Hakata Ramen Yoshimaru - Minato City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hakata Ramen Yoshimaru

住所 :

長山ビル 2F 2 Chome-2-6 Konan, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Postal code : 108-0075
Webサイト : https://restaurant-mrs.com/yoshimaru/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday 11AM–10PM
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM

長山ビル 2F 2 Chome-2-6 Konan, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0075, Japan
いとけん3 on Google

からか麺頂きました。 ピリ辛でゆずの味もしてとても美味しかったです。 950円。
I got some tea noodles. It was spicy and tasted like yuzu, which was very delicious. 950 yen.
JJ glutton on Google

I think it's because it's night, but I think it's a good idea to visit an izakaya where you can eat ramen.
ちゃうちゃう(chauchau) on Google

料理は美味しく、待ち時間も少ない。 お値段控えめで替え玉は雨の日無料。 とんこつとんこつしたラーメン以外もあります。 からか麺は胡椒の辛さ(痺れではない)が結構強いので、唐辛子系の辛さに強い人でも注意が必要です。 しお岩磯のりらーめんは、結構な塩辛さです。初めて食べたらびっくりするかも??
The food is delicious and there is little waiting time. The price is modest and replacement balls are free on rainy days. There are other than tonkotsu tonkotsu ramen. Karaka noodles have a fairly strong spiciness (not numbness) of pepper, so even people who are strong in the spiciness of chili peppers need to be careful. Shio Iwaiso Nori Ramen is quite salty. You might be surprised when you eat it for the first time. ??
K on Google

A shop that you want to visit on a regular basis. Tonkotsu ramen in Shinagawa seems to be the only one here. .. It's close to the office so you can feel free to go. I went there at night before Corona, but I'm satisfied. It is usually delicious.
ビスカンナ on Google

【呑みメニュー,テーブル有,禁煙,リーマン多】2月26日(土)料理写真追加UP 店内,全メニュー,料理写真有? とりあえずここ最近土日の夕方辺りに行って思う事は、間違いなく座れてそんなに店内もうるさくない! 料理も引き続き美味しい? ↓↓以前の投稿↓↓ ★気持ちは5だけど禁煙だから4,5位! 【雰囲気】 平日は基本的にリーマンがごったがえし、ところ狭しと飲んでる。 土曜日はスーツ姿は誰もいず家族とカップルが多かった!やっぱり近所の人達もここ知ってんね? 【ラーメン】 基本何食っても美味い!俺は全部食べた事あるが、今回は久しぶりだから俺的標準のしお岩磯のり食べたが変わらず美味い? ?マー油入りの黒とんこつもパンチがあって美味しい! ?からか麺は何気に辛いのと辛高菜も入ってるからナメテかかるとむせるぞ☝ 【つまみ】 呑めるラーメン屋だけあってつまみメニューも豊富!基本何食っても美味い! ?ごまさば★★★★★ 以前はしめ鯖があったけどいまはごまさばってのに変わってる。ま、タレも美味けりゃ付け合せのネギもつまみになる! ?たこ唐揚げとかいか唐揚げはつまみにいい! ?馬刺し燻製だけちょっと量が少ないかな 【サービス】 ・ハッピーアワー14:00〜19:00(毎日) ビール290円とハイボールが190円! ・雨の日替え玉無料とか、あと替え玉回数券がある!(写真) 【感想,まとめ】 そもそも品川駅港南口付近にまともなラーメン屋がなく、しかもここは呑みメニューも豊富だから、ここら辺でちょっと飲んでラーメン食べるにはここ1択だな! ほんじゃまた行きますっ?
[Drinking menu, with table, non-smoking, many Lehman] February 26 (Sat) Cooking photo added UP Inside the store, all menus, food photos available ? For the time being, what I think about going around the evening of Saturday and Sunday is definitely that you can sit down and the inside of the store is not so noisy! The food is still delicious ? ↓ ↓ Previous post ↓ ↓ ★ I have 5 feelings, but I'm smoking cessation, so I'm ranked 4th and 5th! 【atmosphere】 On weekdays, Lehman is basically crowded, and I drink narrowly. On Saturday, there were many families and couples in suits! After all neighbors do not know here ? 【ramen】 Basically, it ’s delicious no matter how many you eat! I've eaten everything, but this time it's been a while, so I ate my standard Shio Iwaiso nori, but it's still delicious ? ? Black tonkotsu with mar oil is also punchy and delicious! ? Karaka noodles are spicy and spicy mustard is also included, so if you take a name, you will get rid of it ☝ 【Knob】 There is only a ramen shop that swallows, and there is a wide selection of snack menus! Basically, it ’s delicious no matter how many you eat! ? Gomasaba ★★★★★ There used to be mackerel, but now it's changed to a mess. Well, if the sauce is delicious, it will be a side dish of green onions! ? Deep-fried octopus and deep-fried squid are good for snacks! ? I wonder if the amount is a little small just for smoked horse sashimi 【service】 ・ Happy hour 14: 00-19: 00 (every day) Beer 290 yen and highball 190 yen! ・ There are free replacement balls for rainy days and coupon tickets for replacement balls! (Photo) [Impression, summary] In the first place, there is no decent ramen shop near the Konan exit of Shinagawa station, and there are plenty of drinking menus here, so this is the best choice for drinking a little and eating ramen around here! I'll go again ?
y satoshi on Google

平日の11時に訪問 初回なので博多ラーメンと 高菜ご飯のセット麺は硬めで注文。 開店直後なので2分で来ました。 スープは至って普通。 臭みを取り除いて旨みは有る。 品川の複合飲食店ビルで 獣臭を出す訳にはいかないので 理解します。 テーブルには胡椒、酢、 替え玉用のタレ、擦り胡麻、 水分を絞った紅生姜が有りますので 味を見ながら自由にアレンジします。 麺は要望通りの硬さ 替え玉は普通にしたら、これも良し。 替え玉大玉と高菜ご飯だと お腹一杯になり過ぎたので 次回はオプション豊富な由◯ラーメンと 替え玉にしようと思いました。 ごちそうさまでした。 品川港南口で一番旨いラーメン屋!
Visit at 11:00 on weekdays It ’s the first time, so with Hakata Ramen The set noodles of the mustard rice are hard and ordered. It was just after the store opened, so I came in 2 minutes. The soup is very normal. It has a good taste by removing the odor. At the complex restaurant building in Shinagawa I can't give it a beast smell I understand. Pepper, vinegar, on the table Sauce for spare balls, sesame seeds, Because there is a pickled ginger that has been squeezed with water Arrange freely while watching the taste. Noodles are as hard as requested If the replacement ball is normal, this is also good. If it ’s a large ball of spare balls and takana rice I'm too full Next time, with abundant options ◯ Ramen I thought I would use it as a replacement ball. Thank you for the meal. The most delicious ramen shop at the Konan exit of Shinagawa!
Erdenebaatar Lkhagvajav on Google

Decent taste. You can really enjoy the pork soup.
Chung on Google

One of the better ones in the area but not much to shout about. Broth is a little bland and everything else was alright.

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