Hamaguchi Clinic Umeda

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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Contact Hamaguchi Clinic Umeda

住所 :

Shibata, Kita Ward, 〒530-0012 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.tokyo-seikei.or.jp/
街 : Osaka

Shibata, Kita Ward, 〒530-0012 Osaka,Japan
M K on Google

口コミで先生の対応がいいと書かれてあったので行きましたが、その先生は形成外科の先生で、私が行った皮膚科は別の先生でした。 凄く態度が威圧的でびっくりしました笑 思わず本人に言ったぐらいです。笑 看護師さんにも伝えたところ謝られました。 予約制はありがたいし、看護師さんの対応は いいので、ぜひ医師を代えてほしいです笑
The word of mouth said that the teacher's response was good, so I went there, but that teacher was a plastic surgery teacher, and the dermatologist I went to was another teacher. The attitude was intimidating and I was surprised lol I just told him. smile When I told the nurse, I was apologized. Reservation system is appreciated, and the nurse's response is It's okay, so I definitely want you to change your doctor lol
はねはね on Google

I asked for a consultation from my side. I decided to ask the director with the phrase "a little courage" and a kind atmosphere, but the teacher who consulted me was a different person. It can't be helped, but after checking the gauze, I was repeatedly asked "Don't you smell it yourself?" is. Those who are worried should be able to improve by taking good care or surgery if they find out the smell. Also, although the waiting room and the examination room were close to each other, they spoke loudly, and I regretted going to the clinic.
A on Google

on Google

肌が荒れて擦過傷のように腫れていて困り、予約なしで飛び込みで行きました。 病院は待つもの。(特に皮膚科は…)なので2時間くらい待つのも当たり前なので特にそれについては何も思いません。驚いたのは待った先の先生の診断。 季節の変わり目いつもこうなるんですと説明すると、「部屋汚いんじゃないですか?」と開口一番に言われて唖然としました。当方のどこをみてそう思われたのか不明ですが何度も「部屋が汚いのでは」「空気入れ替えて掃除しないと」といったことを言われて困惑。とりあえず愛想よくして「この状態だと人目も気になるので…」と言うと「周りの人、自分が思ってるほどあなたのこと見てませんよw」と笑われました。「とりあえず薬もらっとこって感じですよね~」と。 美容外科に来た方にもそのようにおっしゃるんですか? 若くてお綺麗な女医先生。一般人の私は肌が荒れたら人目は気になるし、直すために薬を処方して欲しいと思うのですがそれはそんなにおかしなことだったのでしょうか。 最後に受付の方に「ありがとうございました」と挨拶して出ましたが、「さよなら!」と吐き捨てる様に言われて2度びっくり。 「お大事に」とかではなく、冷たく短い食い気味の「さよなら!」です。診察券も処方箋も名前の漢字全然違うし笑いました。
I was in trouble because my skin was rough and swollen like a scratch, so I jumped in without a reservation. The hospital is waiting. (Especially in dermatology ...) So it's natural to wait for about 2 hours, so I don't think about it in particular. What surprised me was the diagnosis of the teacher I was waiting for. When I explained that this would always happen at the turn of the season, I was stunned when I was told at the opening that "Isn't the room dirty?" I don't know where I looked at it, but I was confused when I was repeatedly told that the room was dirty and that I had to replace the air and clean it. For the time being, I was amiable and said, "I'm worried about you in this state ..." and I was laughed at, "People around me, I don't see you as much as I think." "I feel like I'm getting some medicine for the time being." Do you say that to those who came to cosmetic surgery? A young and beautiful female doctor. As an ordinary person, if my skin gets rough, I'm worried about it, and I'd like you to prescribe a medicine to fix it. Was that so strange? At the end, I said "Thank you" to the receptionist, but I was surprised twice when I was told to throw it away saying "Goodbye!". It's not "Carefully" but "Goodbye!" With a cold and short taste. The medical examination ticket and the prescription were completely different from the kanji in the name, and I laughed.
hillvo ch on Google

担当医で対応の良し悪しが分かれる。 基本的には良い印象が多いが、先日診てもらった人の対応があまり良くなかったので残念。 忙しいとは思いますが、親身になってほしいなと思いました。 皮膚科を変えようと思う。
The doctor in charge determines whether the response is good or bad. Basically, I have a lot of good impressions, but I'm sorry that the response of the person who was seen the other day was not very good. I think I'm busy, but I want you to be kind. I want to change my dermatology.
K S on Google

わきがの手術をしていただきました。 こちらで手術をしていただく前に別の病院にも相談に行きましたが傷つく対応をされ、またわきがの相談に行くのが怖かったのですが、優しく接していただきました。 保険適用で丁寧に手術していただき、学生時代からの悩みから解放されました。悩んでいた時は、気になってずっとトイレに行っては制汗剤を塗り直す日々でしたが、もう使うことすらなくなりました。こちらの病院を見つけることができて本当に良かったと思います。とても感謝しています。今も別の件で通っています。ありがとうございました。
I had an operation on my side. I went to another hospital for consultation before the surgery here, but I was hurt and I was afraid to go to the consultation for my armpit, but I was kindly treated. I had my surgery done carefully with insurance coverage, and I was freed from the worries I had since I was a student. When I was worried, I used to go to the bathroom and reapply antiperspirant all the time, but I don't even use it anymore. I'm really glad I found this hospital. I appreciate it very much. I'm still going on another matter. Thank you very much.
ねこねこにゃー on Google

He was called long after the appointment time for surgery and did not explain why he was late. I didn't explain unless I asked from here. Therefore, maybe it was necessary to spend time on the operation, they operated on it. But it was bad. It was really bad. The messiness was transmitted, and there are a lot of traces of surgery. I think you shouldn't believe what is written on the homepage. The receptionist is also sloppy.
s ha on Google

Previously, I was taken care of by laser hair removal for several months. Basically, everyone's response was good with a normal hospital response, but the nurse named Ando was the worst. I was in charge of hair removal several times, but it feels terrible and I do unpleasant work for typical money. With the aura fully open, I can recognize how much money I am paying for hair removal. not. I don't want to go there again as long as this person is there.

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