Gyoza no Ohsho - Kumagaya

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gyoza no Ohsho

住所 :

3 Chome-153-4 Tsukuba, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0037, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 360-0037
Webサイト :

3 Chome-153-4 Tsukuba, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0037, Japan
太田滋之 on Google

The menu is abundant, the taste is delicious, and the price is cheaper than anything else, so I think it's worth a try! ️
sil on Google

今までは☆3くらいの気持ちでいたんですが、持ち帰りを初めて頼んでみて、15分くらいと言われたのに結局渡されるまで30分オーバー、焼餃子は1つはいつも通りだけどもう片方は煎餅みたいに硬い皮で冷めきった失敗作の餃子でした。 ちょっとこれからはリピートする気がしないなぁ。(特に持ち帰りを二度とする事は無いでしょう。)
Until now, I had a feeling of about ☆ 3, but when I asked for take-out for the first time, I was told that it was about 15 minutes, but it took over 30 minutes until it was handed over. It was a failed dumpling that was cold with a hard skin like this. I don't feel like repeating it from now on. (In particular, you will never take it home again.)
cheki ra on Google

腹ペコの私には最高の時間でした(^^) また行きます(^^)
It was the best time for me to be hungry (^^) I will go again (^^)
萩原浩 on Google

I think it's delicious compared to other stores.
しゅうtaro on Google

餃子、ラーメン、麻婆豆腐、エビチリを頂きました 味はまさにチェーン店の鏡。不味くは無いけど美味くもない。麻婆豆腐は辛めだけどエビチリは甘め、と味付けにはバラツキがあります。コストパフォーマンスは高いですが、開店直後に入った為か提供までの時間が少し長めでした 『とりあえず中華』にはベストでしょう
I had dumplings, ramen, mapo tofu, and shrimp chili The taste is exactly the mirror of a chain store. It's not bad, but it's not good either. Mapo tofu is spicy, but shrimp chili is sweet, and there are variations in seasoning. The cost performance is high, but it took a little longer to provide it, probably because it entered immediately after the store opened. It ’s probably the best for “Chinese food”
もももも on Google

19時頃に夕食を食べに訪問。 私は天津飯のセット、旦那は餃子の王将ラーメンの炒飯セット、唐揚げを注文しました。 餃子は普通のもにんにく激マシのも美味しかったです。旦那のラーメンはまずかったですが、炒飯と天津飯は美味しかったので、ご飯ものの方がいいのかも? 店員に覇気がなく、同僚同士で来たと思われるお酒を飲んでいる男性達が、テレビ電話しながら大声で騒いでいるのに全く注意せず。私達の前に帰った客は皆睨みながら帰ってました…あまりにも酷かったので当分は再訪はないかな…
Visited for dinner around 19:00. I ordered a set of Tenshin rice, and my husband ordered a fried rice set of Gyoza no Ohsho ramen and fried chicken. The dumplings were delicious with ordinary garlic and superb garlic. My husband's ramen was bad, but the fried rice and Tianjin rice were delicious, so maybe rice is better? The clerk wasn't enthusiastic, and he didn't pay attention to the men who were drinking alcohol, who seemed to have come with their colleagues, making a loud noise while making a video call. All the guests who returned in front of us were glaring at us ... it was so terrible that I wonder if we will come back for the time being ...
T-san S. on Google

たまに餃子をお腹いっぱい食べたくなるときがあり、週末の夜にお邪魔しました。 個人的に王将の餃子をひたすら食べるのが好きで、最近良く利用させてもらってます。 餃子の王将アプリを入れているので、毎月、餃子一人前が無料になるクーポン届くので、利用させてもらってます。 ついでにスタンプ貯められて一石二鳥ですね? 店内は1階と2階があり、お客様の出入りも覆いです。 混雑時は注文しても結構待つ場合があるので、ご注意ください。 また餃子食べに行きたいと思います。 御馳走様でした?
Sometimes I wanted to eat dumplings full, so I visited on weekend nights. Personally, I like to eat the dumplings of the king, and I've been using them a lot lately. Since I have the dumpling king app installed, I receive a coupon for free dumplings every month, so I am using it. By the way, stamps are saved and it's two birds with one stone ? The store has 1st and 2nd floors, which covers the entrance and exit of customers. Please note that you may have to wait a long time even if you place an order when it is crowded. I would like to go to eat dumplings again. It was a treat ?
YA HO on Google


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