
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact クッキアイオ

住所 :

Hagiwaracho Hagiwara, Gero, 〒509-2517 Gifu,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : http://www.c-aio.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : Gifu

Hagiwaracho Hagiwara, Gero, 〒509-2517 Gifu,Japan
松山[email protected] on Google

隠れ家的な店で 味は勿論 雰囲気 値段とにかくおすすめのイタリアンです
It's a secret Italian restaurant where you can taste not only the atmosphere but also the price
ヒラタツ(hirataz) on Google

9/10月金曜日夕方の「飛騨街道おし祭り」でお邪魔しました。ここのパスタ、マヂで美味しい‼もう一度食べたいです(笑) この飛騨街道おし祭りイベントはお酒が出るので、飛騨萩原での宿泊がお勧め。ネット予約できる宿が少ないので事前に萩原町商工会へ相談するといいでしょう!
I visited you at the "Hida Kaido Oshi Matsuri" in the evening on Friday, September 10th. The pasta here is really delicious! I want to eat it again (laughs) This Hida Kaido Oshi Matsuri event serves alcohol, so we recommend staying in Hida Hagiwara. There are few inns where you can make online reservations, so it's a good idea to consult with the Hagiwaracho Chamber of Commerce in advance!
月のたね on Google

予約してディナーに伺いました。 リピートしています。 パスタ、ピザ、魚料理、肉料理、全部美味しいです。 特にピザが大好きです。 料理の価格帯の幅も広く、 リーズナブルに食べれるヨーロッパのお惣菜も美味しくて、提供も早く、ワインが進んでしまいます。
I made a reservation and went to dinner. I'm repeating. Pasta, pizza, fish dishes, meat dishes are all delicious. I especially love pizza. The price range of food is wide, European side dishes that can be eaten reasonably are also delicious, served quickly, and wine goes on.
井川崇史 on Google

In spite of the late time, we had lunch at the store. It was a very delicious taste with satisfying taste and volume. The atmosphere in the store was comfortable with a simple and natural atmosphere that was renovated from an old private house.
Sarusuke Channel on Google

2019.11.6 午前中に下呂温泉日帰り入浴♨️を楽しんだ後に訪問してBランチを頂きました。古民家風改装のお店の雰囲気と値段はカジュアルですが、味は最高です?+500円の牡蠣のパスタは牡蠣の旨味がソースと麺に絡んで絶品でした❗️魚料理も皮のパリパリ感と柔らかい身の絶妙な食感が素晴らしいです。少人数スタッフの運営との事で、混雑時にはかなり時間がかかります。忙しい方には向いていません。お店の入り口にはオーナーシェフの先代が経営していた割烹旅館大和のモニュメントがあり、場所を間違えたかと初めて行って紛らわしかったです(笑)。旅館を上手にリフォームして先代へのリスペクトも素晴らしいと思います。
2019.11.6 After enjoying Gero Onsen day bathing ♨️ in the morning, I visited and had a B lunch. The atmosphere and price of the old-style renovated shop is casual, but the taste is the best ? + 500 yen oyster pasta was exquisite with the oyster taste entangled in the sauce and noodles ❗️ Fish dishes also crispy skin And the exquisite texture of soft body is wonderful. It is a small staff and it takes a lot of time when it is crowded. Not suitable for busy people. At the entrance of the restaurant, there was a monument of Kappo Ryokan Yamato, which was run by the owner chef's predecessor, and I was confused when I went there for the first time (laughs). I think that the reform to the inn well and the respect to the predecessor are also wonderful.
か姫 on Google

ランチにて 前菜 紫色のしゃきしゃきしたのが美味しい 他も凝っている パスタ アサリと小松菜のトマトソース アサリがたっぷりでさっぱりしたトマトソース美味しい メイン 天然真鯛 とても大きい❗柔らかい味か繊細!!!美味しい???牡蠣が三つ入っていてラッキー牡蠣もお魚も最高 デザート 桃のコンポート さっぱり桃の味はしっかり美味しい 最後にコーヒー これで2,000円はお得❕??? ランチにて 今日は、 揚げなすとベーコンのパスタ と メイン奮発して +450のなっとくトンを とおもったらなっとくトンは 売り切れ❕残念、 悩んで +550の鴨肉に パスタ、揚げなすとろとろで 塩加減もゆで加減も絶妙❗量もたっぷり? プチトマトが濃くて美味しい❗ 鴨肉は、 勝手なイメージで小ぶりを想像していたら、 すごく大きくてびっくり❕ 味は油が乗っていてジューシー! 福耳というピーマンとトマトが添えられ ています。味付けも絶妙で ペロリです ランチ 今日こそなっとく豚? 前菜 パスタはアサリと 小松菜のペペロンチーノ メインは+450円で プレミアムなっとく豚 ドルチェは、栗だったかな 飲み物はエスプレッソ☕ これで2450円はお得??✨
At lunch Appetizer Purple crispy is delicious and others are elaborate Pasta clams and Japanese mustard spinach tomato sauce Delicious tomato sauce with plenty of clams and refreshing Main natural red sea bream Very big ❗ Soft taste or delicate! !! !! There are 3 delicious ??? oysters and the lucky oysters and fish are the best Dessert peach compote The refreshing taste of peach is delicious Finally coffee Save 2,000 yen with this ❕??? At lunch Today is, Fried eggplant and bacon pasta When Inspire the main +450 tons If you think about it, ton Sold out ❕ Sorry, Worried For +550 duck meat Pasta, deep-fried eggplant Exquisite salt and boiled ❗ Plenty of amount ? Petit tomatoes are thick and delicious ❗ Duck meat If you imagine a small size with a selfish image, Very big and surprised ❕ The taste is oily and juicy! Served with peppers and tomatoes called Fukumi I am. The seasoning is also exquisite It's Perori lunch Today's pork ? Appetizer Pasta with clams Komatsuna Peperoncino Main is +450 yen Premium Nattoku Pork Was Dolce a chestnut? Drinks are espresso ☕ This is a great deal for 2450 yen ??✨
加藤さゆり on Google

期待していきましたが、古民家風で雰囲気は良かった? でも、料理の提供時間の遅い事? 前菜、パスタと順調に来たけどバスタを食べ終わって40分後にメインの肉料理が来た? どー言う事?! 客も4組と少なかったのに~? しかも、デザートに付いてきたコーヒーのぬるい事!ビックリだわ? 料理の味は普通だし、入口は改装中だし、散々でした?
I expected it, but it was like an old folk house and the atmosphere was good ? But the food is served late ? Appetizers and pasta came smoothly, but 40 minutes after I finished eating the pasta, the main meat dish came ? What do you mean? !! Even though there were only 4 groups of customers ~ ? What's more, the coffee that came with the dessert is lukewarm! I'm surprised ? The food tasted normal, the entrance was under renovation and it was terrible ?
Kenneth Delaforce on Google

Very good set Italian meal with many courses. Very good service.

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