Hachioji Mental Clinic - Hachioji

2.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hachioji Mental Clinic

住所 :

八王子メンタルクリニックビル 4丁目-3 Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0081, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 192-0081
Webサイト : http://hachiouji-mental.com/

八王子メンタルクリニックビル 4丁目-3 Yokoyamacho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0081, Japan
Jun Ike on Google

Fさんかな、あまりにあり得なく凄い。院長も誰かもわからない。絶体に行かないで下さい。酷いとしか。 精神科しか無いと思っていましたが? こちらを、いきなりセルフネグレクト、ゴミ屋敷、孤独死、と勝手に言い放ち。 聞いた方が驚き、怖くなった。 診察時、話し忘れた大事な事があり、もう1つ話そうとすると、診察室追い出され。 毎回薬同じ。診察もいい加減。とても短く。 他曜日にと言うと、それなら転院だと一方的に。 狭い待合室で具合悪くやっと座っているのに、Dr.前を道っているのに、何もなかったよ うに。診察、処方いい加減、適当な毎回でした。すぐ他院へ走り。 。 色々 困ってい弱者に対し
Mr. F, it's so impossible and amazing. Neither the director nor anyone knows. Please do not go to the end. Only terrible. I thought there was only psychiatry? Suddenly self-neglect, garbage mansion, lonely death. I was surprised and scared to hear it. At the time of the examination, there was an important thing that I forgot to talk about, and when I tried to talk about another thing, I was kicked out of the examination room. Same medicine every time. The medical examination is also sloppy. Very short. On other days, it would be a one-sided transfer. I was sitting in a small waiting room, and I was walking in front of Dr., but nothing happened. Sea urchin. It was a medical examination, a prescription, and an appropriate time. Immediately run to another hospital. .. various For the vulnerable in trouble
もみじかえで on Google

幸せをありがとうございます。 それと、木下麻衣さん頑張って。 絶対良くなるように治療してくれる医者はいるから。
Thank you for your happiness. Also, Mai Kinoshita, do your best. There are doctors who will treat you to improve.
Xi Micropenis Jinping on Google

不眠で訪れたがここの水原?水島だっけか? まあいいや、とにかく眼鏡かけた糞ババア医師が最悪だった。 話しは陸に聞かねえわ、こっちが薬の効果について話そうとしたら ピシャリと一方的に会話切って早々に診察終わらせようとするわで マジで苛ついてしょうがなかった。 精神科の医師はピンキリだぜぇーと事前に知り合いから聞いていたが 外れ駒はここまで酷いんだなと。 という訳なのでこの病院にいってこの糞医者に当たってしまったら、 悪い事言わんので速攻担当変えてもらうか、無理なら別の病院尋ねた方が無難ですよーとアドバイス。 …いやほんと医師免許返上して家で内職でもやってろよって感じ。
I visited with sleeplessness, but is it Suwon here? Is it Mizushima? Well, anyway, Dr. Babaa, who wore glasses, was the worst. I can't talk to the land, if I try to talk about the effects of the drug I'm trying to unilaterally cut off the conversation and finish the examination as soon as possible. I was really frustrated and couldn't help it. I had heard from an acquaintance in advance that a psychiatrist was a pinkiri. The out-of-piece is so terrible. So if you go to this hospital and hit this poop doctor, I'm not saying bad things, so I advise you to change the person in charge of haste, or if it's impossible, ask another hospital. ... No, I really feel like I should return my doctor's license and do my job at home.
木下麻衣 on Google

