
1.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 成田医院

住所 :

Hakushincho, Kita Ward, 〒950-3325 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : Niigata

Hakushincho, Kita Ward, 〒950-3325 Niigata,Japan
ice strawberry on Google

When I went to get my asthma inhaler expired, I was told, "I can use it even if it expires, if I use it because it's a waste." She continued to be denied even though she was having a conversation, and eventually was not able to get the medicine she wanted, and was told that she was alright, and was kicked out of the consultation room. I will never go there again.
夜代夜桜 on Google

数年前から医者の人間性に問題があったが、口コミを見る限り今でも変わってないようで……。 自分の悪いところに死ぬまで気づかないのだろうな。
There has been a problem with the humanity of doctors for several years, but as far as the word of mouth is concerned, it seems that it hasn't changed. You probably won't notice until you die in your bad place.
licoリコ on Google

噂に違わずすごいですね。もちろん悪い意味で。本来であれば評価1すらつけたくないです。 口癖なのか知りませんが、症状を話しても「(どうしてそうなるのか)意味がわからない」を連呼するばかり。それでも院長先生なの?と疑いたくなるし、わからないなら医者なんて辞めちゃえば?って感じです。しまいには「気分の問題では?」と言われました。気分の問題で治ってたらこんなところには来ませんよ。 近くに他の呼吸器科がなかったので仕方なく受診しましたが、二度とここには行きません。
It's amazing as rumored. Of course in a bad sense. Originally I don't want to even get a rating of 1. I don't know if it's a habit, but even if I talk about the symptoms, I just call "I don't understand what it means". Are you still the director? I want to doubt, and if I don't understand, why not quit being a doctor? I feel like that. In the end, I was asked "is it a mood problem?" If you're cured by a mood problem, you won't be here. There was no other respiratory department nearby, so I had no choice but to visit the hospital again, but I will never be here again.
汎胤 on Google

Where you are not in good physical condition, you will go mad with a curse. I had to look for another clinic, so I had a lot of trouble. It seems that he doesn't feel like helping or supporting people. ☆ I don't want to add one.
おかんだょ on Google

人格にかなり難ありの先生です。 症状をアレコレ言うと「そんなにいっぺんにならないけどなぁ」と言われましたw 初回はとてもイライラしました。他の方のレビュー通りです。 でも初回の薬が合わなかった事を伝えると違う物を出してくださり、それがピタッと効き喘息気味の咳がすぐ止まりました。 それ以降咳が出たらすぐに来い、と言われ通ってます。 噂で聞きましたが、咳止めには腕があるそうです。 私はいつも咳が止まらずあちこちの病院に行ってた経験がありますから、先生がどんなにムカついてもここに通いますw 慣れればそんなにイライラもしません。 追記 先日手のかかる我が子が看護士さんの言う事を聞かずウロウロしたので困ったのですが、先生が笑ってあれくらいの年は仕方ないよね。みたいなことを言って下さいました。 意外と言ってはなんですが、やはり慣れれば親しみやすい先生です。
It is a teacher who has quite a difficulty in personality. When I told Alecre the symptoms it was said "I will not be at the same time so much" w I was very frustrated the first time. It is according to the reviews of other people. But when I informed that my first medicine did not suit, I got a different thing, it worked so hard that the cough with asthma was stopped soon. Afterwards it came as soon as the cough came out, and it goes through. I heard it with rumors, but he seems to have arms to stop coughing. I always have a cough that has stopped and I have gone to hospitals here and there, so no matter how irritating the teacher is I will go here w I will not get so frustrated if I get used to it. Additional notes I was in trouble because my son who took a long time did not hear what the nurse says, but the year that the teacher smiled is inevitable. I said sort of things like that. It is surprising to say, but I am a friendly teacher if I get used to it.
まーちゃん on Google

冬に受診しました。咳がひどくてこちらに伺いましたが、話そうとすると咳が出てしまいそれに苛ついたのか早く話せとなじられました。健康な人であれば話せるかとおもいますが、咳をしている病人がはきはきしゃべれないことも分からないのでしょうか?その後せき止めのみ処方され返されましたが、症状は悪くなる一方で他の病院を受診しました。結果インフルエンザでした。冬の時期の風邪症状はいろんな病院さんはインフルエンザの検査をしている所が多いですがこちらの病院は検査も行っていただけませんでした。 体調が優れないのに気分は悪くなるような対応、時間の無駄、お金の無駄でした。金輪際行きたくないです。
I had a medical examination in winter. I had a bad cough and I visited here, but when I tried to talk, I got a cough and was told to talk quickly whether I was irritated by it. I think a healthy person can talk, but don't you know that a sick person who is coughing can't speak? After that, only the cough was prescribed and returned, but while the symptoms worsened, I visited another hospital. The result was influenza. Many hospitals are testing for influenza during the winter season, but this hospital was not able to test for it. It was a waste of time, a waste of time, and a response that made me feel sick even though I was not feeling well. I don't want to go to the gold ring.
ガッツよこわけ on Google

