Hachinohe Heiwa Hospital - Hachinohe

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hachinohe Heiwa Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-4-6 Minatotakadai, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-8545, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 031-8545
Webサイト : http://www.heiwa-hp.or.jp/

2 Chome-4-6 Minatotakadai, Hachinohe, Aomori 031-8545, Japan
Itigo Hosimiya on Google

看護師も医師も何の不満も無く★5うちの家族自分以外全員お世話にってるので良く利用しました、、、笑 病院はボロいけどそこまで大きくないので使いやすい。患者は多い。 ★1の人は対応悪いと書いてますが自分は到底そう思えないですがねえ
Nurses and doctors have no dissatisfaction ★ 5 I used it well because I took care of all but my family, lol The hospital is ragged but not so big and easy to use. There are many patients. ★ 1 person writes that it is bad, but I do not think so at all
佐々木良児 on Google

中型の総合病院で、検査機器が揃ってて多様な対処が出来て非常に良く、病院のスタッフ親切です。 内科は河原木の銭湯隣りの先生が出張してくれて、午後の診察もアリ非常に便利ですよ。
It is a medium-sized general hospital, and it is very good with a variety of coping equipments with the testing equipment. In the internal medicine, the teacher next to the public bath in Kawaragi is on a business trip and the afternoon consultation is very convenient.
奈良至恩 on Google

My mother was hospitalized for orthopedics with a fracture, but I felt sorry for the nurses because they were being abused by abuse. When I said, "I want to go to the bathroom," I was told, "What time and what time did I just go?" I definitely don't want to be hospitalized anymore. The hospital clothes have poops on them, and I keep wearing them. The worst hospital.
やぼしきら on Google

ここはナイ 人工股関節手術はここじゃないほうがいい。人によると思うけど。 ドクター同士でここの先生は上手いとすすめられたが、ちゃんと見極めるべきだった あと看護師の電話対応も悪い。急ぎでもない連絡が朝イチに電話来るのも迷惑
This is Nai Hip surgery shouldn't be here. I think it depends on the person. The doctors were recommended to be good teachers, but they should have been properly identified Also, the nurse's telephone response is bad. It's also annoying that non-hurry contacts call me in the morning
sらせい on Google

The worst hospital. I came to the examination because of pain and suspected gallstones, but I have gastritis, right? I was told that I couldn't get an inspection. Results Emergency surgery at another hospital. Will be killed, recommended not to go
come together on Google

若いスタッフが多くどの人も親切で丁寧だと感じました 形式的に親切にしているわけではなく親身にしてくれている感じが伝わります 患者であるこちらの不安を低減しようとして優しい声がけをしてくれます どうして低い評価なのか疑問に感じます ひょっとして外来の待ち時間が長い点でしょうか これも予約してあれば短時間で呼んで貰えるので改善していると思います まあ予約してあっても1時間以上待つこともありますが、、、 掃除や消毒も頻繁になされています 館内も暖かく快適です 病院食も普通に美味しいと思います
There were many young staff members, and I felt that everyone was kind and polite. I can feel that they are not formally kind and kind to me. I'm wondering why the evaluation is low. Maybe the waiting time for outpatients is long. If you make a reservation, you can call me in a short time, so I think it's improving. Even though I may wait for more than an hour, cleaning and disinfection are done frequently. The inside of the building is warm and comfortable. I think the hospital food is usually delicious.
Yasushi Hashimoto on Google

Urology only accepts reservations, but telephone reservations are not possible and online reservations are not possible. For the first time, it seems that you can go to this place 5 km away from the city just to make a reservation.
木村桃子 on Google

麻酔科 態度が威張ってる。冷たい。親身にならない。最低。医者なのか、疑う。
Anesthesiology The attitude is overwhelming. cold. Don't be kind. The lowest. I doubt if he is a doctor.

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