Harvest Tachikawa - Tachikawa

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Harvest Tachikawa

住所 :

3 Chome-2-1 Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-0023, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 190-0023
Webサイト : http://www.create-restaurants.co.jp/

3 Chome-2-1 Shibasakicho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-0023, Japan
M M on Google

調布店が美味しかったのでいってみたが、グラタンも鶏の唐揚げもいまいち。 デザートもたいしておいしくない。。 ドリンクバーのミルクティーはあまりにもまずくて残した?
I went to Chofu because it was delicious, but the gratin and fried chicken are not good enough. The dessert isn't very good either. .. The milk tea in the drink bar was too bad and left ?
あいはらあい on Google

I thought it was a low-priced, high-quality restaurant for a buffet. The fried foods, desserts, and other foods with different tastes were also delicious. The smoking booth on the same floor was completely closed due to corona measures.
chan TAMA on Google

After all, I shouldn't have entered this kind of viking. When I was hungry, I wanted to eat a lot of things, so I went in without thinking, but in reality, I regretted that there was nothing that appealed to me. There is no lipi.
若松奈津子 on Google

ランチプランによく行きます。ヘルシーなメニューが多い食べ放題で、食べすぎてもそんなに罪悪感がないかも?笑 料金は安いので手軽にランチを楽しめています。
I often go to lunch plans. All-you-can-eat with many healthy menus, so you may not feel so guilty if you eat too much. Lol The price is cheap, so you can easily enjoy lunch.
東京住まいの道産子 on Google

他の一般的な肉や魚などをメインとしたブッフェとして訪れるとかなり的外れな感じは否めないけれど、ヘルシー志向な人にとってはこれほど魅力的なブッフェは他にそうそうないと言い切れるぐらい素晴らしいお店。 店の看板やポスターには「肉や魚も」といううたい文句があるので、一見それらが主軸に感じてしまうところがあるが、この店の主軸はヘルシーさを売りにした野菜主軸のブッフェと割り切った方が良い。 結構色んなものを食べてみたが、主軸となる野菜中心のブッフェはそれぞれが味がしっかりしているしワザと濃くしている印象もなく食べやすい。温かい料理がやや少なめに感じるのが残念ではあるが、肉の主体となる鶏の唐揚げですら油を抑えた揚げ方をしており、デザートに準備されているケーキ類ですら甘味料をかなり極限まで控えている徹底ぶり。 平日の昼でドリンクバー付きで1,921円かかったが、ドリンクバーとして準備されている飲み物には通常一杯で300円はかかるであろうダージリンなどの紅茶ティーパックも10種類近く準備されていたので、食後に紅茶を楽しむ人にとってはドリンクバーも選択肢に入れても良いのではないだろうか。 肉や魚をがっつり食べたいという目的がある方々には全くお勧め出来ないが、糖質は抑えたいけれど目一杯食べたいという願望を持つヘルシー志向の女性の方々には非常にお勧め出来る。
If you visit it as a buffet with other general meats and fish as the main, it can not be denied that it is quite unreasonable, but for healthy conscious people this buffet is so attractive that it can be said that there is no other such buffet . The signboards and posters of the store have words like "meat and fish", so at first glance they may feel like the main axis, but the main axis of this shop is a vegetable main axis buffet that sells healthyness Is good. I tried quite a bit of food, but the buffet centered on vegetables, which is the main axis, has a solid taste and is easy to eat without the impression that it is deep and dark. It is a pity that the hot food feels a little less, but even the fried chicken, which is the main body of meat, is fried with less oil, and even the cakes prepared for dessert use a lot of sweeteners Thoroughness ahead of the limit. It cost 1,921 yen with a drink bar at noon on weekdays, but nearly 10 kinds of tea tea packs such as Darjeeling which would normally cost 300 yen for a drink prepared as a drink bar were prepared, For those who enjoy tea after a meal, a drink bar may be an option. It is not recommended at all for those who want to eat meat and fish firmly, but can be highly recommended for healthy-minded women who want to control their carbohydrates but want to eat as much as they can.
山田太郎 on Google

まぁまぁですね。個人的には2回も行く気にはなりません。グラタンは健康を意識しているせいか焦げ目がなくて微妙でした。健康意識をしている人には良いお店かもしれません。 ガッツリ食べたい方なら1000円食べ放題の方がもっと良い店が沢山あります。
Well, that's right. Personally, I don't feel like going twice. Gratin was delicate because it was not browned, probably because it was conscious of health. It may be a good shop for people who are conscious of health. If you want to eat a lot, there are many restaurants where you can eat all-you-can-eat for 1000 yen.
Yoshihiro Murakami on Google

Supper in Tachikawa once or twice a year. This time it wasn't delicious, just a vegetable salad and fried chicken. I don't know what happened. There used to be grilled mackerel fish and roast beef, but nothing. Nigiri sushi is also not delicious. I will look for another store from the next time.
渡七志 on Google

バイキング大好き民なので、看板を見て入店。 飛鳥鍋とスープカレーなどのスープ類が美味しい。野菜も美味しい(キャベツとかの煮浸しがイチオシ)。THE・和食が多い。良い。 ティーバーのお茶の種類が多くて嬉しい。ビネガードリンクが飲めるのも良い。 この季節のデザートコーナーはイチゴのピンク一色、羊羹から豆花まで色々ある。イチゴ苦手なのでこの時期はハズレだけど春になったらまた来たい。 とにかく美味しい。
I'm a Viking lover, so I went to the store after seeing the sign. Soups such as Asuka pot and soup curry are delicious. Vegetables are also delicious (simmered cabbage is recommended). THE ・ There are many Japanese foods. good. I am glad that there are many types of tea in the tea bar. It is also good to drink vinegar link. The dessert corner of this season has a variety of pink strawberries, from yokan to douhua. I'm not good at strawberries, so I miss this time, but I want to come again in the spring. Anyway, it's delicious.

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