こむっしゅ体操教室 橋本

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こむっしゅ体操教室 橋本

住所 :

Hashimotodai, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0132 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87899
Webサイト : https://komussyu84.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Hashimotodai, Midori Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0132 Kanagawa,Japan
岡田秀亮 on Google

「お父さん、ここで体操したい!」目を輝かせて話す子ども達を見て、入会を決めました。 練習内容の説明だけでなく、座り方や話の聞き方など、きめ細かく、丁寧な声かけをしてくださっていたので、子ども達もいい緊張感の中、楽しく体操することができました。 充実した時間を提供してくださったコーチ達に感謝です。 設備も素晴らしかったです。とくに常設のトランポリンには驚きました。 マット、鉄棒、跳び箱だけでなく、吊り輪やボルダリングなど、小さなうちにいろいろな器具に触れながら、身体の使い方を身に付けられるのも魅力でした。 おすすめの体操教室ですよ!
"Dad, I want to do gymnastics here!" I decided to join after seeing the children talking with their eyes shining. Not only the explanation of the practice contents, but also the detailed and polite voices such as how to sit and listen to the story, so the children were able to enjoy the gymnastics with a good sense of tension. I am grateful to the coaches for providing me with a fulfilling time. The facilities were also great. I was particularly surprised at the permanent trampoline. It was also attractive to be able to learn how to use the body while touching various equipment such as hanging rings and bouldering as well as mats, horizontal bars and vaulting boxes. It's a recommended gymnastics class!
Saori on Google

少人数制でしっかりコーチが指導してくれます。 別の短期教室でずっとやってきましたが、跳び箱がずっと跳べませんでした。こちらの教室に通ってすぐに跳び箱が跳べるようになり、本人も私もビックリしています。 これからの成長が楽しみです。 3人とも毎週楽しみにしています。
The coach will guide you with a small number of people. I've been in another short-term classroom all the time, but I couldn't jump the vaulting box all the time. As soon as I went to this classroom, I was able to jump the vaulting box, which surprised me and myself. I am looking forward to future growth. All three are looking forward to it every week.
松崎奏 on Google

I joined with my 8-year-old sister and my 6-year-old younger brother. You can rest assured that each person will be taught the good points and bad points. I had my coach show me a backflip and I was excited to talk at home. At this time, the pool wasn't available at the elementary school, which made children feel lonely, but it seems that they are looking forward to the next time as they sweat and smile during gymnastics.
岩本いつか on Google

子供たち4人通わせていただいています。 トランポリンが常設されていて、色んな技に挑戦できるのが楽しいらしいです。 親も見学でき、どのくらいの事ができるようになったのか見られるのがいいと思います。 コーチの指導者としての信頼度が高く、移籍して本当に良かったなと思います。
I have 4 children. The trampoline is permanently installed, and it seems to be fun to try various techniques. I think it would be nice if parents could also visit and see how much they were able to do. I have a high degree of trust as a coach coach, and I am really glad that I transferred.
野口ひとみ on Google

少人数制で明るく元気なコーチが丁寧に指導してくれます。 鉄棒、跳び箱、トランポリンと色々できるのが、本人はとても楽しいようです。 毎月テストもあり、ヤル気にも繋がりますし、みんなの前で恥ずかしがらずに出来る姿を小さい時から身につけたかったので、親としてはとても安心して見てられます。 これからもよろしくお願い致します。
A small, cheerful and energetic coach will carefully guide you. He seems to have a lot of fun doing various things such as horizontal bars, vaulting boxes, and trampolines. There is also a monthly test, which leads to a sense of humor, and I wanted to learn how to do it without being shy in front of everyone from a young age, so as a parent, I can see it with great peace of mind. Thank you for your continued support.
I m on Google

少人数制で、一人ひとりのレベルに合わせて指導していただきました。 明るく元気なコーチで、褒められて子どものやる気はアップ!的確なアドバイスで、今まで出来なかったことが出来るようになりました。 月末には進級チェックのテストがあり、目標に向かって頑張ることが出来ます! 様々な体操器具がそろっていて、これから本格的に体操をしたい方にもオススメです。 広く、換気も行き届いているので安心です。 保護者も見学や撮影が出来るので、子どもの様子がみられてよかったです。 これからの成長を楽しみに、これからも通わせて頂きます。
We had a small number of people and gave guidance according to each person's level. A cheerful and energetic coach who is praised and motivated by children! With accurate advice, I can now do things that I couldn't do before. At the end of the month, there will be a promotion check test, so you can work hard toward your goals! We have various gymnastics equipment, and it is recommended for those who want to do gymnastics in earnest from now on. It is spacious and well-ventilated, so you can rest assured. Parents can also visit and take pictures, so it was nice to see the children. Looking forward to future growth, I will continue to attend.
kao on Google

他のスポーツクラブに通っていましたが姉6歳、弟5歳同じ時間に通わせる事が出来るし少人数制と聞き体験教室へ申し込み!!2人とも気に入り即日入会しました。 親が教えてあげられない細かな指導や子供への分かりやすい説明も気に入りました。目標があるので早く達成出来ちゃうかなぁーとワクワクです。。。
I used to go to other sports clubs, but my sister is 6 years old and my younger brother is 5 years old. !! Both of them liked it and joined on the same day. I also like the detailed guidance that parents cannot teach and the easy-to-understand explanations for children. I have a goal, so I'm excited to be able to achieve it quickly. .. ..
なべ子“NBK” on Google

身体を動かす事が大好きな娘の為、体操教室を探していました。どこもピンと来るところがなく悩んでいたところ、自転車で5分の所に新規オープンするとのこと、すぐに体験の申し込みをしたのが始まりでした。 某スポーツクラブの体操教室と比べると設備も良く、大型トランポリンがとても楽しそうです。 コーチもとても丁寧に教えてくれます。座り方、話の聞き方、挨拶…技術だけではなく、必要な事をしっかりと教えてくれます。 入会して半年、毎週体操の日が待ち遠しく、とても喜んで通っています! そんな末娘と同時に小学生の兄はアクロバットに入会しました。 憧れのバック転を特訓中です。柔軟やストレッチも他の習い事に生かされる為、2人とも入会して本当に良かったと思います。 とてもオススメの体操教室です‼︎
I was looking for a gymnastics class for my daughter who loves to move. I was worried because there was no place to come, but I heard that it would open a new one in 5 minutes by bicycle, and I immediately applied for an experience. Compared to the gymnastics class of a certain sports club, the facilities are good, and the large trampoline seems to be very fun. The coach will also teach you very politely. How to sit, how to listen, greetings ... Not only the technique but also the necessary things will be taught firmly. I can't wait for the gymnastics day every week for half a year since I joined, and I am very happy to attend! At the same time as my youngest daughter, my older brother in elementary school joined Acrobat. I am in the midst of special training for my longing backflip. I'm really glad that both of us joined because flexibility and stretching are also used in other lessons. This is a highly recommended gymnastics class! ︎

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