未来屋書店 葛西店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 未来屋書店 葛西店

住所 :

Nishikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0088 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.miraiyashoten.co.jp/shop/%25E6%259C%25AA%25E6%259D%25A5%25E5%25B1%258B%25E6%259B%25B8%25E5%25BA%2597%25E8%2591%259B%25E8%25A5%25BF/
街 : Tokyo

Nishikasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0088 Tokyo,Japan
Hiroko M on Google

ここの本屋さん、ショッピングセンターの中にあるのに静かでゆったりした空間で、とても好きな場所です。 オススメの本や、話題の本、工夫を凝らしたコーナーがあって、読書家でもないわたしでもついつい手が伸びます。 ここで出会えた傑作は数知れず…これからもお世話になると思います♬
The bookstore here is in a shopping center, but it's a quiet and spacious space, and I really like it. There are recommended books, topical books, and elaborate corners, so even I, who is not a reader, can easily reach out. There are countless masterpieces I met here ... I think I will continue to take care of you ♬
タイワイム on Google

I visited this bookstore in June. (Estalator) The chairs that are close to me were very quiet and easy to choose in a space with a small number of people, but I didn't put them in the manga on the day of the latest issue. It's like a small bookstore
REIJIRO O on Google

良くも悪くもない、普通の本屋さんです。 パズルの品揃えがとても良いのが、ほかの本屋との違いでしょうか。。
It's an ordinary bookstore that is neither good nor bad. Is it different from other bookstores in that the assortment of puzzles is very good? ..
剛(慈善家) on Google

The product lineup is abundant, but the number of books per book seems to be a little small, so popular works may be sold out early.
Junko on Google

イオン併設 売り場が広く、様々なジャンルの本があり、買い物ついでに色々な本をみて楽しめる 潰れたら嫌だから、ちょくちょく買って買い支えてます 洋書があったらいいなー、漢検や英検関連、学生向けの参考書類は豊富なので、直接手にとって比較して選べるのは嬉しいです
Aeon The sales floor is wide, there are books of various genres, and you can enjoy looking at various books while shopping. I don't like it if it's crushed, so I buy it often and support it I wish I had a foreign book, there are a lot of reference documents for Kanji Kentei, Eiken, and students, so I'm glad that I can compare and select them directly.
Shinichi Morita on Google

イオン系の店舗によく入っている書店ですが、店づくりはそれぞれ違うデザインのようです。 棚の並びや平台のオススメのPOPも、なかなか良い感じの内容でした。 コロナ禍に入ってから、書店で気軽に立ち読みが出来なくなってきており、足が遠のいていますが、オンラインでは得られない出会いの場として残って欲しいです。
It is a bookstore that is often found in AEON stores, but it seems that each store has a different design. The arrangement of shelves and the recommended POP on the flatbed were also quite good. Since I entered Corona, I haven't been able to easily browse at bookstores, so I'm far from it, but I hope it will remain as a meeting place that can't be obtained online.
さかいk on Google

ERI on Google

I love this atmosphere. It makes me stay here more. It's quiet and spacious.

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