Hamatidori - Tottori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hamatidori

住所 :

3671-1 Aoyacho Aoya, Tottori, 689-0501, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88789
Postal code : 689-0501

3671-1 Aoyacho Aoya, Tottori, 689-0501, Japan
xizhi Yan on Google

I was satisfied with the very kind price. It was a feast. I will come to eat when I come near again.
shimazu443 on Google

店の横に車2台分の駐車場有り。 店員さんも親切そうでいい感じだった。 ホルモンそばがおすすめらしいです。 焼きそばにタレを絡めて食べるみたいです。 いきなりタレ全部かけたら辛かった(笑)
There is a parking lot next to the car for two cars. The clerk seemed kind and nice. Hormon soba seems to be recommended. It ’s like eating yakisoba with sauce. Suddenly it was hard to put all the sauce (laughs)
y. k on Google

ホルソバ美味かったんで翌日に鶏ソバ食べに行きました。 鶏ソバは親鶏 メニューに無いけど頼めば作って頂けます。 ご飯は必須です。
Hors d 'ova was delicious so I went to eat chicken buckwheat the next day. Chicken buckwheat chickens Although it is not in the menu, you can make it if you ask. Rice is essential.
m i on Google

久々の五つ星店❗️仕事で近くを通りかかりこちらにお邪魔。ホルモン屋と言う事で早速ホルソバとご飯大盛りを注文。ホルソバはカウンターの鉄板で焼いてもらいました。ホルモンの具も大きくて焼き加減も絶妙でした❗️ごはんを大盛りにしたら丼で出て来たので食べれるかなと心配しましたが、濃いめのタレとホルモンを乗せると余裕で食べれちゃいました。 おばちゃんも優しくてタレを追加で入れてくれたり水入れてくれたりしてありがとうございました。店は海岸の目の前で一歩出ると波の音が聞こえます。こんな店が近所にあれば通っちゃいます。一度この店で酔ってみたいものです‥‥ 駐車場はお店の真横。2台駐めるスペースがあります。
Five-star store after a long absence ❗️ I passed by for work and bothered here. As a hormone shop, I immediately ordered a large serving of Horsoba and rice. Horsoba was baked on the iron plate of the counter. The hormone ingredients were big and the grilling was exquisite. ❗️ I was worried that I could eat it because it came out in a bowl when I made a large serving of rice, but I could eat it with a thick sauce and hormones. My aunt was also kind and thank you for adding the sauce and adding water. When you step out in front of the beach, you can hear the sound of the waves. If there is such a store in the neighborhood, I will go there. I want to get drunk at this store once ... The parking lot is right next to the shop. There is space for two cars.
心晴々日本晴れ on Google

少し遠い兵庫県から伺い、ホルソバを頂きました。 奥様の優しく丁寧な対応や、異次元状態である鮮度抜群のホルモンが素晴らしい味でした。 あまりの美味さに、追加でライスを注文❗️ 帰りに「ホルモン持ち帰り」もお願いしてしまいました(笑) 当然再訪決定ですね‼️(笑) …私として、あまり知られたくないお店の一つとなりました。
I visited from Hyogo prefecture, which is a little far away, and received Horsoba. His wife's gentle and polite response and the hormones with outstanding freshness, which is in a different dimension, tasted wonderful. I ordered additional rice for the deliciousness ❗️ I also asked for "take-out hormones" on the way home (laughs) Of course it is decided to revisit! ️ (laughs) … It has become one of the shops that I don't want to be known about.
田中律子(Ritsuko) on Google

I ate ramen ? and hor soba. Ramen is not strong and delicious, and even I, who usually don't drink soup, put it in my mouth. It is also attractive that you can eat it for 380 yen, and I think it is a taste that suits elderly people. I ate hol soba while tasting the hormones, which has a good pepper and taste and the deliciousness of the noodles. The shop staff was also very polite. If it's nearby, it's a shop you want to go to.
huy Nguyễn on Google

meeting inform need
Elliott Stevens on Google

weekends about place

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