Hakusanyu - Koto City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakusanyu

住所 :

1 Chome-6-15 Edagawa, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0051, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 135-0051
Webサイト : http://www.1010.or.jp/map/item/item-cnt-168

1 Chome-6-15 Edagawa, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0051, Japan
on Google

女湯、年寄りの溜まり場。脱衣所でマスクもせずに喋ってた老害たち、風呂から上がったらさらに人数増えていた。マスクしろ、長時間いるなと貼り紙あるが意味なし。こっちにも話しかけてくる始末でそうしてどんどん人数を増やしていくようだ。 お風呂もじゃばじゃば水をひねり、かき混ぜまくってる年寄りあり。 風呂は綺麗だが、不愉快な年寄りしかいないので2度と行かない。
Women's bath, a hangout for the elderly. The old people who were talking without masks at the dressing room, and when they got out of the bath, the number of people increased. Mask it, there is a sticker if you don't stay for a long time, but it doesn't make sense. It seems that the number of people will increase steadily by talking to me here. There are elderly people who twist the water in the bath and stir it. The bath is beautiful, but I will never go there again because there are only unpleasant elderly people.
茨城太郎 on Google

昔ながらの銭湯でThe日本の銭湯って感じで良かったです‼️ 清潔感ありますね 手入れちゃんとされてる感じでいいです!また訪問させていただきます
It was good that it was an old-fashioned public bath and it felt like The Japanese public bath! ️ There is a feeling of cleanliness It's okay to feel like it's being properly maintained! I will visit you again
tak on Google

普通よりも狭めな銭湯。床は感じのよい清潔感のあるタイル。 流行りのサウナも露天風呂も温泉でも無い。わざわざ遠くから訪問する人は少ないかも。前の大通りに駐車して入って帰る人は短時間利用。 炭酸泉の湯温はいままで経験した中では一番低い。炭酸泉の効果のためには低温は素晴らしい!でも最大でも3、4人ぐらいの浴槽だから長時間入れるのはメリットでもありデメリットでもある。 炭酸泉が目あてで、混雑していなければ星5。
A public bath that is narrower than usual. The floor is nice and clean tiles. There is no trendy sauna, open-air bath, or hot spring. There may be few people who bother to visit from afar. People who park on the main street in front of them and return home can use it for a short time. The temperature of the carbonated spring is the lowest I have ever experienced. Low temperature is great for the effect of carbonated springs! However, it is a merit and a demerit to put it in for a long time because it is a bathtub for about 3 or 4 people at the maximum. If you are looking for a carbonated spring and it is not crowded, 5 stars.
hefeweizen on Google

豊洲駅から運河を渡って10分ほど、枝川にある銭湯。 青い三角屋根の建物、「人工炭酸温泉」の文字が目印です。 広い通りに面していて、下足箱に靴を預けて戸を開けるとすぐにフロント、その両脇がお風呂の入り口。 脱衣所もお風呂場もそれほど広くなく、ロッカーもコンパクトなもの。 湯殿は洗い場が21ほど、全てシャワー付きなので使い勝手が良いです。シャンプー、ボディソープも備え付けがあります。 湯船は人工炭酸泉とジェット系が2つと寝転び湯。どちらもそれほど広くはなく、7名も入ればいっぱい。みんなでかわるがわる入る感じです。 お湯はさほど熱くなく、42〜43度くらい。 立ちシャワーで水を浴びてリフレッシュ。 炭酸泉はいいですね、ぬるめでぽかぽかあったまる。 壁絵は山並みと水車小屋でした。 金曜の18時過ぎ、お客さんもいっぱいで、みなさん一様に入る時間が短めなのが印象的でした。早風呂、江戸っ子っていう感じです。 コロナ対策のためか、ロビーには椅子がなく休憩できませんでした。 ドライヤーは3分20円のタイプ。 この辺りではあまりない銭湯、長く続いて欲しいですね。
A public bath in Edagawa, about 10 minutes across the canal from Toyosu Station. The building with a blue triangular roof, the letters "artificial carbonated hot spring" are the landmarks. Facing a wide street, as soon as you leave your shoes in the lower leg box and open the door, the front desk and both sides of it are the entrances to the bath. The dressing room and bathroom are not so large, and the lockers are compact. Yuden has about 21 washrooms, all with showers, so it is easy to use. Shampoo and body soap are also provided. The bathtub is a lie-down bath with an artificial carbonated spring and two jets. Neither is so large, and it's full with 7 people. It feels like everyone is changing. The hot water is not so hot, about 42-43 degrees. Refresh yourself by taking a standing shower. Carbonated springs are nice, warm and warm. The wall painting was a mountain range and a watermill. After 18:00 on Friday, there were a lot of customers, and it was impressive that everyone had a short time to enter. It's like an early bath, Edokko. I couldn't take a break because there were no chairs in the lobby, probably because of corona measures. The dryer is a type of 20 yen for 3 minutes. I hope the public baths that are not so common around here will continue for a long time.
T Toshi on Google

豊洲駅から徒歩で10分くらいの場所にある。周囲は集合住宅が立ち並ぶ地域。週末の夜に伺ったが、お客さんは数人だった。家族で来られている方もあるらしい。支払いはQRコード決済に対応している。 浴室は浴槽と洗い場が20ヶ所くらいに立ちシャワーブース一つ。浴槽は炭酸泉のものと普通の浴槽に分かれている。炭酸泉は男性が4-5人並んで入れるくらいの大きさ。説明書きでは38度くらいとあるがもう少し高いようにも感じられる。普通のお湯の浴槽は深めの部分と座位用の部分がある。温度は42度前後に感じられる。広さは4-5人がゆったり入れるくらい。
M Y on Google

Good to refresh oforu when you are very tired
M Shimoda on Google

Very local, old fashioned public bath. Carbonated bath is very tiny. No saunas.
doc dot on Google

Quite a unique experience going there as a foreigner. The front desk lady doesn’t speak English but was keen to show me room full of naked Men. Didn’t worry me, the place is full of locals mostly older men. They have two small baths, one carbonated not baking but warm - can fit three people. Quite relaxing odd small bubble but no jacozzI. Second bath is far hotter (about 45 degrees) with three slots to experience the super powerful jets. Lucky to achieve 10 min as so hot but really fixed the back after a long flight. Quite clean but very basic & looks old. Bring a towel or can buy. They have like over 10 sinks with hot & cold taps. Also lockers available. Not the most spacious place and no sauna or cold water bath.

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