
2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パルティータ

住所 :

Hananomiyacho, Takamatsu, 〒761-8063 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
街 : Kagawa

Hananomiyacho, Takamatsu, 〒761-8063 Kagawa,Japan
ヒラメ。 on Google

Half of the small shops are moe sleeves, so there is no need for anyone who wants anything else.
最強みんな平等 on Google

対応ゴミ。 置いてるパックも言わない クズ
Corresponding garbage. I don't even say the pack I have Waste
へーゆー on Google

I don't feel motivated to serve customers at all, and even if I ask a question, I only answer in one word. I won't go again, I feel sick.
通報し太郎 on Google

先日バラ のパックを買って帰ったけど、全てを開封してノーマルカードオンリーしか出なかった() サーチ済みなのかな?それとも運が無さすぎるだけ?まあもう2度と行きません() 以上
I bought a pack of roses the other day and went home, but I opened everything and only got normal card only () Have you searched? Or are you just too unlucky? Well, I won't go again () that's all
Anime Sugar life on Google

The store is narrow and dirty anyway. I think it will be possible to make it more beautiful, but it will not improve much. Duel space is also narrow. If you are moving at a store, it's too scattered and things will fall to the floor. And because regular people are in Duel space, there is no sign that can be used at all. And there is no sign of being able to play games too much on the Duel space too. If you go to this store you should still go to a nearby card shop
上原たすく on Google

I think that there are a lot of cards. I think that a normal card is good because it is almost cheap. However, I think the card with high rarity is the price of knocking. I think this store is doing personally, so the price change of the high card is slow, and it is an advantage that you can go to the shop zone to buy it as soon as the high card comes out
動画チャンネルおもしろ on Google

It was said that it would be 1000 if the friend went out to the cash register to buy the card storage, and it was too expensive. The price was not attached to the product, so I took it to the cash register. It is an act that will stop buying at the time when you are not paying money, but this shop that still makes buying by force is a fucking thing. In addition, the price of the product has fallen on average. As for the pack of popular cards, there is a penalty that it is popular and sold out everywhere and if you think that this store is selling somehow, you will sell one pack per purchase over several yen. Those who do not go to this store are for themselves. If you are a small student, you may see yourself like you. Please be careful.
先輩NRPS on Google

東京出身で色々なカードショップを見てきましたが、商品の品揃えに関しては申し分ないです。 しかしながら、店内が散らかっているので整理整頓して欲しいところです。 他のレビューでカードの単価が高いという投稿がありますが、個人経営のお店ではカードの在庫が少ないので、価格が高くなるのは当たり前の話なので、それを理解していない方はこのお店に限らず個人経営のカードショップには行かない方がいいと思います。 香川県の数少ないカードショップなので頑張って欲しいです。
I'm from Tokyo and have seen a variety of card shops, but the product lineup is perfect. However, the shop is scattered and I want you to keep it organized. There is a post in another review that the unit price of the card is high, but since the stock of the card is small in a privately run shop, it is natural for the price to be high, so if you do not understand it, this shop I think it is better not to go to a privately run card shop. I want you to do my best because it is one of the few card shops in Kagawa prefecture.

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