilitation Oiso Festival. congratulations.
筒井忠彦 on Google

A quiet shrine with a long history in the wide precincts at the end of the village.
雲外蒼天123 on Google

延喜式内 幡日佐神社 御祭神 品陀和氣命 氷室命 社伝に元明天皇の和同年間に、幡がたなびくのを見て氷所明神の名を幡日佐明神と改めた、とある。幡は分かるがヒサとは何だろう。氷所(ヒソ)だろうか。 寛文九年に氷室命を合祀しているので幡日佐明神と氷室神社が合祀されたということだろう。幡と氷が同列に祀られているのが面白い。この地域の昔の産業に関係があるのかも知れない。 秦氏と曰佐氏の祖神を祀ったことから幡日佐の名がついたとのとの説もある。 境内には稲荷神社の鳥居が並んでおり、境内中央に拝殿(舞殿)があり、拝殿の後方、階段上に本殿がある。本殿の屋根は銅板葺で流造に破風をくっつけたような独特の造りで豪華だ。
Hatabisa Shrine in the Enki ceremony Saijin Shinda Wakimei Himuromei According to the company's biography, during the same year as Empress Genmei, when he saw Hatabisa fluttering, he changed the name of Hyosho Myojin to Hatabisa Myojin. I understand Hata, but what is Hisa? Is it an ice place? Since Himuro's life was enshrined in Kanbun 9th year, it seems that Hatabisa Myojin and Himuro Shrine were enshrined. It is interesting that the hat and the ice are enshrined in the same line. It may have something to do with the old industry in the area. There is also a theory that Hatabisa was named after the ancestral gods of Hata and Osa. The torii gates of Inari Shrine are lined up in the precincts, and there is a hall of worship (Maiden) in the center of the precincts, and the main hall is on the stairs behind the hall of worship. The roof of the main shrine is luxurious with a unique structure that looks like a gable with a copper plate thatched roof.
Trans-word plus TGM on Google

According to the historical record there once was an ice chamber called Himuro in the area of Kamiyoshi Shimomura which is current Yagi-cho Kamiyoshi in Nantan City located on the other side of mountain in the back of this shrine and a deity of Himuro Daimyojin was enshrined in Kamiyoshi. Hatahisa shrine was built as a separate place to enshrine Himuro Daimyojin. In the current town of Minota in Kameoka, there is a mountain called Mt. Hataya. The legend says that in Wado era ( between 708 and 715 ) 8 streams of banner ( Hata ) came down from the heaven and one of them was shining golden light upon the precincts of Himuro Daimyojin Shrine. Ever since the shrine was called Hatahisa. Hisa means shining of light. Hatahisa Shrine means a shrine where the sacred light of the sun shines into. This is a very old shrine originally established in 708. ( Trans-word+ TGM Kyoto Guide )

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