Hanaya Yohei - Edogawa City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanaya Yohei

住所 :

2 Chome-41-10 Shishibone, Edogawa City, Tokyo 137-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 137-0073
Webサイト : https://maps.hanayayohei.co.jp/jp/detail/3884.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 10:30AM–11PM
Sunday 10:30AM–11PM
Monday 10:30AM–11PM
Tuesday 10:30AM–11PM
Wednesday 10:30AM–11PM
Thursday 10:30AM–11PM
Friday 10:30AM–11PM

2 Chome-41-10 Shishibone, Edogawa City, Tokyo 137-0073, Japan
夢転実 on Google

和食ファミリーレストランが大好きで、瑞江駅に店舗が出来た頃からのファンです♪ 大好物だったカレイの唐揚げがなくなってしまい、寂しく思いました。またいつの日か、復活して欲しいです☆ お・ね・が・い・し・ま・す!!
I love Japanese family restaurants and have been a fan since the store opened at Mizue Station ♪ I missed the deep-fried flatfish that I loved. I want you to be resurrected someday ☆ please!!

It was delicious. The food is beautiful. I will go again.
松丸進 on Google

コスパはよいのではないかと思います。 季節のデザートは普通に美味しいです。 エントランス、入口扉を広くすれば車椅子なども通りやすいのではと考えます。
I think cospa is good. Seasonal desserts are usually delicious. I think that if the entrance and entrance doors are widened, it will be easier for wheelchairs to pass through.
ya no on Google

Meat, sashimi, tempura, soba udon, anything, so it's okay for everyone to go. The price is also reasonable. It's okay to make a reservation on that day, so you can get points, and it's a great deal to use points. I'm close to my house so I'm thinking of going again.
さっつ on Google

窓側の外の見える席に座ったのでとても明るく 向かいに見える篠崎公園緑が多く美味しく食事が出来た。
I sat in a seat that I could see outside the window, so it was very bright. Shinozaki Park, which I could see across the street, had a lot of greenery and I was able to eat deliciously.
坂本りゃま on Google

出前館の半額weekキャンペーンで、現在(2021年12月第2週)華屋与兵衛さんの「上海老天盛り合わせ」が ひとパック490円です。 送料無料キャンペーンも相俟って、ワンコイン以下でデリバリーしていただきました。(最低注文額800円から) ちゃんと衣がサクサクのまま届き、美味しかったです。もうひとパックは、次の日に茶そばと一緒にいただいて天ぷら蕎麦にしました。 ひとパックに海老天が3本も入っています✨お野菜の天ぷらも沢山入っていて大満足でした?
In the half-price week campaign of the delivery hall, the "Shanghai Old Ten Assortment" by Hanaya Yohei is currently (2nd week of December 2021) for 490 yen per pack. Together with the free shipping campaign, we received delivery with less than one coin. (From the minimum order amount of 800 yen) The batter arrived crispy and it was delicious. The other pack was made into tempura soba with tea soba the next day. There are 3 shrimp tempura in one pack ✨ I was very satisfied with a lot of vegetable tempura ?
S Y on Google

土曜日の昼頃、来訪。入店時に検温と手指の消毒必須。アクリル板はなかったけど店内は広く席の配置もゆったりしているのでコロナ感染はそう心配せずにゆったり食事ができる。ドリンクバーあり。駐車場も完備。 ファミレスなので料理の味に過度な期待をしなければ十分なクオリティとコスパを保っている。この日いただいたのは大判竜田揚げ定食(880円)。ボリューム満点でサクサク揚がっていておいしかった。タルタルソースがもっとたくさん付いているとよかった。 篠崎公園に隣接しているので、昼間なら緑を眺めながら食事を楽しめるのも気持ちいい。肉料理、魚料理、蕎麦、寿司、天ぷらなど和食メニューがひと通り揃っているので家族で行ってもそれぞれが好きなものを頼めるし、座敷席もあるので小さなお子さま連れでも利用しやすいんじゃないかな。
Visited around noon on Saturday. Temperature measurement and disinfection of fingers are required when entering the store. There was no acrylic board, but the inside of the store is large and the seats are spacious, so you can eat comfortably without worrying about corona infection. There is a drink bar. There is also a parking lot. Since it is a family restaurant, it maintains sufficient quality and cost performance unless you expect too much from the taste of the food. On this day, I had a large-sized Tatsutaage set meal (880 yen). It was full of volume and crispy and delicious. I wish I had more tartar sauce. Adjacent to Shinozaki Park, it's nice to enjoy your meal while gazing at the greenery during the day. There is a complete menu of Japanese dishes such as meat dishes, fish dishes, soba noodles, sushi, and tempura, so you can ask for what you like even if you go with your family, and there are tatami mat seats, so it may be easy to use even with small children. ..
H N. on Google

建物は古めであるため、ところどころ内装の劣化はみられるものの、公園の周りに飲食店もあまりなく、重宝するお店。 調理する人の腕で素材の良さを若干殺してしまっているところがあるが、食べるものは大体美味しい。華屋与兵衛の調達する素材が美味しいのだろう。 少しお店を改良してほしいが…
Since the building is old, the interior has deteriorated in some places, but there are not many restaurants around the park, so it is a useful shop. The skill of the cook has killed the goodness of the ingredients, but the food is generally delicious. The materials procured by Hanaya Yohei are probably delicious. I want you to improve the store a little ...

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