ステーキ たかはし

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ステーキ たかはし

住所 :

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87997788
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan
on Google

Hideto Nagao on Google

I got it once!
Paipai Tao on Google

The polite work again gave us a stable taste. Next time, I want to eat one dish even if you don't have rice and miso soup.
戒能嘉信 on Google

和風ステーキ屋さん。 ステーキもおいしいが、付け合わせなども丁寧に作られている。 ゆったりとした上品な空間なので落ち着いて食事したいときにおすすめ。
Japanese steakhouse. The steak is delicious, but the side dishes are also carefully made. It's a spacious and elegant space, so it's recommended when you want to have a calm meal.
_luna_蠍座 on Google

ワタシに 牛肉の本当の味を教えてくれたお店… 行徳に住んでいた頃 ステーキ食べるならココって決めていた… 当時は 頻繁には行けなかったけど 自分へのご褒美には ココ“一択”だった…(笑)
The shop that taught Watashi the true taste of beef ... When I lived in Gyotoku, I decided to eat steak here ... At that time, I couldn't go there often, but as a reward for myself, it was a "choice" ... (laughs)
miskysouk2 on Google

とても美味しいお店でした。 ステーキはとても良いお肉を使ってらっしゃるのか、ありきたりな表現ですがまさに柔らかくて口の中でとろけるという感じでした。 僕と奥さんの中では煮込みハンバーグがとてもお気に入りで、濃厚なソースでじっくり煮込まれたハンバーグはジューシーかつ旨味タップリで、こちらも素晴らしく美味しいです。 ご夫婦で切り盛りされていらっしゃるので料理が出るのに時間がかかることもありますが、店内に流れるゆったりとした時間を味わって戴ければ良いかと思います。
It was a very delicious shop. Perhaps the steak uses very good meat, which is a common expression, but it was just soft and melted in the mouth. Stewed hamburger steak is my favorite among me and my wife, and the hamburger steak that has been carefully stewed in a rich sauce is juicy and delicious, which is also wonderfully delicious. It may take some time for the food to be served because the couple are working together, but I think it would be nice if you could enjoy the relaxing time that flows through the store.
荻野正博 on Google

It has been providing delicious meat with Gyotoku for more than 30 years. The exquisite relationship between the reticent chef in the kitchen and his wife, who divides the audience by himself, hasn't changed for a long time.
on Google

いつもとても美味しく頂いてます。お店の雰囲気も大好き。 コロナ対策でかなりしっかりと換気をされていますので、12月に行った際はかなり寒かったです。冬場はぜひ暖かい服装で!
It's always very delicious. I also love the atmosphere of the shop. It was quite cold when I went there in December because it was well ventilated as a measure against corona. Be sure to wear warm clothes in winter!

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