Haruyama Memorial Hospital - Shinjuku City

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Haruyama Memorial Hospital

住所 :

1 Chome-24-5 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 169-0073
Webサイト : http://www.haruyama-hosp.com/

1 Chome-24-5 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan
Junko MIYAKE on Google

About 10 years ago, my father was taken to an emergency department for abdominal pain and had surgery. He had been hospitalized for a long time because he had accumulated a large amount of pus, but he was not completely cured, and after about a year, he found a cancer that had metastasized. Cancer of the large intestine has spread to the bone and liver and is stage IV. He died three months after his discovery. I heard that the surgeon at this hospital had not been tested for cancer. Why didn't I have a cancer test when I had a mysterious abscess that didn't heal for a long time? Why did you say that you don't have cancer just by looking at it? There is only distrust. I think it is possible to sue for a medical error, but suddenly the fight against terminal cancer and the family who became a caretaker did not have such energy. I'm just disappointed. Suddenly, I remembered my father who said "I want to cry" at the hospital after the transfer, and I was motivated to write a review. I think that the hospital is focusing on accepting ambulances, but I would like you to strengthen your ability for treatment after that. I pray that it has improved after 10 years.
高橋健史 on Google

緊急で受けてくれる病院がそこだったのでそのまま通院しました。 はっきり言っておすすめできません。 最低限の事を淡々とやっているだけ。 ケガで縫った糸もカルテに書いてなかったらしく言われて気付かれていました。 不安しかありません。 早急に病院を変えた方がいいです。
There was an urgent hospital, so I went to the hospital as it was. To be clear, I can't recommend it. I'm just doing the bare minimum. I was noticed that the thread sewn by injury was not written on the medical record. I'm only worried. You should change the hospital as soon as possible.
たかズン on Google

骨折のため手術入院でお世話になりました。 術後も良好だし、何より入院中の看護師さんたちのテキパキした動き、チームワーク、感じの良さには尊敬の念を持ちました。また入院したいくらいです(笑)。料金的にも良心的と思います。 マイナス評価付けてる方は、恐らくコミュニケーションが不自由なご老人か、(場所柄?)外国人の方と思います。意味なくキレてるオジイさんよく見ましたし(笑)
I was taken care of by hospitalization for surgery because of a fracture. It was good after the operation, and above all, I respected the cheerful movements, teamwork, and good feeling of the hospitalized nurses. I want to be hospitalized again (laughs). I think it is reasonable in terms of price. Those who give a negative rating are probably old people who have difficulty communicating, or foreigners (where?). I often saw Mr. Ojii who was sharp without meaning (laughs)
コロナビール on Google

外来看護師のレベルの低さが酷い。 ワクチンを受けに行きました。普通、皮下注射するものを何故か筋肉注射されました。しかも、私が皮下注の腕のポーズをしていたのに、アルコール消毒は皮下注の位置にしていたが、刺した場所と方法は筋注でした。 皮下注と筋注の違いもわからないような看護師がいるなんて驚きです。 あの看護師には二度とあたりたくないです。
The low level of outpatient nurses is terrible. I went to get the vaccine. Usually, what is injected subcutaneously was injected intramuscularly for some reason. Moreover, although I was posing for the arm of subcutaneous injection, alcohol disinfection was in the position of subcutaneous injection, but the location and method of puncture was intramuscular injection. It's amazing that some nurses don't even know the difference between subcutaneous and intramuscular injection. I don't want to hit that nurse again.
TT “momo” on Google

平日の午前10時半ごろに行きました。たくさんの方が診察室の前、入り口すぐの待合席でお待ちになっていました。 整形外科で診ていただいた女性の先生は、ハキハキしていて良かったです。レントゲンも撮りましたが、スムーズな案内と作業でストレスなく終わりました。 診察を待っている間に周りを見ていると、看護師の方々がご高齢の方や何かしら疾病を抱える方に寄り添って、慈愛に満ちたお声掛けをされていました。 なので、クチコミはやたら点数が低いですが、個人的には特に問題はなく、むしろ好印象の病院でした。 ありがとうございました。
I went around 10:30 am on weekdays. Many people were waiting in the waiting seat right at the entrance in front of the examination room. I'm glad that the female teacher who was examined by the orthopedic surgeon was very happy. I also took an X-ray, but the smooth guidance and work ended without stress. When I was looking around while I was waiting for the medical examination, the nurses were cuddling with the elderly and those with some kind of illness, and they were graciously speaking to me. So, although the word-of-mouth score is rather low, there was no particular problem personally, and it was rather a good impression hospital. Thank you very much.
anant pokhrel on Google

Nice very nice
シュワルツ B.. on Google

I came into Haruyama Kinen Hospital wih a broken hip after a bicycle accident. From the moment I arrived to the moment I left three weeks later, I was treated very well by doctors, nurses, rehabilitation therapists and staff. Everyone was polite, kind, patient and helpful from the beginning to end. The food was healthy and tasty. As far as a hospital stay can be good, this one definitely was. Thank you Haruyama Hospital! One note: if you don’t speak any Japanese, it might be hard to communicate.
Del L on Google

If I could give a rating of zero stars, I would do so. Am a visitor to the country and rushed to this hospital as an elderly family member with heart condition was feeling unwell. Was met by an extremely unfriendly receptionist who curtly told us in Japanese that they would not treat non Japanese speaking patients without an interpreter, without giving us any alternative solutions. She then continued with her work and blatantly ignored us, until we persisted and she found out our family member had a heart condition and gave us a slip of paper with a telephone number for us to call - that number did not work! Eventually left and found another clinic that was very helpful and treated our family member. Would not recommend this hospital at all if you do not speak Japanese.

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