Gulliver Tanashi - Nishitokyo

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Gulliver Tanashi

住所 :

1 Chome-8-31 Tanashicho, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 188-0011
Webサイト :

1 Chome-8-31 Tanashicho, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-0011, Japan
hiro Y on Google

大満足の買い物が出来ました。初回訪問から納車まで、とても親切でスピーディーな対応に安心してお任せ出来ました。 特に担当の和田さんには、いつも笑顔で親身にアドバイスして貰えたので、夫婦共に大満足です。色々とありがとうございました!
I was very satisfied with my shopping. From the first visit to the delivery of the car, I was able to leave it to you with confidence in the very kind and speedy response. In particular, Mr. Wada, who is in charge, always smiled and gave me personal advice, so both the couple are very satisfied. Thank you for everything!
フクジン on Google

The purchase itself was too lonely and I was nervous, but I was satisfied with the response and delivered the car.
tk oc on Google

買取査定で伺いました。 丁寧に対応してくださり、今後の生活を踏まえた上で、売却すべきか乗り続けるべきかを一緒に考えていただきました。 相談して良かったです!
I asked for a purchase assessment. They responded politely, and based on their future lives, they thought about whether to sell or continue to ride. It was good to consult!
徳田詩織 on Google

I took my children with me, but I was very grateful for the environment, as there was a kids' corner and the children were kind to me! Overall, it was good that the clerk's response was polite. thank you!
上田裕秋 on Google

I asked for a consultation about replacing a used car. I had them understand the circumstances and hopes of this place, and they were kind enough to consult with me. Unfortunately, we didn't have the used car we wanted, but we were able to ask for very helpful information. If I have a chance, I will be indebted to you again.
下黒澤里旺 on Google

丁寧で親切な営業をしてくださり、査定を終え帰るまでとても居心地が良かったです。 担当してくださった方もフランクに話していただき、査定の話だけでなく色々な話が出来ておもしろく、勉強になりました。 次回もまたこちらでお願いしたいと思います。
They were polite and kind, and I was very comfortable until I returned home after the assessment. The person in charge also talked to Frank, and it was interesting and studying not only about the assessment but also about various things. I would like to ask you again next time.
月尾隆行 on Google

We received a smooth response from consultation to contract and delivery. The explanation by Mr. Amemiya, the person in charge, was also very easy to understand and polite.
Daisuke Takahashi on Google

乗り換えのため、車を売却しました。 ディーラーでは、下取り不可で引き取り?廃車?の諸費用諸々取られるとこでしたが、リサイクル代金を戻してもらえるとのことで、契約しました。 過去に他店舗を利用したことがあったのと、もう一社(CMでよく見る大手)と迷いましたが、周りの口コミでガリバーさんにしました。 担当してくださった方は、明るい方で話しやすく良かったです。
I sold my car to change trains. Is it not possible to trade in at the dealer and pick it up? Scrapped car? I was told that various expenses would be taken, but I was told that I would be able to return the recycling fee, so I made a contract. I was at a loss with another company (a major company that I often see in commercials) because I had used other stores in the past, but I chose Gulliver by word of mouth around me. It was good that the person in charge was a bright person and easy to talk to.

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