Gyōza-ya Ichiban - Chiyoda City

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyōza-ya Ichiban

住所 :

宮本ビル 1F 2 Chome-10-6 Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan

Postal code : 101-0021

宮本ビル 1F 2 Chome-10-6 Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0021, Japan
YU &JI on Google

平日昼12時に来店、テーブル席はまだまだ空席があり、自由に着席。 上海焼きそば550円を単品で注文。 5分過ぎに着丼。美味しいですよ。 手軽で早いのでおすすめです。
I came to the store at 12:00 noon on weekdays, and there were still vacant table seats, so I could sit freely. I ordered Shanghai Yakisoba for 550 yen separately. Donburi after 5 minutes. It is delicious. Recommended because it is easy and fast.
るら on Google

どの料理も提供に時間がかかるようです。 メニューに有る物をオーダーしても今日は無いと言われる事が多々ある。(流石にビールが無いには驚いたかな) 餃子は美味しかった、提供まで10分以上かかったけどね。
Every dish seems to take time to serve. It is often said that even if you order something on the menu, it is not available today. (I was surprised that there was no beer in the stone) The dumplings were delicious, though it took more than 10 minutes to serve.
Shun Otsu on Google

The dumplings here are really good. Pork is tightly packed in the chewy skin, and when you put it in your mouth, the gravy is juicy, which is exactly the royal road dumpling. It's volumey and super affordable, so I highly recommend it.
秋武丈 on Google

値段も安くて美味しい中華料理屋さん。 個人店で入口が暗いので入りづらいが、入ってしまえば普通のお店である。 餃子も数種類あるし、混んでるけど駅前ほど騒がしくないのでいい感じ! ただホールの人が少ないのに、客を入れすぎて手が足りない感じも見受けられるので、店員さんの対応は良くない。 餃子がメインだが、その他の料理も充分美味しいので、ぜひ色々チャレンジして貰いたい。 料理もリーズナブルだが、ドリンクの値段も狂ってるので本当に安くてビックリします。 珍しいブルーベリー山芋と言うのがあったが、注文したら売り切れの事、興味はあるがわざわざ食べたいとは思えないので、次回来店時に頼む事は無いだろう。
A delicious Chinese restaurant with a low price. It's a private shop and it's difficult to enter because the entrance is dark, but once you enter, it's a normal shop. There are several types of dumplings, and although it's crowded, it's not as noisy as in front of the station, so it feels good! However, even though there are few people in the hall, it seems that there are too many customers and there are not enough hands, so the clerk's response is not good. Dumplings are the main dish, but other dishes are delicious enough, so I would like you to try various things. The food is reasonable, but the drinks are crazy, so it's really cheap and I'm surprised. There was a rare blueberry yam, but when I ordered it, it was sold out, and although I was interested, I didn't want to bother to eat it, so I wouldn't ask for it the next time I visit the store.
Makoto Toida (カンパネルラ) on Google

セットのバリエーションが多く、その値段もとても安い。 味はそこそこだが、餃子に関しては店名に関しているだけあって充実している。 餃子の種類によって皮も違い、黒豚餃子は大きく皮もモチモチで中は肉がびっしり入っていて肉汁がこぼれてくるほどである。 ビール+餃子+料理1品って組み合わせで千円しない。 夜でも、半チャーハン(量はかなり少ない)に黒豚餃子、スープとキムチがついて700円は破格であると思う。 店内は間口は狭いが奥行きがあるので、そこそこの人数は入る。
There are many variations of the set, and the price is very cheap. The taste is decent, but the dumplings are fulfilling as they are related to the store name. The skin is different depending on the type of dumplings, and the black pork dumplings are big and the skin is chewy, and the inside is full of meat and the gravy spills out. A combination of beer + dumplings + one dish does not cost 1,000 yen. Even at night, I think that 700 yen is exceptional with half fried rice (the amount is quite small), black pork dumplings, soup and kimchi. The frontage of the store is narrow, but it is deep, so a reasonable number of people can enter.
これを食べてみた on Google

店構えは怪しい感じで,外に出ている昼メニューは550円というやけに安い中華定食や麺類で餃子を出す感じでもないのでなかなか行こうという気になりませんでしたが,戸を開けて入ってみると,店内奥に展開していてほぼ満卓。この日の550円のサービス定食にしてみようかと思ったところ,テーブル上のメニューに特別サービスという黒豚餃子と半チャーハン700円がありまして,速攻で注文しました。 黒豚餃子は大ぶりでぎっしり豚肉が詰まっていて,しかも肉汁が飛び出るタイプ。これが本当の肉汁注意ってやつです。この餃子が黒豚を名乗るとおり,豚肉の旨みがよく出ていて期待以上に美味しい餃子でした。量的にも多いくらいですし。チャーハンはしっかり焼き豚が混ざった正統派チャーハンで半というよりは感覚的には3/4くらいな感じでふつうのチャーハンをいただけるという意味でこちらも良かったと思います。 残念だったのは,店内薄暗いですし,天井の塗装も結構はげ落ちていたりして,なんとなく雑然として薄汚れた感じがするところと,入店タイミングによって時間がかかることでしょうか。特にこの日は8人分の注文が前に入っていたようで,20分くらい待ちました。後に来た方には5分程度で定食出てましたのでタイミング次第ということでしょうか。でも餃子が思ったよりもおいしかったので満足です。
The store is suspicious, and the lunch menu outside is 550 yen, which is not like serving dumplings with cheap Chinese set meals and noodles, so I didn't feel like going, but I opened the door and went in. And, it is almost full as it is deployed in the back of the store. When I thought about making a service set meal of 550 yen on that day, there was a special service called black pork dumplings and half fried rice for 700 yen on the menu on the table, so I ordered it in haste. The black pork dumplings are large and packed with pork, and the gravy pops out. This is the real gravy caution. As this dumpling calls itself black pork, the taste of pork is good and it is more delicious than expected. It's a lot in quantity. The fried rice is an orthodox fried rice with a mixture of roast pork, and I think it was good in the sense that you can get a normal fried rice with a feeling of about 3/4 rather than half. Unfortunately, the interior of the store is dim, and the paint on the ceiling has come off quite a bit, so it feels cluttered and dingy, and it may take some time depending on the timing of entering the store. Especially on this day, it seems that there was an order for 8 people in front, so I waited for about 20 minutes. For those who came later, the set meal was served in about 5 minutes, so it depends on the timing. But the dumplings were tastier than I expected, so I'm satisfied.
Peter RDSA on Google

Decided to stop by. Close to Akihabara highly recommend
Douglas Watt on Google

A Chinese restaurant focused on gyoza (pot stickers). Never tried the other dishes because the gyoza are so good. The black pork, shiso, green onion miso, and suigyoza are all good choices. Set meals are available, especially at lunch, and a variety of drinks are available too. The interior of the shop looks a bit worn, but it's not a problem. Smoking is allowed, so you are likely to come out smelling of smoke, especially at dinner times. Highly recommended.

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