Yasuda Dermatology - Amagasaki

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

尼崎・安田皮膚科|阪神尼崎駅・出屋敷駅の皮膚科・アレルギー科 - Amagasaki-skinclinic.com


Contact Yasuda Dermatology

住所 :

5-chome-7-20 Higashinaniwacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0892, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 660-0892
Webサイト : https://amagasaki-skinclinic.com/

5-chome-7-20 Higashinaniwacho, Amagasaki, Hyogo 660-0892, Japan
on Google

3世代で家族全員お世話になっています。春から新しい先生になって、確実に待ち時間も短くなっていると思います。 若先生は優しい方で、昔のカルテも見ながらより良い治療を一緒に考えてくれるので、安心して通っています。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
I am indebted to the whole family for 3 generations. I've become a new teacher since spring, and I'm sure the waiting time is getting shorter. Mr. Waka is a kind person, and he thinks about better treatment together while looking at the old medical records, so I go there with peace of mind. I look forward to working with you.
kyo-ko on Google

待ち時間がほとんどなくて、ありがたかったです!その分しっかり相談出来ます。 後継の男性の先生は、皮膚科の専門なので細かいことも教えてくださいます。 女性の先生がいらっしゃる日もあるので、安心です。
I was grateful that there was almost no waiting time! You can talk firmly about that. Since the successor male teacher specializes in dermatology, please tell me the details. There are days when I have a female teacher, so I'm relieved.
yuyuyu on Google

先生はテキパキとしっかり診て下さいます。 が、「待ち時間が短い」ことは全然ないですね。 ネット予約をして頃合いを測りながら到着しても、結局1時間くらい待たされます。 後から来た人を割り込みで何人も通しているので。 待合室も廊下も患者でいっぱいで、座る所がなく立ったまま待つことも。 ネット予約して確認画面をこまめに更新していたのに、「あと11人」だったのが5分後に「0人。あなたの順番になりました」となったこともあります。 慌てて行ったら遅刻扱いで後回しにされ1時間近く待つことに。 しかも、待合室はぎっしりなのにウェブ上では「待ち人数0人」のまま更新されず。 多少のズレなら許せるが、こんなにもずさんなのは如何なものか。
The teacher will give you a thorough examination. However, there is no such thing as "short waiting time". Even if you make an online reservation and arrive while measuring the time, you will end up waiting for about an hour. Because many people who came later are interrupted. The waiting room and corridor are full of patients, and there is no place to sit, so you can wait while standing. Even though I made a reservation online and updated the confirmation screen frequently, "11 people left" became "0 people. It's your turn" after 5 minutes. When I went in a hurry, I was treated as late and was put off and waited for almost an hour. Moreover, even though the waiting room is full, it is not updated on the web with "0 people waiting". I can forgive a slight deviation, but what is it like to be so sloppy?
woods on Google

The eczema that I have been suffering from for 10 years has improved dramatically after visiting a dermatologist here. I was shocked to hear from the director on the day of my first visit that treatment for bad times is natural, but treatment for good symptoms is more important in the long run. Recommended for those who are worried. I would like to continue to attend.
Onsen Hopper on Google

コロナワクチンを接種。 ワクチン不足がささやかれる中、あっさりと予約がとれた。 ありがたい。
Inoculated with corona vaccine. As the vaccine shortage was whispered, I made a quick reservation. Thank you.
taka kama on Google

I was worried about the lump on my face and went to see the doctor. I was immediately diagnosed with an epidermoid cyst and had surgery on the day. It was very neat and the treatment time was only a few minutes. Since the surgery was a hollow method, the scars were barely noticeable. Thank you, sensei.
南和宏 on Google

The doctor at this clinic is also very kind and polite. I also have a doctor of medicine and I can trust it very much. Both the nurse and the receptionist are very polite. I'm a family member, but I'm very happy that there is a reliable clinic nearby.
m m on Google

When I searched for an earlobe and typed it in, this was a hit. There was no clinic near where I lived to treat the case, and even if I had one, I was refused to do it now, so I went a little far away to see it. First of all, many patients were relieved. When the teacher started talking, he was told that he had free medical treatment, and the amount of money went up every time he opened his mouth. The inspection was also 10,000. However, my bereaved husband was a practitioner, so I know the world of practitioners more than the general public. After all, when I got home, it was related to the appearance, so I searched for a specialist and counseled, and since there was an accessory ear on the other side, I had surgery on both ears on the day, and it was half the amount offered by Dr. Yasuda for both ears. I was more worried about the treatment that would affect the appearance than the money, so I'm glad I stopped honestly.

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