Hachineko Cafe - Hachioji

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Hachineko Cafe

住所 :

1298-5 Hatsuzawamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0845, Japan

Postal code : 193-0845
Webサイト : https://www.hachineko.com/

1298-5 Hatsuzawamachi, Hachioji, Tokyo 193-0845, Japan
松本尚 on Google

カフェという名とはちょっと異なります(譲渡場、ふれあい場) 無料で戯れることもできますが、サポーター費(一口1000円〜)で、行く度に冷蔵庫内のドリンクかコーヒーが無料で頂けるので、猫カフェ行くよりかとてもお得です。 私が訪れた日のお客さんの多くは飼い主希望の方のようでした。
The name is slightly different from the cafe (transfer area, contact area) You can play for free, but with the supporter fee (1000 yen per bite), you can get free drinks or coffee in the refrigerator every time you go, so it is much better than going to the cat cafe. Many of the visitors on the day I visited seemed to be owners.
Y. Chigusa on Google

It is a cafe for groups of wonderful people who are active for regional cats and protection cats.
工場勤務 on Google

I came to recruit foster parents. They were very kind to me.
ひらやまねね on Google

平日は、人が空いてます。癒されたい方にピッタリです。保護ネコちゃんと遊べます。 譲渡希望目的の方々がほとんどですが、ネコのことを大切に考える姿勢がしっかりしていて、時間が18時くらいまでならうれしいけど。意外と早くにしまるので、残念です。土日休み以外の人にはそれがあるともっとネコに会えるかなって思います。
People are vacant on weekdays. Perfect for those who want to be healed. You can play with a protected cat. Most of the people want to transfer it, but I'm happy that they have a strong attitude to take good care of cats and the time is around 18:00. It's a shame because it's unexpectedly quick. I think that people other than Saturdays and Sundays can meet more cats if they have it.
Large Stone on Google

清潔感があって雰囲気自体はよかったです。 癒されました。 ただ、スタッフの人の対応が冷たかったです。 学生相手には冷たい感じなのでしょうか?(経済的に、保護猫を引き取ることが難しいから?) 私は猫が好きなので、こういう取り組みをされている団体は積極的に応援しようと思って行ったのに残念です。 もう二度と行きません。
There was a feeling of cleanliness and the atmosphere itself was good. I was healed. However, the staff's response was cold. Is it a cold feeling for students? (Because it is economically difficult to pick up a protected cat?) I like cats, so it's a shame that the organizations that are doing this kind of thing are willing to support me. I will never go there again.
サナエタグチ(さな) on Google

猫と人の縁を繋ぐ為の場所です〜^o^ 手作りの猫じゃらしや猫グッズなども置いてあります。
It's a place to connect cats and people ~ ^ o ^ There are also handmade cat jars and cat goods.
chou vic on Google

We support conservation activities. However, one of the staff was disgusted when he was half-forced to sign a political signature unrelated to cats. Still, apart from helping cats, I continue to donate a little. Since each person has their own political beliefs, there is no problem if only those who agree with it, but in reality this is not the case, and there may be people who leave, so personal activities that are not related to conservation activities are carried out separately. I think it's better. It's a waste to have a good activity.
一二三四五六 on Google

このコロナ禍で狭いスペースに、スタッフと見学者だけで10人近く居た。スタッフは雑談ばかり。猫も罹患すると知らないのだろうか。 見学中、たまに声をかけられるが、なぜか上から目線で語ってくる。 語ってくる内容はどれだけ自分たちが大変かとエビデンスの無い猫の生態について。専門的な質問には答えてもらえなかった。 上から目線の語りの中で、なぜか私生活の多忙さでマウントを取ろうとしてくる。ボランティア活動は別にここじゃなくても大変なものだ。どうやら知らないらしい。 動物関係の活動は相手が口をきけない分世間から叩かれがちで、感謝を得る機会も少ないのだろうが、それを来訪者から得ようとしないで欲しい。献身を褒められたいなら別のボランティアをしては? 活動内容の評価は人毎の常識や思想によって分かれるだろうが、団体の理念を押し付けてくる。聞く耳すら持たず一般人にマウントを取る暇があるならば、市でも都でも働きかければ良いのでは。マルチ等に似た押し付け感がある。 気持ちの悪い団体だった。二度と関わりたくない。
There were nearly 10 staff and visitors alone in this corona-stricken and narrow space. The staff is just chatting. Don't you know that cats also get sick? During the tour, I'm sometimes called out, but for some reason he talks from above. What they talk about is how difficult they are and the ecology of cats without evidence. I couldn't answer the technical question. In the story from the top, for some reason he tries to take the mount due to the busyness of his private life. Volunteering is hard even if it's not here. Apparently I don't know. Animal-related activities tend to be beaten by the unspeakable world, and there are few chances to get gratitude, but please do not try to get it from visitors. If you want to be complimented for your dedication, why not volunteer? The evaluation of the activity content will be divided according to the common sense and ideas of each person, but it imposes the idea of ​​the organization. If the average person has time to take the mount without even hearing, it would be good if he could work in the city or in the city. There is a feeling of pressing similar to mulch. It was an unpleasant group. I don't want to get involved again.

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