Hakkoda Shrine - Aomori

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakkoda Shrine

住所 :

Abeno-163-79 Kobata, Aomori, 030-0943, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 030-0943
Webサイト : http://www13.plala.or.jp/happoutingo/about.html

Abeno-163-79 Kobata, Aomori, 030-0943, Japan
中村誠司 on Google

It is a new shrine built by individuals, but the main shrine was very beautiful. I felt a strong aura from the statue of Aomori Hiba's Kisaki Saki, which was specially shown.
Sir-T ACCORD on Google

'18 Visit to the Bon. It is a small shrine, but the precincts filled with jaguar are beautiful. Worship after receiving the seal first. It's nice to see here that not only the seal but also the colorful stamp is pressed.
トラえもん on Google

It is enshrined in Kobata, Aomori City, Aomori Prefecture. The main shrine, which is rarely seen nationwide, is characterized by three buildings. It worships many gods besides Tianjin Oogami, Iyaku Naki, and Iynami Nami. Thank you, I received the stamp of "Hakkoda Shrine".
山﨑清 on Google

近年、再建された神社、神社本庁。境内はよく整備されてます。神職在住です。御朱印あり。 御由緒ー往昔、阿部比羅夫は蝦夷侵略の時、後潟に政庁を置き、八甲田山麓に山霊を祀り、伊邪那岐大神、伊邪那美大神ほか諸神を勧請したが、その後永く廃絶した。北畠顕信公、その子守親公等は父:親房公顕家公の意思を継いで南朝の為に画策、霊山(福島県)を出でて再び諸神を勧請して南部氏を頼ったが、時運にあわず八幡岳にて一敗、その後を絶った。浪岡に拠った顕家公の後嗣も津軽氏に打倒されその跡殆ど煙滅した。創立者小笠原壽久翁は昭和18年、啓示を受けて八甲田大神を祭祀、昭和46年には北畠氏縁故者や崇敬者と共に明治100年を期し、現在地に社殿を建立。平成2年に本殿三棟を建立した。
Recently rebuilt shrine, the main shrine. The grounds are well maintained. I live in a priesthood. There is a red seal. In the past, during the invasion of Ezo, Abe Hirafu set up a government office in Shimogata, worshiped a ghost at the foot of Hakkoda, and recommended Iin Naki Okami, Iyinami Okami, and other gods. Kitanotake Akinobu, his baby-sitter, and his father are the father: Kobo Akiyoshi, who inherited the intention of the family, planned for the southern morning, left Reiyama (Fukushima Prefecture), recruited the deities again, and relied on Mr. Nambu. Losing time, he lost one at Mt. Yawata, then cut off. Tsuguru's overthrow also resembled the successor of Akenie, who was based in Namioka. The founder Toshihisa Ogasawara worshiped Hakkoda Okami in 1943 after revelation, and, in 1971, built a main shrine in the present location in anticipation of Meiji 100 with his associates and reverents. Three main buildings were built in 1990.
神戸昴 on Google

It is located at the foot of Hakkoda Mountain and you can feel the power of the mountain spirit. The Hakkoda Snow March Distress Museum is also nearby, and there is also a graveyard for people in distress. Although it is a new company that was rebuilt, it is well-maintained and has a dignified spine. There are also two types of red stamps, a beautiful guardian dog and a hawk. Free parking available.
對馬明帆 on Google

「サバクトビバッタ回避御礼」 八甲田神社月夜見さまにお礼のお詣りをしました。豪雨が止みすっかり晴れました。 お詣りしてるとカッコウの鳴き声が聞こえました。凄く癒され清々しい気分❗ 平和を願う全国の皆さんが、同時刻に月読尊様に祈るためにお詣りしました。始めに神主様から八甲田神社についてお話をお聞きしました。 50年ほど前に、再建された神社のようです。境内はきれいに整備されてます。もちろん神職在住で、御朱印もあります。 「創立者小笠原壽久翁は昭和18年、啓示を受けて八甲田大神を祭祀、昭和46年には北畠氏縁故者や崇敬者と共に明治100年を期し、現在地に社殿を建立。平成2年に本殿三棟を建立した。」 お詣りが終わると澄んだ空気の中鳥が舞い、清々しい風が浄めるように吹いてきました。
"Thank you for avoiding the grasshopper" Had a tribute to Hakkoda Shrine Tsukiyomi. The heavy rain stopped and it was completely sunny. When I hailed, I heard a cuckoo cry. It feels soothing and refreshing ❗ Everyone from all over the country who wished for peace worshiped at the same time to pray to Tsukiyomi. First of all, I heard from a priest about Hakkoda Shrine. It is like a shrine that was rebuilt about 50 years ago. The grounds are well maintained. Of course, he is a priest and lives in a red stamp. "The founder, Tokuhisa Ogasawara, worshiped Ogami God in Hakkoda in 1948, and in 1946, he established the shrine at the present location for the 100th year of the Meiji era with Kitahata's relatives and worshipers. We built three main halls." At the end of the visit, a bird in the clear air danced and a fresh breeze blew to cleanse.
まあまあまるお on Google

It seems to be a shrine associated with Abe Hirafu's conquest of Ezo, so it seems that it was built around the middle of the 7th century. It's located in the suburbs of Aomori City, so it's not very popular. The impression is that it is a beautiful building and a large parking lot. When I visited on 12/12, there was a mukitake growing on the oak tree left on the premises.
Garage House MINAMI (みなみ みゆき) on Google

1月にご祈祷して頂き、3月に入り落ち着いたところでお礼参りの参拝に行きました。 八甲田の恩恵を受けて暮らしてるのでご祈祷お願いする神社を決めるときに八甲田の神社が良いなと思って ご祈祷してもらえるか電話したらその日に受けて頂けました。
We had you pray in January and went to worship in March when we were calm. I live with the benefits of Hakkoda, so when deciding on a shrine to pray for, I thought that Hakkoda's shrine would be good. If you could pray or call me, I received it that day.

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