長文です。追記あり。 遠藤という医師のもとに1年ほど通っていましたが何も変わりませんでした。 発達障害の検査を受けてください。結果が出なきゃ何もできませんと言われ、勧められた検査病院は鎌倉。費用がいくら程かかるのか聞いたら3万程かかると言われ、結局自分で近場で発達障害の検査をしてくれる病院を探し検査してもらった所1000円もかかりませんでした。人の経済状況なんて何も考えていないんだなと思いました。 次の発達障害の検査の日、高熱が出てしまい検査に行けなかったことを伝えると、「なぜ行かなかったんですか?こちらの言うことが聞けないのであればあなたを診察するだけ無駄です。私はあなただけを見てるわけじゃない。あなたに使うエネルギーが無駄です。1ヶ月分薬を出しますから他の病院探してください」と一方的に言われました。どうやらこのご時世で高熱が出ていても検査に行けということらしいです。 また、最初のころ、発達障害は子供の頃のことを聞かないとわからないから親を連れてこいと言われ、忙しい母に無理言って同行してもらい診察室に入り医師が母に私の子供の頃のことについて質問(具体的な質問内容は忘れました)し、母がそのようなことは無かったと答えたところ「ああ、お母さんは覚えていないんですね!」と。あなたは私の子供時代の何を知っているんだろうと思いました。 母を診察室から出し、私と2人になった途端「あなたの母親はダメですね。母親じゃないですあんな人」と言われました。 忙しいなか無理言って同行してもらったのに母の言うことは全否定。あげく母親の悪口。何のために母を呼んだのでしょうか。(この後も診察でことある事に母は関係ない話なのに「あなたの母親は本当にダメな親だ」と何度も母の悪口を言われ不快でした。) また、仕事が続かずすぐ辞めてしまうことに悩んでおり相談すると「働きなくないなら働かなきゃいいんじゃないですか?生活保護でも受ければいいじゃないですか。働きなくないのに無理して働く必要ないですよ。」なんの解決にもならない答えが返ってきてこの人は患者のことなんか何も考えていないんだなと思いました。私は働きたくないとは一言も言ってませんしむしろ働きたいと言ったのですがこの返答です。 この病院の他の先生にかかったことが無いので他の先生はわかりませんが少なくとも私が診察を受けていた医師は自分の思うように行動しないと診察しないそうです。 偉そうに大口叩いていましたが1年通って結局何も変わっていない時点でこの先生に病気を治すような力は無いです。 ただ不快な思いをするだけです。 また最後の診察の日、紹介状が出来たら連絡するから取りに来いと言われ、会計時に事務の方から「先生からもお話あったと思いますが紹介状が出来たら連絡して取りに来ていただく形でよろしいでしょうか?」と言われ「他に何か選択肢があるんですか?」と質問したところ無視され、「こちら本日の処方箋です」と言われ帰らされました。なんの質問だったのでしょうか。 とにかくオススメできません。こんな病院に通った方が精神を病みます。待ち時間も無駄に長い。予約時間から1時間以上待つなんてザラです。何のための予約なんでしょう。 追記です。 誤って紹介状を開封してしまい(これに関しては私が100悪いです)、どうせ開けてしまって使い物にならないので中身を確認したところ全く治療を希望していない病気の治療を希望している旨が書かれており、専門の病院でしか治療できないので(そもそも治療したいと思っていません)書き直してほしいと電話したところ事務の方が出て、無理の一点張り。こちらが話してる途中なのに電話を切られました。何度もかけ直してやっと繋がり先程とは別の方でこちらの話をきちんと聞いてくださり書き直して送ってくださいました。 他の病気に関してもめちゃくちゃです。 症状が出た年齢が全く違ったり、幻覚や幻聴等の症状は今はないと書いてありますが今もあることは診察時に何度も話しています。(むしろこの病院に通いだしてから悪化しています。) この方は診察時パソコンに何を打ち込んでるんでしょうか?きちんと人の話を聞いていたらここまで事実と異なる紹介状は書けないはずです。 又私も私の母も同じ印象を受けたのですがこの方はとにかく患者を自分の思うように動かしたいように思います。働くなと言われたのですが働かなきゃ生活できないので就職した旨を伝えるとあからさまに不機嫌になりろくに話も聞かずに診察を切り上げたり、機嫌がいいと混んでいても長々と診察(ほとんど世間話のようなものです)するのに機嫌が悪いと、変わりないですか?じゃあ全く薬同じで出しますね。と2分ほどで診察が終わったりします。 この方の診察で1番意味不明かつ不快だったのは私が真剣に悩みを相談しているのにパソコンの画面を見ながら突然「妊娠の予定ありますか?」と聞かれ、ないし今後も子供を作るつもりはないと答えたのですが、まあ気が変わるかもしれないし飲んどいた方がいいでしょ。と葉酸を処方されました。精神科で葉酸です。意味がわかりません。 自立支援を使って葉酸を貰いたい方にはいい病院だと思います。この病院に通うくらいなら個人輸入で薬買って飲んでた方が遥かにマシです。
It's a long sentence. There is an additional note. I went to see a doctor named Endo for about a year, but nothing changed. Get tested for developmental disabilities. I was told that I couldn't do anything without the results, and the recommended hospital was Kamakura. When I asked how much it would cost, it was said that it would cost about 30,000, and in the end it cost less than 1000 yen when I searched for a hospital that would inspect for developmental disabilities by myself. I thought I wasn't thinking about the financial situation of people. On the day of the next developmental disability test, I told him I couldn't go to the test because I had a high fever and said, "Why didn't you go? If you can't hear this, it's useless to see you. I'm not just looking at you. The energy you use is wasted. I'll give you a month's worth of medicine, so look for another hospital. " Apparently, even if you have a high fever in this age, you should go to the inspection. Also, at the beginning, I was told to bring my parents because I couldn't understand developmental disabilities without asking about my childhood, so I forced my busy mother to accompany me and entered the doctor's office. I asked him about that time (I forgot the specific question), and when my mother replied that there was no such thing, she said, "Oh, my mother doesn't remember!" I wondered what you knew about my childhood. As soon as I took my mother out of the doctor's office and became two with me, I was told, "Your mother is no good. You're not your mother." Although I was busy, I was forced to accompany him, but my mother denied everything. The mother's bad words. What did you call your mother for? (Even after this, my mother had nothing to do with the medical examination, but I was uncomfortable when she was repeatedly told that my mother was a really bad parent.) Also, I was worried that I would quit my job soon after I couldn't continue working, and when I consulted, I said, "If you can't work, you should work. I don't need it. "I got an unsolvable answer and thought that this person wasn't thinking about the patient at all. I didn't say I didn't want to work, but rather I said I wanted to work, but this is the answer. I don't know the other doctors because I haven't seen other doctors in this hospital, but at least the doctor I was seeing doesn't see me unless I act as I want. I was slamming loudly, but when nothing has changed over the course of the year, this teacher has no power to cure the illness. I just feel uncomfortable. Also, on the day of the last medical examination, I was told that I would come to pick up the letter of introduction when I got it. When I was asked, "Are you sure you want to have it?" And asked, "Are there any other options?", It was ignored, and I was told, "This is today's prescription." What was the question? I can't recommend it anyway. Those who go to such a hospital are mentally ill. The waiting time is also uselessly long. It's a shame to wait more than an hour from the reserved time. What is the reservation for? P.S. I accidentally opened the letter of introduction (I'm 100 bad about this), and I opened it anyway and it's useless, so I checked the contents and found that I wanted to treat a disease that I didn't want to treat at all. Is written, and it can only be treated at a specialized hospital (I don't want to treat it in the first place), so when I called to rewrite it, the office staff came out and I couldn't do it. I was hung up while I was talking. I called again many times and finally connected, and a different person listened to this story properly and rewrote it and sent it. It's also messed up with other illnesses. It is written that the age at which the symptoms appeared is completely different, and that there are no symptoms such as hallucinations or auditory hallucinations, but I have told many times at the time of the examination that I still have them. (Rather, it has worsened since I went to this hospital.) What is this person typing into his computer at the time of the examination? If you listen to people properly, you should not be able to write a letter of introduction that is different from the facts. Also, I and my mother got the same impression, but this person just wants to move the patient as he or she wants. I was told not to work, but I can't live without working, so if I tell him that I got a job, I'll be overtly in a bad mood. Isn't it different if you're in a bad mood to do something? Then I will give you exactly the same medicine. The examination will be completed in about 2 minutes. The most unpleasant and unpleasant thing about this person's examination was that I was seriously discussing my worries, but while looking at the computer screen, I was suddenly asked "Are you planning to get pregnant?" I answered that I didn't intend to make it, but it may change my mind and I should drink it. And was prescribed folic acid. Folic acid in psychiatry. I do not understand. I think it is a good hospital for those who want to get folic acid using independence support. It's far better to buy and take medicine by private import than to go to this hospital.
H K on Google

