成田本店 みなと高台店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 成田本店 みなと高台店

住所 :

Minatotakadai, Hachinohe, 〒031-0823 Aomori,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト : https://narihon.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–10PM
Sunday 10AM–10PM
Monday 10AM–10PM
Tuesday 10AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Aomori

Minatotakadai, Hachinohe, 〒031-0823 Aomori,Japan
穂高仙人 on Google

星ひとつ評価もあったんですけど、不快な思いもなかったし、店員さんも普通でした。 本の陳列はもっと分りやすく(探しやすく)する工夫が欲しいですね。
There was a one-star rating, but I didn't feel uncomfortable, and the clerk was normal. I would like to see a way to make the display of books easier to understand (easy to find).
田井中奈加津 on Google

I bought Famitsu earlier, but when I asked the clerk about the "Autumn Reader Return Festival" that is being held at the bookstore, he said "What?" With a stressful tone. .. I heard that the bookstore is in danger due to the publishing recession, but it seems that the bookstore will soon be ruined if there is a clerk.
d a on Google

子供が好んで行きます 児童書が見やすくレイアウトされていて 居心地の良い店内です ご飯の時間には外食できる美味しいお店が周囲にたくさんあり とても便利です
Kids like to go The children's books are laid out in an easy-to-read manner and the interior is cozy. It is very convenient because there are many delicious restaurants around you where you can eat out during rice time.
candy hakka on Google

I think the product lineup is good for the small size, but I'm sorry for the customer service. How to change and return point cards is miscellaneous. Even if you make an inquiry I want you to be more polite.
ほ。 on Google

学校が早く終わり、昼に行ったら店員の愛想が悪かった。本も出版社ごとに分かれていなかったりして見にくい聞かれたことにはなぜか不貞腐れた態度で答える 本の扱いも雑で正直二度と行きたくない。
School ended early, and when I went there at noon, the clerk was unfriendly. For some reason, I answer with an unfaithful attitude to the questions that are difficult to read because the books are not divided by publisher. The handling of books is also rough and honestly I don't want to go there again.
死なず半兵衛 on Google

駐車場が狭い以外不満はない。 本を友にするのは賢者の選択なのだ。 歴史に名を刻む偉人たちが君に知恵を授けてくれる。そしてその偉人たちもまた、もれなく本を友にしていたのだ。
I have no complaints other than the small parking lot. Making a book a friend is a wise choice. The great men who have made a name for themselves in history give you wisdom. And the great men also made friends with books without exception.
結城まお on Google

It is useful because you may find books that are out of stock at other bookstores, probably because they are a little far from the town.
人工サンマ on Google

数年前、好きなアーティストのライブBlu-rayが予約開始に。特典付きもあり、それがなんと先着順!泣 予約開始時間から1日も経ってないのに、ネットも、どこの店に問い合わせても在庫なし、取り扱いなし… 藁にもすがる思いでこちらに電話で問い合わせたら「うちの店で取り扱いはしてませんが、メーカーに在庫ないか確認してみますね!」 いや神か?いままでどこの店舗も 無いですね、で終了だったので、確認してくれるだけで嬉しかった。 少し経って折り返し電話が鳴る。「○○の特典付きBlu-rayですね〜はい!メーカーに問い合わせて1個確保しました」 マジで神だった。何回も聞き返して確認した。本物だ。思わず涙声になって感謝の言葉を述べました。 そして数年後、某映画にハマった私。原作のマンガは数十年前に連載終了しており入手困難。 ネットでは高騰しており、近くの本屋は全滅、中古は嫌だし…ふとここの存在を思い出す。 ダメ元〜で問い合わせたら「うちには置いてないですけど別の店舗から譲って貰えないか確認しますね」 神はなお健在であったか。無事全巻入手できました本当にありがとうございました。ネットで買い物しがちですが本屋さんも捨てたもんじゃないなって思いました! 家からはあまり近くないのですが、これからも利用したいし、推してます。
A few years ago, the live Blu-ray of my favorite artist was open for reservation. There is also a privilege, which is on a first-come, first-served basis! Crying Even though it's been less than a day since the reservation started, no matter where I contact the store, it's out of stock and not available ... When I contacted him by phone with the feeling that he was hungry for straw, he said, "We don't handle it at our store, but I'll check with the manufacturer to see if it's in stock!" No god? I haven't had any stores so far, so it was over, so I was happy just to confirm. After a while, the call back rings. "It's a Blu-ray with XX benefits ~ Yes! I contacted the manufacturer and secured one." It was really a god. I asked and confirmed it many times. It's real. I burst into tears and said thank you. And a few years later, I was addicted to a certain movie. The original manga was serialized several decades ago and is difficult to obtain. The price is soaring on the internet, the nearby bookstores are wiped out, and I don't like second-hand cars ... I suddenly remember the existence here. When I inquired about it, "I haven't put it in my house, but I'll check if I can get it from another store." Was God still alive? Thank you very much for getting the whole volume safely. I tend to shop online, but I thought the bookstore wasn't thrown away! It's not very close to my house, but I want to continue using it and I recommend it.

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