
4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社カナエ・アドバンス

住所 :

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト : https://www.kanae-advance.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6:30PM
Sunday 10AM–6:30PM
Monday 10AM–6:30PM
Tuesday 10AM–6:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6:30PM
Friday 10AM–6:30PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Gyotoku Ekimae, Ichikawa, 〒272-0133 Chiba,Japan
katsumi yamazaki on Google

ai enomoto on Google

物件探しの際、とても親身になってご提案してくださいます。 困りごとなどある時も対応していただき、いつもありがとうございます。
When looking for a property, please be very kind and suggest me. Thank you for always responding to any problems.
コザソラ on Google

親身になって探してもらえます。 オススメの不動産屋さんです。
You can look for it with kindness. It is a recommended real estate agent.
ケンセイ on Google

I was very kindly explained and I was able to contract without anxiety. It is a real estate agent that can be recommended for those looking for a house or room from now on!
oyada eri on Google

Really recommended real estate! ! I have been taking care of you since you rented it. How many times were you helping me to look for a property with a kindness and respond immediately if I had any trouble after the contract? Above all, their personalities are the best! !
たけのこ on Google

マンションの売却でお世話になりました。 室内を隈なくバーチャルで見せるなどHP等への掲載を工夫され、思ったより高く思ったより早く売却が決まりました。大手不動産会社とは規模が違いますが、地元に根付く不動産屋さんで、仲の良いご夫妻のきめ細かい連携が上手く取れています。
Thank you for selling the condominium. We devised a way to post it on our website, such as showing the entire room virtually, and decided to sell it earlier than we expected. Although the scale is different from that of a major real estate company, it is a real estate agent rooted in the local area, and the fine-tuned cooperation between the husband and wife who are close friends is well taken.
Nozomi Takahashi on Google

すごく親身になって丁寧に誠実にご対応いただきました。 突然短い期間で部屋探しをしなければならなくなったにも関わらず 粘り強く多くの物件を探していただき、 理想的な部屋に引っ越せる事になりました。 ご担当者さんは物腰が柔らかく気さくでとても信頼できる印象です。 正直いままでお世話になったどの不動産屋さんよりも誠実で丁寧で提案力があり対応が迅速で優しかったです。 部屋を探さないといけないけどどの不動産屋さんに行けばいいのか分からないという人には本当にオススメしたいです。
Thank you very much for your kindness and politeness. Despite suddenly having to search for a room in a short period of time Perseverely search for many properties, You can now move to the ideal room. The person in charge has a soft and friendly impression and is very reliable. Honestly, I was more sincere, polite, proposing, quicker and kinder than any real estate agent I've ever taken care of. I really want to recommend it to people who have to find a room but don't know which real estate agent to go to.
加倉井久美子(おくみ) on Google

急遽仕事で使用するため土地を探さなくてはならなくなり、知り合いの方に、カナエさんを紹介して頂きました! お電話を初めさせて頂いたのですが、とても親切丁寧に受け応えをして頂きました! そして、迅速な対応をして頂き、1か月で土地を購入する事ができました。 本当に助かりました。 不動産のことなら、絶対カナエさんオススメです?
I had to search for land in a hurry to use it for work, so I was introduced to Mr. Kanae by an acquaintance! I started calling, but they responded very kindly and politely! And I was able to purchase the land in one month because of the prompt response. That was a really big help. When it comes to real estate, I definitely recommend Kanae ?

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