家族の付添いで行って来ました。 あんたは何しに来たから始まりました。説明をしていたら、何故かキレられ、そこからは終始会話が噛み合いません。挙げ句の果てに出て行けとなり、頭に来たので家族を残して、おかしい!狂ってる!と言って出て来てしまいました。医者としてというより、人として如何なものかと思います。行かれない方が最善とは思いますが、もし行かれるなら、相当な覚悟が必要と思います。
I went with my family. What did you come to? When I was explaining, I was sharpened for some reason, and the conversation did not engage from there from beginning to end. I had to go out to the end of the phrase, and I came to my head, so I left my family and it was funny! I'm crazy! I came out saying that. I think it's more like a person than a doctor. I think it's best not to go, but if you do, you need to be quite prepared.
co e.e on Google

人間を "モノ"みたいに言う医者です。 【これ以上被害者が出てほしくない】 祖父(耳が遠い)の付き添いで、精密検査の結果を聞くために来院しました。 〜以下、実体験〜 診察室に入ったら、医者本人はスマホでおしゃべり(3分程待つ)私がスマホでメモしてたら「人前でスマホするのは失礼だっ!」と言われ、急いで謝罪してポッケにしまう私。 祖父の精密検査の結果を報告され、 「どーせ酒飲んでるからこうなんでしょタバコもいつはじめていつやめたの最近酒どんぐらい飲むの」といきなり質問ぜめで祖父は当然混乱。私が代わりに応答しててもなんか突っかかってきて「あんたなんでココいんの?この人の輸送?」と言われてさすがにカチンときて、 私「輸送とか言うのやめてもらっていいですか?」 医者「ガハハハッッ!!!アンタそんな小さいこと気にすんの?!じゃあ移送移送!それでいいっすか?!!」 (ちなみに誰も笑ってないです。女性看護師さんも感情失ってました。) ここから私もヒートアップしてしまいまして、ちょっと覚えてないですが、とりあえず噂通りめちゃくちゃなトコでした。 極め付けに、 医者「アンタ何歳?アンタが病気しても診ないから来ないでね??!」 いや来ねーだろ!こんな事あったら!歳聞いてくんのも気持ち悪かった!!! その後、祖父はあんまり動けないので、ゆっくり支えて帰ろうとしたら後ろで、 医者「〜〜ッなんて失礼なヤツ、これだから〜なんたらかんたら〜〜!!!」 て、ずーーっと言ってきました笑 もう私は後半からフル無視フルシカトでその場を去りました。女性看護師さん?医療事務さん?はとても優しかったです。多分このようなクレームは医療事務の人とかに全部電話とかくるんだろうなとか考えたら申し訳なかったです。 ちなみに、診察結果は紹介状書くから精密検査は他の病院行ってくれとの事でした。 この医院を信頼されてる方もいらっしゃると思いますが、ここの口コミや近所の情報によるとみなさん嫌いだそうです。わたしはもう行きません。参考までに。長文失礼しました。
A doctor who calls humans like "things". [I don't want any more victims] I came to the hospital with my grandfather (difficult to hear) to hear the results of the detailed examination. ~ Below, actual experience ~ When I entered the doctor's office, the doctor himself talked on his smartphone (waiting for about 3 minutes). When I made a note on my smartphone, he said, "It's rude to use your smartphone in public!" .. Reported the result of my grandfather's close examination, My grandfather was naturally confused when he suddenly asked, "I'm drinking alcohol, so this is why I stopped smoking for the first time. Even if I responded instead, I was struck by something and asked, "Why are you here? Is this person's transportation?" I "Can I stop talking about transportation?" Doctor "Gahahaha !!!! Do you care about such a small thing ?! Then transfer transfer! Is that okay ?!" (By the way, no one is laughing. The female nurse also lost her emotions.) I also got heated up from here, and I don't remember for a moment, but for the time being, it was a mess as rumored. To the extreme Doctor "How old are you? Don't come because you won't see me even if you get sick ?!" No, don't you come! If something like this happens! It was also unpleasant to hear the age! !! !! After that, my grandfather couldn't move much, so if I tried to support him slowly and go home, he would be behind me. Doctor "What a rude guy, this is why I can't do it !!!!" I've been saying it all the time lol Already from the second half I left the place with full ignore full shikato. Female nurse? Medical office? Was very kind. I'm sorry to think that all such complaints would be called by the medical office staff. By the way, I wrote a letter of introduction for the results of the examination, so I was asked to go to another hospital for a detailed examination. I'm sure some people trust this clinic, but according to the reviews and information about the neighborhood, they all hate it. I won't go anymore. For your reference. Excuse me for the long sentence.

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