H TOKYO 丸の内店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact H TOKYO 丸の内店

住所 :

7, Chiyoda City, 〒100-7003 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://htokyo.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

7, Chiyoda City, 〒100-7003 Tokyo,Japan
めーぐる on Google

可愛くて行ったり来たりしてしまいました! プレゼント用にしたらアイロンその場でかけて包んでくれました★ネームは5日くらいはかかりそうです。
It's cute and I'm back and forth! When I made it for a gift, I wrapped it on the iron. ★ The name is likely to take about 5 days.
浅沼日奈 on Google

ハンカチ専門店です。手触りやデザインが豊富でとても楽しい店です。 プレゼントにも喜ばれるのでちょくちょく足を運んでいます。
A handkerchief specialty store. It is a very fun store with a lot of touch and design. I am always happy to be present because I am also pleased with the present.
健二吉田(pohayu) on Google

It is a handkerchief shop. We have everything from unusual or interesting designs to simple ones. Handkerchiefs are hard to see, so why not try something interesting? Prices range from just under 1,500 to 3,000. Embroidery and emblems can be added for an additional fee.
Tomomi on Google

落ち着いた店内の雰囲気と、可愛らしい店員さんの接客に癒されました。 求めていたものも買えて、大満足です。
I was healed by the calm atmosphere of the store and the cute customer service of the clerk. I am very happy to be able to buy what I was looking for.
グレ子 on Google

類まれなる接客の態度の悪さにびっくりしました。 自分のやってる仕事の手をとめさせてしまったからでしょうか、商品についてたずねても睨まれ、レジでのお会計の際も大きい音を立てて釣銭トレイを置く、等 買い物をして怖い思いしたのは初めてです、、 せっかく良い商品なのに購入した商品を見るだけでトラウマになりました。
I was surprised at the unusually bad attitude of customer service. Perhaps it was because I stopped the work I was doing, I was glared at when I asked about the product, and when I checked out at the cash register, I made a loud noise and placed a change tray, etc. It's the first time I've been shopping and scared ... Even though it was a good product, I was traumatized just by looking at the purchased product.
Umetsu Takahiro on Google

I met a handkerchief with a good taste. I will go buy it again.
hachi on Google

接客に対する他の方からの口コミを見てから伺いましたが、ホスピタリティの感じられない接客にショックを受けました。 初めに接客していただいた方は普通に対応して下さいましたが会計時に引き継がれた方の対応がとても残念でした。 急いでいると伝えて発送を希望しました。送料無料対象になるかどうか、税・刺繍代も入れて金額を確認してくださるとのことでお願いし、予算内で送料も無料になると確認でき、刺繍のカラーなどを決める作業をしましたが会計の際にプラス2000円程の価格を告げられました。刺繍代は初めに聞いた金額にプラスになるようでした。次の予定が有り時間が無かったので仕方なくそのまま支払いましたが、あと少しでも時間に余裕があれば全てキャンセルしたい程でした。品物は良かったのですが見るたびに嫌な思いが蘇ります。 時間がかかるようならオンラインサイトから注文しようと考えていましたが発送の為のやりとりにはそれほど時間はかからないと言われたので店舗で購入しましたが、とても残念でした。 スタッフの方同士の関係性をひしひしと感じる接客でした。 届いた品物と一緒にスタッフの方のお名前入りのカードも入っていましたがその気遣いよりも接客時に気持ちのいい対応をしていただきたかったです。
After seeing the reviews from other people about the customer service, I was shocked by the customer service that I could not feel the hospitality. The person who served the customer at the beginning responded normally, but the response of the person who was taken over at the time of accounting was very disappointing. I told him I was in a hurry and requested shipping. I asked you to check the amount including tax and embroidery fee to see if it is eligible for free shipping, and I was able to confirm that the shipping fee would be free within the budget, so I worked on deciding the color of embroidery etc. At the time of accounting, I was told the price of about 2000 yen plus. The embroidery fee seemed to be a plus to the amount I heard at the beginning. I had no time for the next appointment, so I had no choice but to pay as it was, but I wanted to cancel everything if I had a little more time. The goods were good, but every time I saw them, I felt unpleasant. I was thinking of ordering from the online site if it would take time, but I was told that it would not take much time to exchange for shipping, so I bought it at the store, but I was very disappointed. It was a customer service that made me feel the relationship between the staff. A card with the name of the staff was included with the delivered item, but I wanted you to respond more comfortably when serving customers than that concern.
Ku ma on Google

品質、デザインともに秀逸なハンカチ屋さん。刺繍やワッペンをつけられるサービスもあり、ギフト、プレゼントにも喜ばれると思います。 カレンダーデザインのこよみチーフに、思い出や記念日などを刺繍すると素敵です。 ハンカチ素材のボタンもオシャレです。 トランクスやナイトウェアも販売しており、どれも少し値段はお高いですが、肌触りがとても良く、欲しくなってしまうものばかりです。
A handkerchief shop with excellent quality and design. There is also a service where you can attach embroidery and patches, and I think you will be pleased with gifts and presents. It would be nice to embroider memories and anniversaries on the Koyomi chief of the calendar design. The buttons made of handkerchief material are also fashionable. We also sell trunks and nightwear, all of which are a little expensive, but they are very soft to the touch and you will want them all.

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