Hakkoda Hotel - Aomori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakkoda Hotel

住所 :

Minamiarakawayama-1-1 Arakawa, Aomori, 030-0198, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 030-0198
Webサイト : http://www.hakkodahotel.co.jp/top/
Description : Relaxed hot spring hotel featuring a cozy fusion restaurant, plus a bathhouse with forest views.

Minamiarakawayama-1-1 Arakawa, Aomori, 030-0198, Japan
ヒカル“ヒカル”ノリキチ on Google

豪雪で有名な青森県の酸ヶ湯温泉に有ります。 お部屋は、ロッジ方式ぐメインです。 お食事も美味しく、お部屋も素晴らしいです。 勿論温泉も。 四季を通していつの季節も 訪れるのは良いのですが、 冬の豪雪の時期をオススメします。 空気が澄んで、星空も綺麗です。 周りが雪に覆われ、音が遮断され、静かに時が流れます。 ホテル入口で、セントバーナード犬が出迎えてくれます。 可愛い❤️です。
It is located in Sukayu Onsen in Aomori Prefecture, which is famous for heavy snowfall. The room is the main lodge system. The food is delicious and the rooms are great. Of course, there are also hot springs. Any season throughout the four seasons It ’s good to visit, but We recommend the time of heavy snowfall in winter. The air is clear and the starry sky is beautiful. The surroundings are covered with snow, the sound is blocked, and time passes quietly. A St. Bernard dog will welcome you at the hotel entrance. It's cute ❤️.
竹田正俊 on Google

初めて宿泊しました。目的は八甲田山の日本一と云われる「スノービッグモンスター」。残念ながら2日間強風の為、ロープウェーが運休で、今回は観る事がかないませんでした。しかしながらホテルの界隈に劣らずスノーモンスターを発見しました。素晴らしい作品です。今年は豪雪で、さすがの酸ヶ湯温泉エリアも悲鳴をあげるほどの積雪量。ホテルの屋根からは度肝を抜くビッグつららが至る処に出現。これもスノーモンスターに負けず本当に素晴らしい体験です。かねてより 一度泊まってみたいと思っていたホテル。予想以上に素晴らしく、人生の喜びの一コマになりました。ホテルの周りは観たことのない本当に汚れのない純粋な雪です。これが、しんしんと降り注ぐ様は、大袈裟に此の世の物ではないと勘違い致します。食事も素晴らしい(和食夕食共)、温泉は初めて感じる優しい、熱くもなく、100%満足の湯です。特に女性のお客様は感激すると確信します。人も温かい。ダイニングレストランもレトロな温かみのある居心地が素晴らしい。又テーブルから見える外の雪景色も異次元空間です。他のシーズンで勿論宿泊しておりませんが、冬の八甲田ホテルを是非とも体験してみて下さい。大袈裟ですが人生の一ページになりました。最後に、もう一つ、ホテルから青森市内への帰路。これがまた素晴らしかった。こんなにも雪が綺麗だったとは。
I stayed for the first time. The purpose is "Snow Big Monster", which is said to be the best in Japan for Mt. Hakkoda. Unfortunately, the ropeway was suspended due to strong winds for two days, so I couldn't see it this time. However, I found a snow monster as much as the neighborhood of the hotel. It's a wonderful work. Due to heavy snowfall this year, the amount of snow in the Sukayu hot spring area is so great that it screams. Amazing big icicles appear everywhere from the roof of the hotel. This is also a truly wonderful experience, comparable to snow monsters. For some time The hotel I wanted to stay at once. It was more wonderful than I expected, and it became a piece of joy in my life. The area around the hotel is pure snow that has never been seen before. It is misunderstood that this is not a thing of this world in an exaggerated manner. The food is excellent (both Japanese and dinner), and the hot springs are gentle, not hot, and 100% satisfying. I am convinced that female customers are particularly impressed. People are also warm. The dining restaurant also has a wonderful retro warmth and coziness. Also, the snow scene outside that can be seen from the table is a different dimension space. Of course, I haven't stayed in other seasons, but please try the Hakkoda Hotel in winter. It's an exaggeration, but it's a page in my life. Finally, another way back from the hotel to Aomori city. This was great again. The snow was so beautiful.
M N on Google

クリスマスに滞在しました!予想以上に素敵な空間でした。お部屋は普通なのですが、レストランの雰囲気が素晴らしかったです。雪景色を見ながらのディナーはいい思い出となりました!バーではカウンターこそないものの、珍しいお酒も置いてあり楽しめました! ホテルの温泉もありますが、近くの酸ヶ湯へも送迎があります! 温泉も食事も雰囲気も!全部に大満足の滞在でした!!
I stayed at Christmas! It was a nicer space than I expected. The rooms are normal, but the atmosphere in the restaurant was great. Dinner while watching the snowy scenery was a good memory! There is no counter at the bar, but I enjoyed it with rare sake! There is a hotel hot spring, but there is also a transfer to the nearby Sukayu! Hot springs, food and atmosphere! It was a very satisfying stay! !!
ナオコ on Google

酸ヶ湯温泉に湯治に来ていました。その中の1日、こちらで昼食をいただきました! 前菜から全て手を掛けた量もしっかりとあるフレンチ、美味しかった。 私は料理には力が必要と常々思っています。大きなお皿に一口分の前菜しか乗っていない都会の店の何と多い事か、こちらのお皿は全て力がありました。 ホテルも木造りで趣もあって雪にお似合いでした! 来年も行きたいなぁ
I came to Sukayu Onsen for hot springs. I had lunch here for one day! It was delicious, with a solid amount of French appetizers. I always think that cooking requires power. What a lot of urban shops that only have a bite of appetizer on a big plate, all of these plates were powerful. The hotel was also made of wood and had a nice atmosphere, so it looked good on the snow! I want to go next year as well
Suan Pin Foo on Google

Great place to stay and relax
D on Google

Great hotel, wonderful staff and good rooms. I will be back!!
Sid S. on Google

Very luxurious hotel. Located nearly 10 minute drive from Hakkoda Ropeway. Good place to stay if you are planning on skiing or going to see snow monster. My room was very modern and clean. The whole hotel felt like very big luxurious log house. The amenities in my room were high quality items. Free wifi. Big was comfortable. I chose French course meal. It was quite delicious. But don't expect large portion dish. It's one of those nice looking small portion dishes. But surprisingly I was full by the time I finished the course. May not be cheap but well worth the price in my opinion. If you want luxurious stay in Hakkoda, this is the one!! With my strong recommendation. Oh and you either drive or catch hotel bus to get there. I rented a car. Don't forget snow tires and 4WD during winter.
Anna Lotz on Google

Stayed 3 nights and this hotel exceeded our expectations time and time again. The staff do everything to assist you and were exceptionally professional and friendly. The food was also superb. If you get a chance to dine on a French night, take the opportunity - the meal was a highlight. We came for the snow but will definitely come back again for the hotel experience - onsen, staff, hotel room, food could not be faulted. If we could give it ten stars we would.

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