Hanazurainari Shrine - Saku

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanazurainari Shrine

住所 :

花園町 4261 Iwamurada, Saku, Nagano 385-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87889
Postal code : 385-0022
Webサイト : https://www.hanadurainari.com/

花園町 4261 Iwamurada, Saku, Nagano 385-0022, Japan
玉屋のこーちゃん on Google

『はなづらいなり』と読みます。 『日本五大稲荷』、『七大稲荷』にも数えられる場合があります。 2016年竜巻災害により、社殿の屋根が飛ばされる被害が発生しましたが、外装塗りなおしとともに修復され現在の色使い(屋根=緑、外壁=赤)になってます。 『軽井沢白糸の滝』に端を発して流れてくる『湯川』の河岸段丘中腹に、かなり細長く社殿が伸びてます。 今から460年程前に『京都伏見稲荷』より分霊を賜ったとされます。 当時祀られていた『祠』である『巌』は今でも建物の裏に残されています。 稲荷神は『五穀豊穣』や『商売繁盛』、とりわけ『養蚕』にご利益があるとされ、県下のみならず群馬や山梨からも参詣に来たそうです。 明治時代、『富岡製糸場』や『荒船風穴』『小諸市・氷』などの養蚕の技術進歩にも密接な関りを持ち、多数奉納されている『絵馬』や『扁額』に書かれている奉納者の住所もかなり広範囲にわたります。 旧暦正月、初めての『午の日』を『初午』と言い、縁日が開かれましたが、現在は毎年2月11日に日にちが決まっています。 岩村田宿から続く参道には沢山の露天商が立ち並び、又境内でも縁起物を売る店で大勢の人が『ダルマ』や『狐』を買い求めています。 夕方、河川敷で『お焚き上げ法要』がが行われます。 普段は社務所に常駐者すらいない事が多いですので、『御朱印』や『お札』を頒布して戴くには電話確認したほうが無難です。 鳥居の並びに数台停められる無料駐車場が在ります。 鳥居をくぐり、以前は『男坂』の急な石段を登りましたが、崩落の為『女坂』の鉄製の階段を昇ってください。 向かい合った『狐像』と『大きな扁額』が出迎えてくれます。 時間があれば、近くの『ヒカリゴケ生息地』にも行ってみてください。 でも最近は『苔』が元気無いような。 興味ない人には物足りないかも知れませんけど。
It is read as "Hanazura Inari". It may be counted as "5 Great Inari in Japan" or "7 Great Inari". Due to the 2016 tornado disaster, the roof of the shrine was blown away, but it has been restored with the repainting of the exterior and the current color scheme (roof = green, outer wall = red) is used. The shrine extends considerably long on the riverside terrace of "Yukawa" that starts from "Karuizawa Shiraito Falls". It is said that about 460 years ago, he received a spirit from "Kyoto Fushimi Inari". The "shrine" that was enshrined at that time, "Gan", is still left behind the building. It is said that Inarigami has a profit for "five grain fertility" and "business prosperity", especially "sericulture", and it is said that Gunma and Yamanashi came to the pilgrimage as well as the prefecture. In the Meiji era, it was closely related to the technological progress of sericulture such as "Tomioka Silk Mill", "Arafune Fuana", and "Komoro City / Ice". Addresses of votive servants are also quite extensive. In the Lunar New Year, the first "noon day" was called "first day", and a fair was held, but today the date is set to February 11th every year. There are many street vendors on the approach leading from Iwamura Tajuku, and even in the precincts, a lot of people are selling luck goods and many people are buying "Dharma" and "Fox". In the evening, a "burning memorial service" will be held on the riverbed. Usually, there are not even those who are resident at the office, so it is safe to confirm by phone before distributing the "Goshuin" and "Bills". There is a free parking lot where you can park several torii gates. After going through the torii, I used to climb the steep stone steps of "Otokozaka", but please climb the iron stairs of "Omezaka" due to the collapse. The "fox statue" and "big flat" faced each other. If you have time, please visit the nearby Hikarigoke Habitat. But these days, "moss" seems to be dying. It may not be enough for those who are not interested.
りん on Google

赤い鳥居と社が立派な神社でした。 無料の駐車場もありました。
The red torii gate and the shrine were excellent shrines. There was also a free parking lot.
よしのさくら on Google

日本五大稲荷社の一つだそうです。 駐車場もあります。 女坂と男坂があり、お稲荷さんにお詣りに行かれます。 扁額がたくさん飾ってあって、繭玉で作られたのがありました。
It is said to be one of the five major Inari companies in Japan. There is also a parking lot. There are Onnazaka and Otokozaka, and I go to visit Inari-san. There was a lot of biane and it was made of cocoon balls.
髙木幹 on Google

I came to worship for the first time in a few years. The Inari shrine here has a shrine on a rock, which is a bit unusual. However, I can understand from God that he is Inari-san, who is cherished by the locals. It is kind and very powerful.
rebirorex on Google

A shrine famous for its prosperous business and fertility of five grains in Saku City. It is said to enshrine the spirit of the spirit from Fushimi Inari in Kyoto, and is counted as one of the five major Inari in Japan. The shrine, which is supported by vermilion pillars on the cliffs of Yukawa, has the same structure as Kyoto Kiyomizudera and creates a mysterious and solemn atmosphere.
佐藤真美 on Google

大きな親子のお稲荷さま とっても優しい眼差しで、手を合わせると癒しのエネルギーを感じました。 鳥居がたくさんある階段を登ると、途中に石碑がいくつも並んでいます。 文字が読みにくいのですが、とても大切な石碑だと思いました。
Inari, a big parent and child With a very gentle look, I felt the healing energy when I put my hands together. When you climb the stairs with many torii gates, you will find many stone monuments along the way. The letters are difficult to read, but I thought it was a very important stone monument.
ReluInTheGame on Google

My favourite place in the neighborhood
aaron meldahl on Google

A good place to visit if you come to Saku. This Inari shrine is built on a cliff overhanging the river and has the typical rows of red torii gates. Atmospheric in the afternoon when it is lit by the setting sun. Recommended for those who like temples and shrines.

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