花季 - Inzai

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 花季

Bessho, Inzai, 〒270-1332 Chiba,Japan
青山昌子 on Google

Hanaki Gozen Lunch * Delicious dessert for 2160 yen * Includes coffee and soybean pudding. The flavor of the soybean pudding was gentle.
s h on Google

お祝いの席で利用しました。お値段以上に手の込んだ美味しいお料理を楽しむことができました!季節感のある内容、見た目の華やかさで、会話も弾み、とても素晴らしい記念の場になりました。印西市にこんな素敵なお店があって、本当に良かったと思っています。また大切なお祝いはここにお願いしたいです。 ランチでもお邪魔したいです!
I used it at the celebration seat. We were able to enjoy delicious food that is more elaborate than the price! The contents with a sense of seasons, the glamorous appearance, and the conversations are very exciting. There is such a nice shop in Inzai City and I think it was really good. Also, I would like to ask for important celebrations here. I want to disturb you even at lunch!
ドナルドダック on Google

創作和食のお店です。女性好みの見て楽しめる料理,ちょっとずつたくさんの料理が味わえるので,私は好きですね。お値段はそれなりですが… 宴会でしか行ったことがないのですが,ランチもやっているので,行ってみたいです。月曜日定休日。 古民家を改築した雰囲気のある建物です。化粧室もなかなか凝ってます。靴を脱いで,畳のお部屋で座卓で食べるので,椅子席はなかったように思いますが… 今度は個人的に行ってみたいです。 アクセスは印西のジョイフルの交差点を入って行って小さな花季(はなごよみ)という看板を左に入ると整地されてない結構広い駐車場があります。夜は暗いですので,気をつけていきましょう。
This is a creative Japanese restaurant. I like to enjoy a lot of dishes that women can enjoy and enjoy a little bit. The price is reasonable… I've only been to a banquet, but I'm also having lunch so I want to go there. Closed Monday. It is a building with an atmosphere renovated from an old private house. The restroom is also very elaborate. I take off my shoes and eat at the table in the tatami room, so I think there was no chair seat ... I want to go personally this time. Access is at the intersection of Joyful in Inzai, and when you enter the sign for the small flower season (Hanagoyomi) on the left, there is a rather large parking lot that is not leveled. The night is dark, so be careful.
佐藤美和 on Google

2度目の来訪です。 大人は花季御膳、子供はステーキ丼。 どれも手を掛けたお料理で美味しく頂きました。 子供はご飯多めでお願いしましたが、そのボリューム感と重量と言ったら笑 美味しくてあっという間に完食していました笑
This is my second visit. Adults are Hanaki Goen, and children are steaks. Every dish was delicious with hand-painted dishes. Children asked for extra rice, but when it was said that volume and weight, it laughs It was delicious and I had finished eating it in no time lol
mom korean on Google

Looking at other reviews, lunch seems good, but I booked the course for dinner and was very disappointed. Home cooking like a wife who bites a little kaiseki, and a little bit of something like a new year's ingredient. I thought that 5,000 yen would be a rip-off. The building is not like an old folk house, but it seems that the rag mansion with sashes from decades ago was remodeled with the cheapest building materials, wallpaper, and features. It seems that there are many local customers who are satisfied, but it is not worth the trouble to go from other places and it cannot be used for hospitality.
にゃんこ-4 on Google

ランチ、花季御膳を予約にて訪問 美味しいし、落ち着いて食事ができるし 満足でした また来たいですね
Visit by reservation for lunch and Hanaki Gozen It ’s delicious, you can eat calmly. I was satisfied I want to come again
Mariko Ozawa on Google

もう20年以上前から利用させて頂いています。 今回も記念日に夜のステーキ御膳を予約して伺いました。さすが!いつ来ても安定した美味しさです。 印西市にこのお店の存在は貴重だと思います。
I have been using it for over 20 years. I made a reservation for the evening steak set on the anniversary this time as well. As expected! It has a stable taste no matter when you come. I think the existence of this shop in Inzai City is valuable.
Stephen Goto on Google

The presentation was beautiful and the price was reasonable. The taste was good, but it wasn't quite what I expected. The ingredients were focused around herbs of the season rather than more commonly used ingredients. This made it difficult for my palate to accept. The garden was beautifully kept. It might be a good site to walk around in when spring comes around.

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