板前バル 印西店

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 板前バル 印西店

住所 :

Hara, Inzai, 〒270-1335 Chiba,Japan

Webサイト : https://itamaebar-inzai.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Hara, Inzai, 〒270-1335 Chiba,Japan
on Google

昼飯にいきましたが味はうまし。 雰囲気もよし。 ただBGMが微妙。 邦楽、うるさめにつき、もったいなかった。 もう少し落ち着いたBGMよかったな
I went to lunch but the taste was good. The atmosphere is also good. However, the BGM is subtle. It was a waste because of Japanese music and noisyness. I'm glad that the BGM was a little more calm
Masatomo on Google

ランチで利用しましたが、黒チャンポンはニンニクがほのかに香って食欲をソソります。 赤チャンポンは辛すぎずパンチがある味付けでオススメです。
I used it for lunch, but the black champon has a faint garlic scent and makes me appetite. Red champon is recommended because it is not too spicy and has a punch.
レオ&ハナ on Google

Despite the corona sickness, there is a male employee who walks around the store with a chin mask. It is a shop that doubts hygiene by itself. The taste is a strong soup, not a big taste. Lipi is impossible.
じゃま on Google

白チャンポンと紅チャンポンを注文しました 個人的には紅チャンポンが断然美味しかった また食べに行きたい もう1つはレンコン挟み揚げ
I ordered white champon and red champon Personally, the red champon was definitely delicious I want to go eat again The other is fried lotus root
マトリョーシカ on Google

去年の12/28に店舗がかわりました。 同じ板前バルですが、全く違うお店です。 夜に行きました。 あん肝、白子、トマトのサラダ、つくね盛合せ、 つくねの鍋など沢山食べましたが、どれもホントに美味しい‼️ 都内の洒落た創作料理屋さんのような盛付け、味 最高でした。 駅前ですが、閑散とした場所なので静かで良いのですが、ずーっと続いて欲しい。 店員さん方もとてもいい方ばかりでしたよ。
The store changed on December 28th last year. It's the same Itamae bar, but it's a completely different shop. I went to the night. Ankimo, milt, tomato salad, meatball platter, I ate a lot of Tsukune hot pot, but they are all really delicious! ️ Serving and taste like a stylish creative restaurant in Tokyo It was the best. It's in front of the station, but it's a quiet place, so it's nice to be quiet, but I want you to continue for a long time. The clerk was also very nice.
Mt Sin on Google

BIG HOPでフラフラしていたら発見。昼はちゃんぽんがメインなのかな?味は悪くなかった。 立地があまり良くないが、個人的には落ち着いた雰囲気で良かった。 夜も来てみようかと思った。 追記 店奥にお客様専用の喫煙所があるみたいだが、板前も普通に利用しているみたいであった。会計の際にタバコの匂いらしき甘い匂いが漂っていた。料理を作る人間からタバコの匂いがするのは個人的には嫌だと感じた。タバコを吸うにしても飲食店なのでもう少し気を使ったほうが良いと思う。
I found it if I was fluttering at BIG HOP. Is Champon the main dish during the day? The taste wasn't bad. The location is not very good, but personally it was nice to have a calm atmosphere. I thought I'd come at night. postscript It seems that there is a smoking area for customers in the back of the store, but it seems that itamae is also used normally. At the time of checkout, there was a sweet scent that seemed to be the smell of cigarettes. I personally didn't like the smell of cigarettes from people who cook. Even if you smoke, it's a restaurant, so you should be a little more careful.
Peter R on Google

Nice interior and could be a good drinking spot, but expensive - there arent any small priced dishes to balance out the expensive ones - big Bill, left hungry.
Mytchel Luong (Lifesamytch) on Google

Great izakaya with great little tapas food and great sake and drinks. Love this place it's nice and clean and just overall fun little place to visit.

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