Gyoza Ohshō - Hachioji

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyoza Ohshō

住所 :

73-7 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8797
Postal code : 192-0362
Webサイト :

73-7 Matsugi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0362, Japan
22 emerald on Google

2020.2.22 少し前から王将で豪遊したくてですね、本日遂に夢を実現!15時前に訪問させて頂きましたが駐車場は満車で少し待って駐車し、いざ店内へ!店内も満席で紙に偽名を書いて少し待ちます。5分も待たずに2人テーブルに案内頂きました。メニューは先日からWebで決めてたのでそれ程迷わず決定!先ずは餃子1人前と中華飯とジャストサイズの麻婆豆腐と酢豚♪回鍋肉も迷いましたが我慢!5分程待って先ずはジャストサイズの麻婆豆腐が到着!頂きます♪普通に美味しゅうございますね。さらにはお味で美味し!そしてメインの中華飯登場!もりもり食ってご馳走様でした♪いや、久々の王将本当に美味かったです♪これだけ食べても1448円とは流石王将安い!いや、本当に大満足なランチでした♪何か明日も来たいと思ってしまうのでした!ご馳走様でした♪ 尚、1番近い王将がここなんですが、可能なら多摩センターの駅前に、マグレブとかに店舗できたら良いのになと♪ 2020.4.14 久々に天津飯頂きました♪久々の京風あんで中々おいしかったですが、世間の天津飯推しまでは理解できないんだなと。王将の飯もんは、焼飯、中華丼の方が絶対美味いと思うのよね。焼飯は人気ですが、中華丼人気がもっと上がって定食になるといいなぁ 2020.6.20 本日私が頂いたのは、キムチチャーハン、餃子、ジャストサイズから唐揚げと野菜炒めです。久々に王将の唐揚げに、あの粉をかけて食べましたが、やっぱあの粉美味いな♪他もいつも通りのお味で美味しかったです。また8月にても! 2020.9.2 麻婆茄子の気分やったら丁度フェアリーやってたのでランチにお邪魔させて頂きました。今日も美味しかったです♪ 2020.11.8 汁無し担々麺目当てでお邪魔させて頂きました!13時前かな、空いてるカウンターに即ご案内頂きメニューを吟味!担々麺と餃子は確定で、野菜も何か食べようと悩み、本日はニラ肉炒めをオーダー♪日曜日のランチで結構混んでまして、10分程待っての提供となりました。先ずは汁無し担々麺と餃子が来ました!餃子は頼んで無いけど、良く焼きです!いや、少々焼き過ぎです。担々麺は、肉味噌、温玉、メンマ、小松菜、葱、糸唐辛子が乗っており、しっかり混ぜます。温玉の影響で辛さはあまり感じれず!温玉オプションで良いと思うのだが。痺れは多少感じられますが、弱めですね。汁無し担々麺にメンマは不要かなと。肉味噌は甘いだけで深みが足りたい。全体的に今一歩!まぁ王将の担々麺なんやから仕方ない!焼き過ぎ餃子は当然ちょっと微妙!ニラ肉も普通ですが、美味しく頂きました。1542円やったかな、お腹一杯ご馳走様でした♪ 2021.6.6 久々♪ニンニク激増餃子良いね♪新メニュー?黒炒飯が気になりますね。M谷さんは対応も良い上に可愛くて素敵でした( ´∀` )b 2021.9.23 中華飯、ニンニク激増餃子2、ジャストサイズ唐揚げ、お腹いっぱい美味しかったです♪車やのにアルコール0.5%ビールを薦められた。0.5%はええの?
2020.2.22 I've been wanting to play as a king for a while, and today I finally realized my dream! I visited before 15:00, but the parking lot was full, so I waited for a while and parked, then went to the store! The store is full and I write a pseudonym on a piece of paper and wait for a while. I was guided to the table for two people without waiting for 5 minutes. The menu was decided on the Web from the other day, so I decided without hesitation! First of all, one serving of dumplings, Chinese rice, just-sized mapo tofu and sweet and sour pork ♪ I was at a loss for the twice-cooked meat, but be patient! Wait for about 5 minutes and the just-sized mapo tofu arrives! I'll have it ♪ It's usually delicious. Furthermore, it tastes good! And the main Chinese food is here! It was a treat to eat ♪ No, it was really delicious after a long time ♪ Even if you eat this much, 1448 yen is cheap! No, it was a really satisfying lunch ♪ I wanted to come tomorrow! It was a treat ♪ The closest king is here, but if possible, I wish I could have a store in front of the Tama Center station, such as Maglev. 2020.4.14 It's been a while since I had Tenshin-don ♪ It was delicious because of the Kyoto-style bean paste after a long time, but I don't think it can be understood by the people who recommend Tenshin-don. As for the king's rice, I think that grilled rice and Chinese bowl are definitely more delicious. Grilled rice is popular, but I hope the popularity of Chinese bowls will increase and it will become a set meal. 2020.6.20 Today I got kimchi fried rice, dumplings, just sized fried chicken and stir-fried vegetables. It's been a while since I ate the fried chicken with that powder, but the powder was delicious ♪ Others were delicious as usual. Also in August! 2020.9.2 When I felt like Mao Eggplant, I was just doing a fairy, so I stopped by for lunch. It was delicious today too ♪ 2020.11.8 I was bothered by the soupless Tantanmen noodles! Before 13:00, you will be guided to the vacant counter immediately and examine the menu! Dandan noodles and dumplings were confirmed, and I was worried about eating some vegetables, so I ordered stir-fried garlic meat today ♪ It was quite crowded at lunch on Sunday, and it was served after waiting for about 10 minutes. First of all, the soupless Tantanmen and dumplings came! I didn't order dumplings, but they are well grilled! No, it's a little overcooked. Dandan noodles are topped with meat miso, hot balls, menma, Japanese mustard spinach, green onions, and red pepper, and are mixed well. I don't feel the spiciness because of the hot balls! I think the hot ball option is fine. I feel some numbness, but it's weak. I wonder if Menma is unnecessary for soupless Tantanmen. Meat miso is just sweet and I want to have enough depth. Overall one step now! Well, it can't be helped because of the king's dandan noodles! Of course, overcooked dumplings are a little delicate! Garlic meat is also normal, but it was delicious. I wonder if I did 1542 yen, it was a full treat ♪ 2021.6.6 It's been a while ♪ Garlic dumplings are good ♪ New menu? I'm curious about black fried rice. Mr. Mtani was very nice and cute (´∀ `) b 2021.9.23 Chinese rice, garlic dumplings 2, just-sized fried chicken, I was full and delicious ♪ I recommended 0.5% alcohol beer for cars. Is 0.5% yeah?
Masakatsu Futami on Google

