Harapeko-ya Tama Shōten - Okayama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Harapeko-ya Tama Shōten

住所 :

2-31 Iwatacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 700-0022
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/okayama/A3301/A330101/33018416/

2-31 Iwatacho, Kita Ward, Okayama, 700-0022, Japan
H H. on Google

It was always full and I couldn't enter easily, but at last I was able to enter. The chicken fried Nanban pickles, dashi rolled eggs, and delicious. More than that, the pot rice with a throat was the best.
pei tanaka on Google

It is a delicious privately-owned restaurant near Okayama Station that is open on Sundays and where you can eat local fish. We also devise various original menus. I can't make a reservation easily.
ごうちゅーぶ on Google

さわら塩たたき5皿、頼んだ。 「5皿は多いかもしれないから1皿は何切れある?」 と聞いたら 「1皿8切れ」と確認してくれたので 「じゃあ多いから4皿で」と注文したのに 1皿しか来ず、残りの3皿をずっと待っていて あまりにも長いので聞いてみたら オーダーが通ってなかった。 上記のやり取りしていて何で オーダーが通ってないのか意味が分からないw 基本はいつも混んでいて美味しい店⭐️
I ordered 5 dishes of Spanish mackerel salted seared. "There may be many 5 dishes, so how many pieces are there in 1 dish?" If you ask He confirmed that "8 pieces per plate" I ordered "then there are so many dishes with 4 dishes" Only one dish came and I've been waiting for the remaining three dishes It's too long so I asked The order didn't go through. Why are you exchanging the above I don't know if the order hasn't passed w Basically, it's always crowded and delicious ⭐️
ymm rii on Google

とても美味しかった 居酒屋よりは高いがその分美味しさも倍増 社会人にならいいが学生には少し高いかもしれない 予約は早めにした方がいい。思った通りの予約が取りづらいため 刺身は あんきも、ぎんだら、さば、のどぐろ、つけまぐろ、ひらめ、ホタテのゆず、、、、あとは忘れた 1枚目の刺身と三枚目のアボカドの料理は友達にもとくに好評だった
It was very delicious It's more expensive than an izakaya, but the taste is doubled. Good for working people, but may be a little expensive for students You should make a reservation early. Because it is difficult to make a reservation as expected Sashimi Ankimo, sablefish, mackerel, nodoguro, tuna, flounder, scallop yuzu ... I forgot the rest The first sashimi and the third avocado dish were especially popular with my friends.
石原一成 on Google

It was a very delicious dish. It's a new store and the feeling of hiding is reduced, but it's very fashionable.
m m (M2) on Google

他の方のレビューが良かったので予約して訪問しました。噂通りオープンして1時間ほどで満席に。 料理はお刺身の盛り合わせが皆さんお薦めしているだけあって、厚切りで美味しかったです。 他のメニューは、全体的に似通った材料を使って作ってるので、かなりジャンルを変えて注文するのをお勧めします。 星三つにしたのは、料理は美味しいがお客さんの質が悪すぎでした。 岡山はコロナは収まって来てるとは思うのですが、大声で騒ぎながら乾杯したり、ずっと馬鹿騒ぎしている大人数のグループのせいで雰囲気も料理も台無しでした。店員さんもこのご時世なので、少しは注意して欲しかったです。 たまたま、運が悪かったと思いますが。
I made a reservation and visited because the reviews of other people were good. It opened as rumored and was full in about an hour. The food was thick and delicious, as the sashimi platter was recommended by everyone. The other menus are made using similar materials overall, so it's a good idea to order in a fairly different genre. I chose three stars because the food was delicious but the quality of the customers was too bad. Okayama thinks that Corona is settled down, but the atmosphere and food were ruined by a large group of people who toasted loudly and made a fool of themselves all the time. The clerk is also in this age, so I wanted you to be a little careful. I think I happened to be out of luck.
ショコラ on Google

人気の居酒屋さん「たま商店」さん 2022年1月15日に岩田町に移転オープン!! とにかく〜 どのお料理も 美味しいんです\(^o^)/ シックな落ち着いた雰囲気のお店になっており、 カウンター席も個室席も満席\(◎o◎)/ 次々お客様来られるし 予約の電話、 お断りの言葉 凄いな〜!!ってぐらい電話鳴ります(笑) メニューは 前のお店の時と同じです。 まず、、、 外せないのは 「お刺身盛り合わせ」 (お値段不明) ここの盛り合わせは ナマモノの刺し身だけでなく 焼き物やタタキなんかも入ってるんです!! 色々食べたいものが ぎゅっと一皿で頂けるので外せません(≧∀≦) どれも火加減よく プリプリ美味しい〜( ´∀`) リピート率ナンバーワンの 「マグロたたきのアボカドディップ」ガーリックトースト添え!! うわ〜!!このディップ、サンドイッチにしたい(≧∀≦)ってぐらい美味しい!! 大満足なお料理ばかりでした(*^^*)
Popular tavern "Tama Shoten" Relocated and opened in Iwata-cho on January 15, 2022! !! anyway~ Every dish It's delicious \ (^ o ^) / The shop has a chic and calm atmosphere. Both counter seats and private room seats are full \ (◎ o ◎) / Customers can come one after another Reservation phone, Words of refusal It's amazing! !! The phone rings (laughs) The menu is Same as the previous shop. first,,, What you can't remove "Assorted sashimi" (Price unknown) Assortment here Not only raw sashimi It also contains grilled foods and tataki! !! What you want to eat You can get it in one dish, so you can't remove it (≧ ∀ ≦) All are well-heated It's delicious ~ (´∀ `) Number one repeat rate "Tuna beaten avocado dip" with garlic toast! !! Wow! !! This dip is so delicious that I want to make it a sandwich (≧ ∀ ≦)! !! All the dishes were very satisfying (* ^^ *)
Peggy C on Google

If you're looking for modern izakaya food where you can't find anywhere else, this is the place!! I was scared to try the chicken liver dish but the staff highly recommended it. It took me by surprise in a good way! And the other dishes were all very creatively and deliciously done! Particularly the daikon dish, and it says on the menu "no one leaves the restaurant without trying this dish.". It's the best combo you can get, chives + oxtail bones + daikon in soup. Make sure to call and book cuz apparently it's a super popular place!

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