文教堂書店 行徳店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文教堂書店 行徳店

住所 :

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : http://www.bunkyodo.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–9PM
Sunday 9AM–9PM
Monday 9AM–9PM
Tuesday 9AM–9PM
Wednesday 9AM–9PM
Thursday 9AM–9PM
Friday 9AM–9PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan
Vasconcelos AgonizeLay on Google

品揃えは悪くありません。 西友の中にある故か、基本的に老若男女問わず幅広い層に対応した品揃えです。 安心してお子様連れて買い物にも行けます。実際、多くのお子様連れの親子や家族連れで来る方もいらっしゃいます。 ここはレコード店も併設しているので、店頭でCD買いたい人はここを頼るのが適切です。
Assortment is not bad. Probably because it is in Seiyu, we basically have a wide variety of products for men and women of all ages. You can take your children with confidence and go shopping. In fact, some people come with parents and families with many children. There is also a record store here, so if you want to buy a CD at the store, it is appropriate to rely on it.
みる on Google

西友4Fにある本屋。 先日店内配置を大きく変え、CDコーナー部分を文具コーナーへと変更し、解放感が出た。 普通の文具コーナー自体は3Fの西友コーナーにあるが、こちらはちょっとオシャレだったり興味をひかれる文具が置いてあって良かった。 本スペース自体は広くもなく狭くもない、近所で目当ての本を探すのにちょうど良い広さ。 メジャーどころはボチボチ置いてある印象。 通路が広めなので、ベビーカーでも買い物出来る。 西友内の店舗ではあるが、西友のカード割引は適用されないので注意。 図書カード、クオカードが利用可能。 西友自体にエレベーターやエスカレーター、駐輪場(一定時間後有料)等あり。
A bookstore in Seiyu 4F. The other day the store location has been largely changed, and the CD corner has been changed to a stationery corner, giving a sense of solution. The regular stationery corner itself is in the 3F Seiyu corner, but it was good to have stationery that is a bit fashionable and interesting. The space itself is neither large nor narrow, just right for finding a book in the area. The impression that a major place is put is botherned. Because the passage is wide, you can shop with a stroller. Although it is a store in Seiyu, please note that the Seiyu card discount is not applied. Book cards and Quocards are available. Seiyu itself has elevators and escalators, and bicycle parking lots (charged after a certain time).
浜田こうじ on Google

I'm afraid of the assortment of IT books. Of course, it is inferior to a large bookstore, but this is enough, and I feel that it is managed by a knowledgeable person. I often come here because the assortment of Myoden Aeon bookstores is garbage. If this is crushed, I may not come to Gyotoku anymore. So even I, an Amazon abuser, decide to buy IT books here.
Hidetake Nagae on Google

2020年8月現在、hontoカード使えます。閉店もしておらず、営業中です。 行徳駅すぐそばにあった山下書店行徳店が2020年7月に閉店し、行徳駅付近の書店はここと、古本屋のBOOKOFF行徳駅前店くらいになりました。TSUTAYA行徳店はちょっと離れているし、「書店」かというと…。 売場面積の割には品揃えは悪くないと思います。
As of August 2020, honto cards can be used. It is open, not closed. The Yamashita Shoten Gyotoku Store, which was located near Gyotoku Station, closed in July 2020, and the only bookstores near Gyotoku Station are here and the second-hand bookstore BOOKOFF Gyotoku Station. The TSUTAYA Gyotoku store is a little far away, and when it comes to "bookstores"... I think the product lineup is not bad for the sales floor area.
しろくま on Google

ふらっと立ち寄りやすいです。文房具もたくさん売ってます。 hontoアプリで在庫検索も出来るので良いと思います。 ただ、在庫あり(棚番〇〇)とアプリに表示されるものの、肝心の店頭にその棚番が見当たらないです。 店頭の機械で検索しても、在庫の有無はわかっても場所までは書いてなくて少し困りました。 自力でも探しやすいように大きく棚番を表示してくれたら良いな、と思います。
It's easy to stop by. We also sell a lot of stationery. I think it's good because you can also search inventory with the honto app. However, although it is displayed in the app that it is in stock (shelf number 〇〇), the shelf number is not found at the essential storefront. Even if I searched with the machine in the store, I could find out if it was in stock, but I couldn't write down the location, so I was a little troubled. I think it would be nice if the shelf numbers were displayed large so that you could easily find them on your own.
相沢修悟 on Google

駅前の本屋じゃなくて、ここが閉店すれば良かったのにと思う程の品揃えと陳列。 本を自分で買ったり、読んだりしない人が本屋やってますという印象を受けます。 とりあえずアニメ化、ドラマ化してるからとりあえず雑に置いている感じ。 決まった目当ての本がある場合、Amazonをオススメします。本との出会いも出版社HPでしらべてAmazonで探した方がマシです。 実店舗である意味は感じられませんでした。
It's not a bookstore in front of the station, but an assortment and display that I wish I had closed here. I get the impression that people who don't buy or read books themselves are doing bookstores. For the time being, it's made into an animation and a drama, so it feels like I'm putting it loosely for the time being. If you have a book you're looking for, I recommend Amazon. It is better to search the publisher's website for encounters with books and search for them on Amazon. I didn't feel the meaning of being a real store.
貴洋千葉(バッチ) on Google

There are plenty of books and stationery!
我ら大日本国大和民族同胞愛初代神武天皇陛下古墳時代から明治大正昭和 on Google

Chiba Prefecture of Bunkyodo is also struggling while the number is decreasing. I want you to line up your own books that are typical of the long-established Bunkyodo. The local people want it. Good luck Japanese Bunkyodo. Completely survived even in Reiwa. Please come back to the popular bookstore.

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