3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Jozen Akamatsucho, Anjo, Aichi 446-0046, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 446-0046
Webサイト : http://next-anjo.com/restaurant.html%23hanaguruma

Jozen Akamatsucho, Anjo, Aichi 446-0046, Japan
丸塩 on Google

It was a buffet before Corona. Nowadays, rice bowls are mainly served in plastic containers. I ordered curry, but honestly it tasted like retort pouch ... The same applies to the miso soup that comes with the side. The wiener that came with the curry was delicious, but I think the price is still high. The inside of the store was rattle, probably because I came to the store after lunch peak.
Natchy Ruinard on Google

I came for training, but I can have a delicious lunch. Next I want to come with my family.
白蓮華 on Google

遅い時間(13時過ぎ)に行くと、おかずもデザートもほとんど残っていません。 お値段的に仕方のないことかもしれませんが、お肉も輸入物がほとんどです。
If you go late (after 13 o'clock), there are almost no side dishes or dessert left. It may be priceless, but most of the meat is imported.
t t on Google

安城のデンパーク内にある、農場レストラン花車さんに行きました。 バイキング形式のビュッフェのお店です。 ビュッフェは、普通のコースとソーセージと焼肉食べ放題付きの二つのコースがあり、ソーセージと焼肉食べ放題付きのコースを注文しました。 店内は、手前側が普通のコースで、奥が焼肉付きのコースの様で、奥の席に案内されました。 野外のバーベキュースペースもあるようです。 色々食べましたが、手作りソーセージと野菜が特に美味しかったです。
I went to a farm restaurant Hanaka in Anjo Denpark. A buffet-style buffet shop. The buffet has two courses, an ordinary course and an all-you-can-eat sausage and grilled meat. We ordered a course with an all-you-can-eat sausage and grilled meat. In the store, the front side was a normal course, and the back was like a course with yakiniku, and was guided to the back seat. There seems to be an outdoor barbecue space. I ate a lot, but the handmade sausages and vegetables were particularly delicious.
R U on Google

80分バイキング形式で食べれて、大人1名 1580円、焼肉・ソーセージ付きだと2040円で食べれるデンパーク内のレストラン。2040円の焼肉コースだと80分という時間では少し短いかも。焼肉といっても、牛肉は1種類?しかなく、基本はソーセージ、豚肉、鶏肉がメインです。オススメはソーセージと野菜系だと思います。1580円コースだとソーセージは付かない?と思いますので、どちらにするのか悩むところです。
A restaurant in Dempark that can be eaten in a buffet form for 80 minutes, one adult is 1580 yen, if it is with grilled meat and sausage you can eat 2040 yen. It might be a bit short in the time of 80 minutes if it is a meat course of 2040 yen. Even if you say grilled meat, one beef? Basically, sausage, pork, chicken are the main. I think that the recommended products are sausages and vegetable series. Does not sausage adhere if it is 1580 yen course? I think that is where I wonder which way to do.
人徳 on Google

There is currently such a menu at a donburi specialty store.
福岡いちご on Google

㊗️14時30分。思った以上の多めの来店人数。待ち時間は長め。スタッフさんは少ない人数で対応されてる感じでした。コロナの影響だと思いますが"農場レストラン?"と言う感じでは… 忙しいそうで、雑然とした感じでした。使い捨て容器にて提供されています。お値段の割に量は少ない感じでした。"ステーキ重"を食べた夫は"味は薄いなぁ…"と申しておりました。間隔を空けて座る様に貼り紙されてましたが、セルフのミネラルウォーター置場、ゴミ箱付近等、清潔、消毒等がされているのか、ちょっと残念な感じでした。頑張れ‼️
㊗️ 14:30. The number of visitors is larger than I expected. Waiting time is long. The staff seemed to be supported by a small number of people. I think it's the influence of Corona, but it feels like "farm restaurant?" He seemed busy and was cluttered. It is provided in a disposable container. The amount was small for the price. My husband who ate "Steak Heavy" said "The taste is light ...". It was pasted so that I could sit at intervals, but I was a little disappointed that the mineral water storage area, the area around the trash can, etc. were clean and disinfected. Hang in there! ️
tomio Uchida on Google

コロナ禍の中アウトドアと思いデンパークにお邪魔しました。入場料700円を支払い、まずは腹ごしらえと思いこちらの農場レストラン花車に直行しました。生姜焼き丼880円+飲み物100円を注文、さほど混んで無かったのですぐに呼ばれるかと思いきや、20分待っても呼ばれず、野菜にこだわってると口コミも有ったので料理への期待が増大!30分たち、やっと呼ばれました。いそいそとカウンターへ行くと・・・んんっ これ?使い捨ての食器に一見レトルト風の生姜焼きがのってる 屋台の出店で450円で売ってるビジュアル!   でも、そこそこの時間をかけて作って頂いた生姜焼き丼 味に期待です。 早速食べてみました・・・不味くは無い…でも! 美味くも無い! 正直 最近のレトルトは美味しくなったなぁって味でした。 やっぱ450円かな?(笑 コロナ禍の中 飲食店は苦しと伺いますので利益率を上げないとね。 きっと、農場レストラン火の車って感想でした。 次回来たときは、本当の花車になってる事を期待しています・・・頑張れ火の車 いや花車!
I went to Denpark because I thought it was outdoors in the corona. After paying the entrance fee of 700 yen, I went straight to this farm restaurant Hanawa, thinking that I would be hungry. I ordered a ginger-grilled rice bowl for 880 yen + a drink for 100 yen, and I thought it would be called immediately because it wasn't so crowded. Increase! After 30 minutes, I was finally called. When I go to the counter, ... this? Disposable tableware with seemingly retort-style ginger grilled on it. A visual that sells for 450 yen at a stall! However, I'm looking forward to the taste of the ginger-grilled rice bowl that was made over a reasonable amount of time. I tried it immediately ... it's not bad ... but! Not delicious! Honestly, the recent retort taste was delicious. Is it 450 yen after all? (Lol I hear that restaurants are suffering in the corona, so I have to raise the profit margin. I'm sure it was an impression of a farm restaurant fire truck. I hope that the next time I come, it will be a real flower car ... Good luck, fire car, no flower car!

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