残念なクリニック・・・クリニックというより残念な医師か。 メンタルクリニック行ってメンタルやられてきたわ。 月、金、土にいるメガネの男医師、E藤とか言ったかな。 2回とも2の診療室だったから2に居ると思うが。まぁ残念だね。 睡眠障害みたいなので調べてたらここが出てきたから行ったんだけど 初診は優しく丁寧だったのよ。いい先生だなと思ってね。しかしそれは初回サービス。 で、睡眠外来の紹介状もらって、2回目の予約まで取って、しばらしくして行ったら、前回とは態度が全然違うわけ。 すごい面倒くさそうに今日は何しに来たの?から始まってうちはうつ病とか統合失調症とかだから睡眠は観れないからこれ以上手の打ちようがないみたいな話を淡々かつだるそうにされて・・・ いや、知ってるよ、んなこと! だから紹介状もらったんだろ前回。2回目の予約どうするか聞かれたからじゃぁって事で今回行ったんだろ。それなら最初から2回目の予約なんてしないで次以降は睡眠外来でお願いしますって話で済んだだろ。 こっちもわざわざ来て、ただじゃ引き下がれないから無理やり薬だしてもらったけどさ。まぁ胸糞悪かったね。その薬だすにも、出しても 仕方ないとかごちゃごちゃ言う始末。 こういう時に限って携帯鞄の中で会話録音できなかったけど、準備しときゃ良かったな・・・。初回はなんもなかったから油断してたわ。 2度と行かん。
A disappointing clinic ... A disappointing doctor rather than a clinic. I went to a mental clinic and got mentally done. Maybe I said E Fuji, a male doctor with glasses on Monday, Friday, and Saturday. I think I'm in 2 because it was 2 clinics both times. Well, it's a shame. It looks like a sleep disorder, so I went to check it out because it came out here. The first visit was kind and polite. I think you're a good teacher. But that is the first service. So, when I got a letter of introduction from the sleep outpatient department, made a reservation for the second time, and made a mistake, my attitude was completely different from the last time. What did you come to today, which seems to be very annoying? Starting from, I can't watch sleep because I have depression or schizophrenia, so I've been told that I can't do anything more than that ... No, I know that! That's why I got a letter of introduction last time. I was asked what to do for the second reservation, so I guess I went this time. In that case, I would have told you not to make a second reservation from the beginning, but to go to the sleep outpatient department from the next time onwards. I came all the way here, and I was forced to take medicine because I couldn't withdraw. Well, it was bad. Even if you take the medicine It can't be helped and it's a mess. I couldn't record the conversation in my cell phone bag only at such times, but I should have prepared it ... I wasn't careful because there was nothing the first time. I will never go again.
news local on Google

