Hananoya - Otsu

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hananoya

住所 :

26-62 Akibadai, Otsu, Shiga 520-0822, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 520-0822

26-62 Akibadai, Otsu, Shiga 520-0822, Japan
小島亨 on Google

It is a place that is a little difficult to understand in a residential area. I'm doing it as a couple. Mainly Japanese food. Lunch offers reasonable and delicious food, but my recommendation is dinner. I think that it is blissful to enjoy meals and time with 4 or 5 people in a parlor with a bamboo forest view.
cherrychan ganba on Google

お料理もコ・ス・パも非常にいいです。 昔はホントに予約困難でしたが、今は大分取れる様になりました。 和食でこれ程手の込んだ内容には、頭が下がります。
The food and cospa are very good. In the past, it was really difficult to make a reservation, but now I can get a lot of it. I am struck by the elaborate content of Japanese food.
nobuya matsubara on Google

懐石料理は初めていただきましたが、前菜からデザートに至るまで、すべて美味しくいただきました (^ー^) 家庭では食べられない珍しい料理で季節感もあり細やかな心遣いを感じ豊かな時間を過ごすことができました❗
It was my first time to have kaiseki cuisine, but everything from appetizers to desserts was delicious. (^ ー ^) It was a rare dish that I couldn't eat at home, and I was able to spend a rich time with a sense of the seasons and a delicate consideration.
T Echigo on Google

Everything was delicious and I was satisfied with the amount
たかまとおる on Google

ここは、比較的家からも近いお店で、お昼の会席ランチコースと、夜も少し値段が上がって、同じく会席のコースだけのお店です! 静かに料理を楽しめる年齢の児童以外、余り年少の子連れは断られかも!? 基本3名からの予約制の店。 余り言い拡めたくない、お気に入りの店です。
This is a restaurant that is relatively close to the house, and it has a kaiseki lunch course for lunch and a slightly higher price at night, so it's also a kaiseki course only! Except for children of an age who can enjoy cooking quietly, children who are too young may be refused! ?? A reservation-only shop for 3 people. It's my favorite shop that I don't want to talk about.

Each one is carefully cooked. The rooms are also spaced by corona measures, so you can eat quietly, ???
てるこ on Google

It was really good! There were many kinds and it was a delicate dish! I'm full
zakuchanまみ on Google

住宅街の中にあるので分かりにくいですが、看板があるので大丈夫。駐車場は店の前4台と近くに数台。 お料理は前菜から主菜はもちろんデザート、コーヒーまで、すべて美味しかったです! 一品一品すごく手間をかけて作られています。 サービスは素人っぽいけれど、料理はとにかく大満足です。
It is hard to understand because it is in a residential area, but all right because there is a signboard. There are four parking lots in front of the store and several nearby. The dishes were all delicious, from appetizers to main dishes as well as desserts and coffee! Dish has been made over the very effort. The service is amateurish, but the food is just as satisfying.

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