
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スベモ町田駅前店

住所 :

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://subemo.jp/subemo-machida.html
街 : Tokyo

Haramachida, Machida, 〒194-0013 Tokyo,Japan
中村翼 on Google

初めての脱毛! ひげ、脇、足をやりました❗️ 痛みも全くなくて早く効果が楽しみです? 値段も安く店員さんもいい人で早速次回予約しました?!
Hair loss for the first time! I did my beard, armpits and legs ❗️ There is no pain at all and I am looking forward to the effect quickly ? The price is cheap and the clerk is a nice person and I made a reservation next time ?!
坪井卓郎 on Google

初めて利用しました!町田駅からすぐ近くでアクセスが良いです。 室内が綺麗でスタッフのかたの対応も良かったです。セルフ脱毛ですが、スタッフのかたが丁寧な説明があり、施術室が個室なので安心してできました!また利用したいです!
I used it for the first time! It is very close to Machida station and has good access. The room was clean and the staff were very friendly. Although it is self-hair removal, the staff gave a detailed explanation and the treatment room was a private room, so I was able to feel at ease! I still want to use it!
白島匠 on Google

It was my first hair loss, but I was surprised that it didn't hurt as much as I expected! It is recommended because there is a solid explanation at the beginning because it is self-hair removal and it can be done easily in terms of time and work ♪
ikeike ma on Google

セルフ脱毛サロンは初めてでしたが、女性でも入りやすく新しく出来たばかりなので内装もとても綺麗でした。 町田駅からすぐでリーズナブルなので、今後も通い続けたいと思います!
It was my first time to have a self-hair removal salon, but the interior was very beautiful because it was new and easy for women to enter. It's reasonably priced right from Machida station, so I'd like to continue going there in the future!
比嘉祐太郎 on Google

セルフ脱毛が初めてで、機械の操作とか、不安でしたが、丁寧な説明・わかりやすい動画があり、安心きてセルフ脱毛ができました。 清潔感あふれる明るい店内でした。
It was my first time to do self-hair removal, and I was worried about the operation of the machine, but there were detailed explanations and easy-to-understand videos, so I was able to do self-hair removal with peace of mind. It was a bright and clean interior.
ppp hyhy on Google

初めてセルフ脱毛サロンに行かせていただきましたが、操作方法を丁寧に教えていただきアメニティも豊富、清潔感もありスムーズに施術を受けることができました! 彼氏と来店しましたが同じ部屋で脱毛することができたので手の届かないところなどをやりたい時はお友達や彼氏さんと一緒に行けるところが凄く良いと思いました!
I went to the self-hair removal salon for the first time, but I was able to receive the treatment smoothly because I was taught how to operate it carefully, and there were plenty of amenities and a sense of cleanliness! I came to the store with my boyfriend, but I was able to remove my hair in the same room, so when I wanted to do something that was out of reach, I thought it would be great to be able to go with my friends and boyfriend!
rei misaka on Google

とにかく痛くない! 脱毛は昔やった事がありましたが、こんなにも痛くないとは思いませんでした。ジェルも不要なので時間がかからなく機械も連続で使用でき全身施術しました。店員さんも機械の使い方を親切丁寧に教えてもらいました。少しの空き時間があるなら手軽に通えるので良いですよ。
It doesn't hurt anyway! I used to do hair removal a long time ago, but I didn't think it wouldn't hurt so much. Since no gel is required, it does not take much time and the machine can be used continuously, and the whole body is treated. The clerk also kindly and politely taught me how to use the machine. If you have a little free time, it's good because you can easily go there.
山本竜佑 on Google

初めての脱毛で不安でしたがスタッフの方も非常に優しく、丁寧に説明してくれたので分かりやすかったです。脱毛は個室に1人で入り説明で受けた通りに簡単に脱毛完了。私はヒゲと脚の毛をやったのですが、自分に合わせた光の強さで脱毛できるので痛くもなかったです。 今後どのような結果が出るのか楽しみです。 迷ってる人は安いので行ってみてもいいと思います。^ ^
I was worried about my first hair loss, but the staff were very kind and explained me carefully, so it was easy to understand. Hair removal can be done easily by entering a private room by yourself and as you received in the explanation. I did hair on my beard and legs, but it didn't hurt because I could remove the hair with the intensity of light that suits me. I am looking forward to seeing the results in the future. People who are wondering are cheap, so I think you can go there. ^ ^

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