Hanawa Hospital

2.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hanawa Hospital

住所 :

Hinohonmachi, Hino, 〒191-0011 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.hanawa-hp.com/
街 : Tokyo

Hinohonmachi, Hino, 〒191-0011 Tokyo,Japan
めろめん on Google

I had an antigen test and PCR. The nurses at the reception and the doctors in charge of the examination were all kind and kind. I don't know why the reviews are low.
masagorou “ロキ” jin on Google

健康診断でお伺いしました。 結構スムーズでした。採血エリアのオバァさんの注射がとても上手く、蚊にでも刺されたのかな?って感じでした。すっとぼけてますが今までの注射の中でダントツの痛みの無さでした。 診察のオジィさんは手がプルプルしながら聴診器当ててきて、まるで志村けんのコントみたいで面白かった。笑 軽症で行く病院ならいいと思います。
I visited you at the health checkup. It was pretty smooth. Mr. Ova's injection in the blood collection area was very good, and I was wondering if he was bitten by a mosquito. It's a little blurry, but it wasn't the most painful injection I've ever had. Mr. Oji of the medical examination hit the stethoscope while pulling his hands, and it was fun like Ken Shimura's control. smile I think it would be nice if the hospital goes with mild illness.
ミニ右耳 on Google

原因不明の体調不良で入院中。高熱が続き、(コロナではない)食事が取りづらいので、お粥を出してもらえないかと美人の栄養士に聞いてみると、夜ご飯にはお粥と具がなくぬるい塩の塊のようなしょっぱい汁、プリン、ココア、オレンジゼリーが出てきた。プリンとココアとゼリーを真っ直ぐに並べ、俺はナースコールを鳴らす。美人の栄養士に「今日の夕飯はこれか?」と聞いた。黒髪で美しい栄養士は澄んだ瞳で頷き、「これが今日の夕食です」と言った。 俺は必ずここから出て、すぐそこの家系ラーメンを食ってやる。ここの飯で死んでいく隣の部屋のジジイとババアのためにもな……
He is hospitalized due to unexplained physical condition. The high fever continues and it is difficult to eat (not corona), so when I asked a beautiful nutritionist if I could serve porridge, the dinner had no porridge and no ingredients, and it was a salty juice like a lump of lukewarm salt. , Pudding, cocoa, orange jelly came out. Line up the pudding, cocoa and jelly straight and I ring the nurse call. I asked a beautiful nutritionist, "Is this the dinner today?" A beautiful black-haired nutritionist nodded with clear eyes and said, "This is today's supper." I'll definitely get out of here and eat the Iekei Ramen right there. Also for Jijii and Babaa in the next room who are dying from the food here ...
いあ on Google

電話受付の態度が最悪。 発熱外来での電話予約を断られ、翌日に電話予約を勧められたので翌日に電話をかけるも、8時半からしか電話予約は受け付けてないと言われた。その後8時半ちょうどに電話をかけ、発熱症状があると伝えるも電話が混み合ってるからまた後でかけ直して欲しいと言われる。 常に高圧的な態度、早く病院へ受診したい場合は他の医院をあたることをオススメします。
The attitude of the telephone receptionist is the worst. I was refused a phone reservation at the outpatient department for fever and was advised to make a phone reservation the next day, so I called the next day, but was told that I could only accept the phone reservation from 8:30. After that, I called at exactly 8:30 and told him that I had fever, but the phone was busy, so I was asked to call again later. If you always have a high-pressure attitude and want to see a hospital early, we recommend that you visit another clinic.
かいあ on Google

#7119で紹介され救急外来を利用したくて電話をしました。受付の方に繋がり看護師の方に繋いでもらいましたが、最初から診てくれる気がなさそうな態度でこちらが何を言っても否定されて受診拒否されました。口から血を吐くか血便があるかまでしないと見てくれなさそうです。結局#7119で紹介された他の病院で対応していただきました。 家から一番近い病院がこちらだったので、できればこちらを利用したかったですが二度と利用する気はありません。救急とる気がないならやめればいいと思います。
I was introduced in # 7119 and called to use the emergency outpatient department. I was connected to the receptionist and asked to be connected to the nurse, but I was denied the consultation because I didn't feel like seeing him from the beginning. It seems that you will not see it unless you spit blood from your mouth or have bloody stools. After all, I had you deal with it at other hospitals introduced in # 7119. The hospital closest to my house was here, so I wanted to use it if possible, but I will never use it again. If you don't feel like taking an emergency, I think you should stop.
池田純一 on Google

