ラ・パルレ 町田店

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ラ・パルレ 町田店

住所 :

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Webサイト : https://www.parler.co.jp/salon/machida.html
街 : Tokyo

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan
きたがわけいこ on Google

6年間運動部で培われた太もも、お尻が 半年経たずで細くなり、結果が出せました! アドバイスも的確で、ダイエットが楽しくなりました! また利用させていただきたいです。
Thighs and buttocks cultivated in the athletic club for 6 years In less than half a year, it became thinner and I was able to get results! The advice was also accurate, and the diet became fun! I would like to use it again.
小川真由美 on Google

初めは体験だけのはずがあまりの脂肪に泣けました。体験はかなり痛かったがそれだけ自分はやばいと思い始めたが毎回効果が出てモチベーションが上がります。頑張って続けて行きたいと思います!エステティシャンの方もとても優しくいろいろ教えてアドバイスも頂ける! 出会えて感謝の一言です!
At first it was supposed to be just an experience, but I cried for too much fat. The experience was quite painful, but I started to think that it was awful, but every time it was effective, I was motivated. I will do my best to continue! Beauticians are also very kind and can teach and give advice! A word of gratitude for meeting you!
E I on Google

ニキビのコースで半年以上通っています。 皮膚科や美容皮膚科に数年通っていても全く治らずに困っていました。今では肌も落ち着き、お肌に水分が通って、こんなに人の顔って表情が作りやすいんだと感動して自然に笑えるようになりました!通ってちゃんと治っているのか不安になる時も毎回どのように変化しているのかを丁寧に説明してくださるので、だんだんと自信も持つことができました!今まで見れなかった鏡もいまでは毎日変化を楽しみに見ることできるようになりました!本当に通ってよかった!
I have been taking acne courses for over half a year. Even though I went to dermatology and cosmetology dermatology for several years, I was in trouble because it didn't heal at all. Now that my skin is calm and moisturized, I am impressed by how easy it is to make facial expressions on people's faces, and now I can laugh naturally! Every time I was worried about whether I was getting better or not, he carefully explained how it was changing, so I was gradually confident! Mirrors that I couldn't see before can now be looked forward to changes every day! I'm really glad I went!
M Y on Google

As a finishing touch to my own diet, I have been through for about a year from the experience. Of course, the course was good, but it was good that all the staff were friendly and easy to discuss their concerns, and that they gave me advice that matched them each time after the treatment. As a result, I was able to achieve my goal. I would like to practice the advice I received and maintain my body shape.
平井咲乃 on Google

I was only planning to experience it, but after seeing the changes of the people who actually went through the treatment for a year, I decided to go through it. When the effect is actually seen every day, it leads to motivation and I go to the target once a week. It's easy to go to the staff because I can talk with them without any trouble. Compared to before, my aesthetic sense has increased and I can now enjoy my life, so I would like to continue.
j s on Google

【ブライダルエステ】 約2ヶ月後の結婚式に向けて体験に行き、目で見てわかる結果が出たため、そのまま本契約しました。 その後も通い続けていますが、その時々の悩みを聞いてもらいながら施術してもらえるため、安心感があります。少しずつ結果も出てきているため、ここを選んで良かったです。
[Bridal beauty treatment salon] I went to the experience for the wedding ceremony about two months later, and the results were visually recognizable, so I signed the contract as it was. I've been going there since then, but I feel relieved because the treatment is done while listening to my worries. I'm glad I chose this because the results are coming out little by little.
y h on Google

ブライダルエステを体験させていただき、本契約しました。 10回通わせていただき、目で見てわかる効果がありました。 安心して挙式に臨めます。通って良かったです。 ありがとうございました!
I experienced bridal beauty treatment and signed this contract. I passed it 10 times and it had a visible effect. You can attend the wedding with confidence. It was good to go. thank you!
小林明莉 on Google

痩身で利用してます。 色んなサロンで体験をしてからどこかで契約しようとラ・パルレさんにも体験に伺いました。 何店舗か行った中で1番コース内容も充実していて、スタッフの皆さんの気遣いやアドバイスが的確だったり、丁寧に対応して頂いたので契約させて頂きました。 初めての痩身でも通いやすく、いつも担当してくださってるスタッフさんとのお話が楽しいので、通うのが毎週の楽しみになっています!(*^^*) その日の体の様子を見て、調子に合ったオプションを無理なく提案してくれるのでありがたいです。 今後ともよろしくお願い致します^ ^
I use it for slimming. After experiencing at various salons, I asked La Parle to try to sign a contract somewhere. Of the several stores I went to, the content of the first course was substantial, and the care and advice of the staff were accurate, and I was able to respond politely, so I made a contract. It's easy to go even for the first time slimming, and it's fun to talk with the staff who are always in charge, so I'm looking forward to going there every week! (* ^^ *) I am grateful that he will look at the physical condition of the day and suggest options that suit his condition without difficulty. Thank you for your continued support ^ ^

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