Harikyu Morino Clinic - Nagoya

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Harikyu Morino Clinic

住所 :

甲斐ビル 1F 3 Chome-11-16 Shimizu, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0844, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88987
Postal code : 462-0844
Webサイト : https://www.shinq-compass.jp/salon/detail/32917

甲斐ビル 1F 3 Chome-11-16 Shimizu, Kita Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 462-0844, Japan
チャンネルタマ on Google

職業柄、肩を痛めやすく… どんどん腕が上がらなくなってきたのでお邪魔してみました♪ 肩や腕はもちろん楽になりましたが 小さい頃からの歯ぎしりでこっている顔の筋肉までも見抜かれました!すごい! 気にしてるところだけでなく他もみているなんて… 自分では気づいてるようで気づけてないところまで教えてくださると とても助かりました!その後もアドバイス通りやってます~
Occupation, easy to hurt the shoulder ... My arms are getting harder and harder, so I tried to bother you ♪ The shoulders and arms are of course easier Even the muscles of the face, which had been bruxically worn since I was a child, were spotted! Wow! You're not only looking at things you care about, but also looking at others ... If you tell me where you are aware that you are aware of it It was very helpful! After that, I'm doing my advice ~
藤村貢(ムラコウ5458) on Google

自宅に封筒に入っていたチラシをみて 森の治療院さんに行ってきました 長年の腰痛でよくマッサージにいきますが すぐに重くなるのをくりかえしていましたが いつも治療後は、ある程度楽になるのですが ここの先生の治療を受けたら今までの腰の楽さと違い治療後もその後も快調に過ごさせていただいています。 体の状態をわかりやすく説明してくれて 自宅ケアも教えていただきましたが 中々できないので今後も治療院に伺おうと思います。
Look at the flyer that was in the envelope at home I went to the forest clinic I often go to massage with back pain for many years I had to repeat getting heavy soon It ’s always easier after treatment. If you receive the treatment of this teacher, I will spend it well after treatment, unlike the comfort of the waist so far. Please explain your body condition in an easy-to-understand manner I also taught you home care Since I can't do it, I will continue to visit the clinic.
田中基喜 on Google

I couldn't walk properly due to a sudden back pain, but now I am able to walk normally with a massage and needles. It took a few weeks to recover each time it recurred, and in a matter of seconds I was able to recover and recover.
tom on Google

オープンして間もない新しい治療院です。 わりと若い頃から坐骨神経痛もちで、いろんな治療院に通ってきました。 診ていただくと坐骨神経痛なのに原因は足首にあると言われびっくりしました!原因や家でのストレッチ、足首のサポートを教えてもらえたのは初めてだったのですごく参考になりました。そして、治療後の体調がすごくいいです。 定期的に通おうと思える治療院だったので、おススメです!
It is a new clinic that has just opened. Since I was young, I had sciatica and went to various clinics. I was surprised to see that the cause was the ankle even though I had sciatica! It was the first time that I was taught the cause, stretching at home, and ankle support, so it was very helpful. And I feel really good after treatment. I recommend it because it was a clinic that I would like to visit regularly!
Mimasa Motomori on Google

I am always indebted to my family. You can spend your time slowly without worrying about the surroundings by appointment. I'm nervous about acupuncture, but I feel the effect, so I'd like to ask again. Thank you for your polite response despite the urgent request.
Taiki Hattori on Google

8月末からオープンした新しい治療院です。 店内はカフェを思わせるオシャレで落ち着く空間になっていて、つい長居してしまいそうな雰囲気です。 院長先生の施術はピンポイントで痛いところを捉えられますが、ただ痛いだけではなく悪いところに効く感じがします。 施術後はびっくりするほど身体が軽くなりました! 日曜日もやっているので、平日忙しい方にもオススメです!
This is a new clinic opened from the end of August. The inside of the store is a stylish and relaxing space reminiscent of a café, and it feels like you are going to stay long. The director's treatment can pinpoint painful points, but it feels not just painful but works in bad places. After the treatment, I was surprised and my body became lighter! It's also done on Sundays, so it's recommended for those who are busy on weekdays!
伊藤涼太 on Google

一回の治療ですごく楽になりました!! こんなに鍼が効果があるなんて驚きです。 そのあとも、調子がいいので次回もお願いしたいと思います! 丁寧に話も聞いてくれて、とても満足です。 今回は腰を治療してもらいましたが、今度は肩こりも治してもらおうと思ってます。
One treatment made it a lot easier! !! I am surprised that acupuncture is so effective. After that, I'm in good shape, so I'd like to ask you again next time! I was very happy to listen carefully to the story. I had my lower back treated this time, but I want to have my stiff shoulders healed this time.
ちはるちゃん on Google

ルート治療をお願いしたくて伺いました。 初回の問診は細かく色々聞いてくれて、とても丁寧に対応して頂けました(^-^) 物腰柔らかく、優しい感じの先生です。 施術は、鍼だけではなく、事前にほぐしてもらってからの鍼で、何度も痛い所はないですか?おかしな感じの所はないですか?と気を使って聞いてくれるので、安心して施術を受ける事が出来ました。 写真とか見ると、鍼がいっぱい刺さってて、めちゃくちゃ痛そうなイメージですが、思ったよりというか、そんなに痛くないです。 施術後は、3、4日後くらいから、とても調子が良くなりました(^^)b 全身あちこち悪い所だらけなので、ちゃんと通って治さないとと思います(*^^*)
I asked for a route treatment. The first interview was heard in detail and I was able to respond very carefully (^-^) She is a soft and gentle teacher. The treatment is not only for acupuncture, but also for acupuncture that has been loosened in advance. Is there anything weird about? I listened with care, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. If you look at the pictures, it seems that the acupuncture needles are stabbed a lot and it seems to be very painful, but it doesn't hurt so much more than I thought. After the treatment, the condition became very good after about 3 or 4 days (^^) b The whole body is full of bad places, so I think that I will not cure it properly (* ^ ^ *)

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