近くの総合病院で検査を受けた結果、身体症状症ではないか?という事で 精神科の受診を勧められ、こちらに伺わさせて頂きました。 担当して下さったのはMという医師様で、初診は丁寧に対応して下さり安心していたのですが、2、3回目から態度が豹変、お薬のことやその他 お聞きしたいことなどにもきちんと返答して頂けなくなりました…。 (どうにも早く診察を切り上げたい様子で、イライラしてた印象をうけました) それから数度、受診を続けてたのですが態度はさらに悪くなる一方で、これでは薬についてすらも相談できないな…と思い、申し訳ないのですがその回で診察を取りやめにして頂き、他の病院に掛かる事にさせて頂きました。 しかし、その後も似たようなとこに何度もぶつかり、今の病院を見つけるまで結構な時間がかかってしまいました…。 同じように精神科へ通い続けている知人から、あー、メンタルは合うトコ見つけるまで苦労するでえーとは聞いてたのですが、ほんとに言う通りでした。 昨今、現代人の需要の増加を受け、街のあちこちに精神科(メンタルクリニック)が続々開業していってるようですが、どうにも医師の質が おざなりになってるように感じます。 殿様商売の気分でいる医師様が非常に多いといいますか。(まあ実際そうなんでしょうが) メンタルケアを標榜する以上、せめて患者の症状報告、悩み話には数分くらい耳を傾けて頂きたいものですね。 後、最後にこれから精神科を受診しようとお考えの方に、今回自分が合う病院を見つけ出すまでに感じた参考になりそうなポイントを少し上げてみようかと思います。 ①病院探しの際、良し悪しに医院の規模はあまり関係ない。 ②初診、2回目までは丁寧な医師が多い、肝心なのはそれ以降。 ③お医者様がちゃんと話を聞き一緒に対応を考えてくれる。(コレが凄く大事) ④可能な限り、自宅から近い病院が良い。 ⑤下の方々の口コミ通り、偶に暴言を放ってくる医師がいますが、その場合継続せず即切りがベスト。 ⑥こちらの顔をきちんと見ず会話する受付さんだとちょっとそこは危ない印象。 以上…粗末ですが助けになれば幸いです。長々と駄文失礼致しました。
As a result of being examined at a nearby general hospital, isn't it a physical symptom? So I was advised to go to a psychiatric clinic, and I visited here. The person in charge was a doctor named M, and I was relieved that he responded politely to the first visit, but from the second and third times my attitude changed suddenly, medicine and other things. I can no longer respond properly to what I want to ask ... (I got the impression that I was frustrated because I wanted to finish the examination as soon as possible.) After that, I continued to see the doctor several times, but my attitude got worse, but I thought that I couldn't even talk about the medicine ... I decided to go to the hospital. However, after that, I bumped into similar places many times, and it took me a long time to find the current hospital ... I heard from an acquaintance who continues to go to psychiatry that it would be difficult for mental health to find a suitable toco, but that was true. Recently, in response to the increasing demand of modern people, it seems that psychiatric clinics are opening one after another in various parts of the city, but the quality of doctors seems to be high. I feel like I'm sloppy. Do you say that there are so many doctors who feel like they are in business? (Well, that's true) As long as we advocate mental care, we would like you to at least listen to the patient's symptom reports and worries for a few minutes. After that, for those who are thinking of going to a psychiatric clinic at the end, I would like to raise a few points that may be helpful to me before finding a hospital that suits me. (1) When looking for a hospital, the size of the clinic does not matter whether it is good or bad. (2) Many doctors are polite until the first and second visits, and the important thing is after that. ③ The doctor will listen to you and think about how to deal with it. (This is very important) ④ A hospital as close to your home as possible is good. ⑤ According to the word of mouth of the people below, there are doctors who accidentally rant, but in that case it is best to cut immediately without continuing. ⑥ If you are a receptionist who talks without looking at this face properly, it seems a bit dangerous. That's it ... It's poor, but I hope it helps. Excuse me for a long time.
まえちゃん菌 on Google