当日、発熱外来の予約を朝8:30に電話して保留後、話し声がして切られ、電話を再度かけ続け26回目でやっと通じて11:30に来て下さいと言われ行ったが、抗原検査とPCRを受けるのに2時間も待たされブチ切れて帰って来た。 救急病院なのでそちらが優先なのはわかるが、抗原検査は10分、PCR検査は唾液を取るだけなので、医者も看護師も効率を考えて仕事をするべきである。 この部分がバランスが悪く悪評が立つ原因だと思われる。 また、この病院は受付側と診察側が分断されているので何かにつけて言い訳が多く受付側にクレームを言っても診察側の対応は悪い、市内では物凄く評判が悪く有名な病院で、かかりつけ医では無くどうしても仕方が無い時の最終病院である。
On the day of the event, I called the fever outpatient appointment at 8:30 in the morning and put it on hold. I had to wait for two hours to undergo an antigen test and PCR, and I came home after running out. Since it is an emergency hospital, I understand that it has priority, but since the antigen test takes 10 minutes and the PCR test only takes saliva, doctors and nurses should work with efficiency in mind. This part seems to be the cause of the imbalance and notoriety. Also, since the reception side and the examination side are separated in this hospital, there are many excuses for something, and even if you make a complaint to the reception side, the examination side's response is bad, it is a famous hospital with a very bad reputation in the city, and it is a family It is the final hospital when there is no choice but to be a doctor.
べー on Google

総合受付が最悪。何様だ?患者をなんだと思ってる?という態度。 外来スタッフも、我関せずみたいな態度をする。 挙げ句の果てに、診察依頼から3時間以上放置されるのが当たり前。 外来処置室から、ビニールエプロン付けたまま職員が出てくる。普通なら感染対策として外してから出てくるはずなのに、意識が低い為、コロナクラスターされそうで怖い。 相談説明一切なく、医師にも会ってない、医療相談員すら顔を見せないのに入院が決まっていて、質問すると逆ギレされた。 病院じゃないんじゃないか?って思った。 受診時は気をつけないと、説明無しで収容される。 追記R3.12.16 とうとうビニールエプロンどころか、防護服のまま処置室から職員が出てきた。オミクロン騒ぎもあるのに、どんな神経してんだ?
The general reception is the worst. What is it? What do you think the patient is? Attitude. Outpatient staff also have an attitude that seems to be unrelated. After all, it is natural to be left unattended for more than 3 hours after requesting a medical examination. A staff member comes out from the outpatient treatment room with a vinyl apron attached. Normally, it should come out after removing it as an infection control measure, but because of low consciousness, it seems scary that it will be corona clustered. There was no explanation for the consultation, I hadn't seen a doctor, and even though I didn't show my face to a medical counselor, I was supposed to be hospitalized, and when I asked a question, I was disappointed. Isn't it a hospital? I thought. If you are not careful at the time of consultation, you will be accommodated without explanation. Postscript R3.12.16 At last, a staff member came out of the treatment room with protective clothing instead of a vinyl apron.
しらす on Google

夜間、吐き気と頭痛と目眩に襲われ#7119からこの病院を紹介され電話しました。 受付の方に繋がり「どんな症状ですか」と聞かれたので説明すると看護師に変わると言われ、看護師にまた「どんな症状ですか」と同じ質問をされました。たった今説明した事と全く同じ事をまた説明しました。 看護師は「その症状だと眼科じゃないですか」と言い、ここじゃない所を紹介しますと電話番号を告げ、一方的に切られました。 診てくれる気が一切無いなぁと思いつつ教えられた電話番号に連絡すると、そこはなんと消防署でした。 #7119にかけてからこの病院に連絡した今迄の時間は、見事に全てが無駄だったのです。 清々しい程に患者に寄り添う気も助ける気も無い病院です、星1つもつける価値はありません。一刻も早く閉院してほしいと願わざるを得ません。 取り敢えず#7119から紹介されない様になってほしいですね。苦しい中無駄に時間を費やされるなんて虐待に等しいので。
At night, I was struck by nausea, headache and dizziness and was introduced to this hospital by # 7119 and called. I was connected to the receptionist and asked "what kind of symptom?", So when I explained it, I was told that I would change to a nurse, and the nurse asked me the same question as "what kind of symptom?" I explained exactly the same thing that I just explained. The nurse said, "Isn't it ophthalmology if it's the symptom?" When I contacted the phone number I was given, thinking that I had no intention of seeing him, it was a fire department. All the time from # 7119 to contacting this hospital was wasted. It's a hospital that isn't as refreshing as it is to be close to or help patients, and it's not worth a single star. I have no choice but to hope that the hospital will be closed as soon as possible. For the time being, I hope you will not be introduced by # 7119. It's like abuse to waste time in pain.

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