今回は、炒飯セット、ニンニクマシマシ餃子‼️ 今年4回目の訪問。 ニラレバ炒めと、ごはんBセットを注文。 ニラレバ炒め旨いね? 今年3回目の訪問。 チャンポンとチャーハンを注文。 超久し振り訪問。 ニンニク激増し餃子とチャーハンを注文。 チャーハンしっとり系で、しょっぱく無く美味しいですね‼️
This time, fried rice set, garlic dumplings! ️ Fourth visit this year. I ordered fried Nirareba and rice B set. Stir-fried Nirareba is delicious ? Third visit this year. I ordered champon and fried rice. Visited after a long time. I ordered dumplings and fried rice with a huge increase in garlic. Fried rice is moist and delicious without being salty! ️
むぎほっぷ on Google

東京都八王子市松木73-7【餃子の王将 南大沢店】さん 餃子が食べたくなったらここですよね。 天津炒飯(塩ダレ)と生姜餃子を注文 天津飯は甘酢、天津炒飯は塩ダレと自分の中で決まっています。 塩ダレはあっさりめで炒飯の味を損ねないのでいい感じでマッチさていて美味です! 生姜餃子はニンニクが苦手、時間的に食べられない方はおすすめです。 生姜がしっかりしておりこれも美味。 ぎょうざの満州も好きですがやはり王将かな、 ごちそうさまでした(^人^)
73-7 Matsugi, Hachioji-shi, Tokyo [Gyoza no Ohsho Minami Osawa store] If you want to eat dumplings, this is the place. Ordered Tianjin fried rice (salt sauce) and ginger dumplings Tianjin rice is sweet and sour sauce, and Tianjin fried rice is salt sauce. The salt sauce is light and does not spoil the taste of the fried rice, so it is a good match and delicious! Ginger dumplings are recommended for those who are not good at garlic and cannot eat in time. The ginger is solid and this is also delicious. I also like Gyoza no Manshu, but I think it ’s a king. Thank you for your feast (^ people ^)
おぺあたろう on Google

やっぱり昼飯は王将だね。 今日は新作のこれ!。 野菜たっぷりの五目あんかけタンメンのセット!。 アクセントに生姜が入って、なかなかのお味!。ご馳走さまでした。 店内は昼どきとあってかなりの人で賑わっていました。
After all lunch is a king. This is a new work today! .. A set of five-eyed ankake tanmen with plenty of vegetables! .. Ginger is included in the accent, and it tastes pretty good! .. It was a feast. The inside of the store was crowded with a lot of people because it was daytime.
RIE on Google

夕方の18時前に行きました。 すんなり座れたが料理提供時間は25分と長めです。 野菜あんかけラーメンは生姜の味がハッキリしてはいるもののいまいちパンチがないというか美味しくないわけでないんだけど。 全体的にお値段はリーズナブルで子供が餃子好きなのでまた伺いますが、もう少し料理提供やら片付けやら上手くホールがまわるよう改善願いたい。
I went before 18:00 in the evening. I could sit comfortably, but the food was served for a long time of 25 minutes. Vegetable ankake ramen has a clear taste of ginger, but it's not that it's not punchy or not delicious. Overall, the price is reasonable and children like dumplings, so I'll come back again, but I'd like to see improvements such as serving food and cleaning up so that the hall can be turned around well.
りゅーく on Google

Oh ! Show !
JJ Izukune on Google

Always good place to go to
Katekyo Yoshimoto (かてきょよしもと) on Google

Not bad.

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