Some people give it a low rating, but basically every teacher is kind and prescribes it properly. My doctor's doctor will give me a concrete roadmap for rehabilitation, and I started going to work transition support, and I found out about illnesses that I couldn't understand at different clinics. I personally like this clinic because of the difference between a suitable teacher and a more suitable teacher. The staff are kind and the clinic is beautiful. There is a pharmacy nearby and it is in front of the station, so it is very convenient.
チップ&デイル on Google

私は2020年11月から通院しております。(それ以前から別の心療内科などに通っていた。)成人してから躁鬱や鬱。色々生活に支障をきたす人生を送っており、この病院でも鬱の治療をしています。 担当の先生は良く話を聞いた上で、今の状態にはこの薬を飲んでみますか。と丁寧に対応してくださいます。 通っている中、ADHDだった事も分かり、薬の治療も始めてみましたが、薬の副作用が酷く、相談すると、すぐ辞めてください。と丁寧なアドバイスもきました。 鬱もADHDも薬で自分の生活行動が治るとは思っていないので、心と身体が少しでも今より楽になればという気持ちでこれからも通おうと思います。 目に見えない心の問題は本当に周りに理解されないので辛いですが向き合っていきます。 話を聞いて共有、共感して欲しいと思う方もいらっしゃいますが、そういう方はクリニックより、カウンセリングセンターや相談に乗ってくれる市役所の担当などに連絡相談をすると良いと思います。
I have been going to the hospital since November 2020. (Before that, I went to another psychosomatic medicine department.) Manic depression and depression since I became an adult. I am living a life that interferes with my life in various ways, and I am also treating depression at this hospital. Would you like to take this medicine in your current condition after listening to the teacher in charge? Please respond politely. While I was attending, I found out that I had ADHD and started to take medicine, but the side effects of the medicine are so severe that I should quit immediately after consulting. I also received polite advice. I don't think that medicine will cure my life behavior in both depression and ADHD, so I will continue to go there with the hope that my mind and body will be a little easier than I am now. Invisible mental problems are painful because they are not really understood by others, but we will face them. There are some people who want to hear the story, share it, and sympathize with it, but I think it is better to contact the counseling center or the person in charge of the city hall who will give you advice from the clinic.

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